KoW dwarf army
Recommendations: 535
About the Project
My challenge to paint up a Mantic Kings of War Dwarf Army
Related Game: Kings of War
Related Company: Mantic Games
Related Genre: Fantasy
This Project is Active
A Dwarf Is A Dwarf Is A Dwarf?
I was asked in a previous posts’ comment about the comparison between the three different Dwarf models I’m using for my army. There are Mantic models for Kings of War. There are some very old metal models from GW for WHFB, I’m going to guess they were cast in the mid nineties. Finally there are some models I got from Kickstarter, I believe they were cast by Ral Partha but I may be mistaken. Firstly there is a clear difference in height. The mantic dwarfs are the tallest with GW and Ral Partha much the same, as seen below.
More subtle than that is a difference in proportion. The Mantic dwarfs are narrow at the bottom and wide at the top, the GW seem more circular and the Ral Partha are narrower at the top.
Finally there are differences in style. The GW weapons are much larger compared to the model, with Mantic being in the middle and Ral Partha being the most naturalistic. The heads for Mantic are also larger.
I’m hopeing that a unifying paint scheme will minimise the difference within my army.
Hopefully this is helpful.
What have I done
The magnitude of the painting task in front of me is starting to look a little daunting. Neither of the following two photos contain the entire force so far…
So now they are all primed the next job is to start the painting. Wish me luck.
Going Old School
I dug around in all my old models, and things I’d bought and not painted, and came up with some stuff that could be added to my growing Dwarf Army. Proxying is fine in KoW so I put together two more units.
It's all about the base
I’ve decided to go for old fashioned PVA and sand for the bases. I might see how contrast paints work on bases as it might save on time when it comes to painting. As you can see in the photo above I started to prime them using the wraithbone spray from GW in preparation for painting with contrast paints.
The mountain of men is growing
There’s a lot more to come. I found there was a missing part in my box of badger riders. When I contacted Mantic they said they would send it through straight away. What I didn’t expect to receive was a complete new kit. Amazing customer service and I’ve got a whole unit for free.
And so it begins
I’ve always wanted to paint up a whole rank and file army. My FLGS had a 50% off KoW deal so I bought some stumpy chaps and I’m going to try a paint them all.
I’m planning to play around with the new contrast paints to get a decent look as quickly as possible.
They’re going to be based in the old fashioned WFB style so they can be used for other systems if needed.