Hobby 2020 @innes
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Going to keep track of all my hobbying for the year. Will it make me more productive? Lets see.
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31 Dec
Well that was an interesting year.
Not much gaming apart from online and no shows or tourneys.
But even though I didn’t get any extra time off from this pandemic, I still managed to get at least 348 minis painted.
So that’s the number to beat in 2021.
19 Nov
Inspired by the news that the MERCS IP has been sold and will be coming back next year, we had a game on TTS. It got me in the mood, so I dug out the GCC faction and decided to get them painted up. First minis I’ve painted in ages.
18 Nov
So the COVID Tier system in Scotland means no indoor visits so real life gaming has come to a halt. Lots of gaming on TTS but it kind of killed my enthusiasm for updating here. Not done much painting either.
Super Fantasy Brawl by Mythic arrived. Minis are great. Everything is a bit bigger than I expected though so the box is huge!
22 Sep
Today, we tried out Rumbleslam on TTS. Really fun little game. Man of the match was one of Iain’s halflings that managed to sleeper hold my Troll. Then Pinned it out of the match.
A game of Pikeman’s Lament In Edinburgh on Monday. Really good game. My force narrowly managed to repel the attack on their earthworks.
15 Sep
Just some virtual gaming on TTS this week. ASOIAF and Moonstone.
10 Sep
Last week: Godtear in person and SW:Legion on TTS.
This week: a couple of games of Blitzbowl on TTS. And a real game of Oak&Iron.
Aug 31
Morrigan the Lich Queen of the Frozen Wastes.
Aug 26
Nia the Crystalmancer and her Quartzlings for Godtear.
Aug 25
Just a quick game of ASOIAF this week.
Painting: Decided to get my Godtear stuff finished off. First up is Blackjaw and his orcs.
Aug 18
So yesterday, after 23 weeks, we finally got a real life game! Facemasks on, hands sanitised and physically distanced as much as possible of course.
We gave the new edition of Muskets & Tomahawks its first try. A lot of changes but it seemed that they all added to the game. We chose to just assume that we’d both got the battle scenario. Less special rules while we got used to the system.
Great fun. My Indians won.
Also looked great, as the lack of gaming had given us time to get our armies fully painted.
Today, back on the computer, a game of ASOIAF.
Aug 13
Gaming this week. On Monday we had a game of blitz bowl. Dwarfs v Skaven. Quite a close game till the last turn where the dwarfs failed a pass for a TD so they lost 14-20.
Tuesday was some ASOIAF. We both played factions we hadn’t before. I used NightsWatch v Lannister. 10-5 win.
Wednesday was going to be some extra gaming, but thunderstorms and flooding KO’d my internet and phone reception for most of the day.
Aug 10
Been working away on my Native Americans for Muskets&Tomahawks. Need to order some more movement trays for them but apart from that I think that’s them done for now. I think I’ve got enough for a 400pt game. Can’t wait to try out the 2nd edition rules. The rulebook arrived just as Scotland went into lockdown.
Aug 4
The Macedonians are done!
My Pyrrhic Expedition to the West force for Clash of Spears. The units of 16 pike are probably too big for the game but I thought i’d Paint up full units anyway. I can always use them as two 8man units each.
Aug 3
A game of ASOIAF today on TTS. Iain’s Nightwatch successfully kept my FreeFolk north of the Wall.
Jul 29
Been enjoying A Song of Ice and Fire a lot on Tabletop Simulator during lockdown. Also saved a bit of cash from not being able to go anywhere or do anything. So i treated myself to a bargain off ebay.
Jul 28
Last weeks gaming: ASOIAF and SuperFantasyBrawl.
This week: ASOIAF and after Moonstone on the Weekender we gave that a go. Very good little game. Thanks Gerry, that’s another game on the to-buy list.
Painting: More Macedonians and Greeks for Clash of Spears. Pics to follow when i get the bases done.
Jul 16
Some SW:Legion, BlitzBowl and Keyforge on Tabletop Simulator this week.
Nearly finished my Macedonians for Clash of Spears. Just a couple of characters to paint and waiting for some bases and movement trays to arrive.