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Resolution 2020: Clearing the pile of shame

Resolution 2020: Clearing the pile of shame

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Project Blog by danlee Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 1190

About the Project

One of my 2020 resolutions is to clear my pile of shame. Unless the models are for an existing project, I will document my work on them here.

This Project is Completed

Aeon Trespass Nymphs: Blade, Knowledge, Amalthean, Hope, Age and Sweets - WIP 3

Tutoring 9
Skill 10
Idea 9
1 Comment

The large amphorae held by the amalthean nymphs had a pattern on it so I replicated that with corvus black.


The green leaves in the hair of the age nymph was painted waaagh! flesh, washed biel-tan green, then highlighted warboss green followed by skarsnik green.


The grapes held by and on the base of the sweet nymph were painted naggaroth night, washed druchii violet, then highlighted xereus purple followed by genestealer purple.


The stone blade of the blade nymph was painted mechanicus standard grey, washed agrax earthsade, then highlighted dawnstone followed by administratum grey.


The bronze areas were painted screaming bell and then washed agrax earthshade. I haven’t done it yet, but they will then be highlighted hashut copper followed by sycorax bronze.

Aeon Trespass Nymphs: Blade, Knowledge, Amalthean, Hope, Age and Sweets - Finished

Tutoring 12
Skill 13
Idea 12
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To finish the models I used contrast paints on the bases along with paints already on my palette to paint the rims. The colours used were skeleton hordeapothecary whitewyldwooddarkoath fleshbasilicanum grey and militarum green.


The Blade Nymph had some watered down blood for the blood god applied to her hands and fore-arms to tie her in to her art card. I guess she must be pretty vicious.


Kingdom Death Monster Gorm Expansion

Tutoring 16
Skill 16
Idea 15

The Gorm model and survivors went together well enough but the Gorm had some bad joint lines on his hips and around the head. Gerry suggested milliput for gap filling on the unofficial hobby hangout so I got my milliput out only to find it had turned rock solid. I guess that happens when you leave it for 15 years. I decided to proceed without filling the gaps in the hopes the paint job hid it. It did not.

The models were undercoated with zandri dust.

The Gorm’s skin was given a mottle effect along its back by first painting a solid patch of castellan green. I then surrounded it with a ring or large patches of castellan green. Around that I did a second ring of smaller patches. In total I did four rings, with the sizes of the patches getting successively smaller. This still looked very artificial, so I stippled castellan green over the entire pattern to blend the patches together.

The skin was then finished with plageubearer flesh over the entire model, followed by drybrushes of elysian green followed by ogryn camo.


The mottled patter on the Gorm's back before the plaguebearer flesh.The mottled patter on the Gorm's back before the plaguebearer flesh.

The survivor’s armour and regeneration suite were painted in the same way as the Gorm skin but without any mottled patterns.

Bone areas were painted zandri dust, followed by highlights of ushabti bone followed by screaming skull.

The skin (and inside the Gorm’s mouth) were painted bugman’s glow, followed by highlights of cadian fleshtone and kislev flesh.

The regeneration suite pinup model’s hair was painted evil sunz scarlet followed by highlights of wild rider red.

Metal areas were painted ironbreaker.

The models were then given an all over wash of seraphim sepia. I do this to all my Kingdom Death Monster models as I want the sepia tones to tie all the models together and with the art style of the game.

Light sources were then painted white scar, and then white scar was drybrushed around them where light would strike the modelThe sources were washed with casandora yellow and the areas of glow were glazed lamenter’s yellow.

The Gorm’s eyes were so big I felt I had to try to paint them well. They had three coats of white scar to give them a good solid base colour. I then used naggaroth night to paint purple circles for the irises. Then I used xereus purple to paint a star pattern over the naggaroth night. On top of this I painted a finer genestealer purple star. Once these were dry I used abaddon black to paint a central circle to be the pupil. Finally a dot of flash gitz yellow served as a reflection of the Gorm’s glowing lure.

Kingdom Death Starting Survivors

Tutoring 17
Skill 18
Idea 18
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My plan is to work my way through the different sets of survivors more or less following the progression of the game, so I started with the unarmoured survivors, Old Joe, Young Rachel, and the intimacy couple.


The models were undercoated zandri dust.


The skin was basecoated bugman’s glow, then layered with cadian fleshtone followed by kislev flesh.


The cloth was painted celestra grey and then highlighted ulthuan grey.


The whip was painted mournefang brown then highlighted tuskgor fur.


The bone was painted ushabti bone and then highlighted screaming skull.


The different hair colours were dawnstone with a highlight of celestra grey pink horror highlighted with emperor’s childrennaggaroth nightshade highlighted with xereus purplethe fang highlighted with russ greyiyanden darksun highlighted with flash gitz yellowevil sunz scarlet highlighted with wild rider redmacharius solar orange highlighted with blazing orange, or teclis blue  highlighted with lothern blue.


Metal areas were painted ironbreaker.


The models then had an all-over wash of seraphim sepia.


Light sources were then painted white scar and white scar was drybrushed where light would fall on the models. The light sources were washed casandora yellow and the areas where light would fall were glazed lamenters yellow.

Kingdom Death Rawhide Survivors

Tutoring 13
Skill 13
Idea 13
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These were painted in the same way as the starting survivors, except I used two new brown colour sets to represent the rawhide.


Most of the browns were painted XV-88 and then highlighted tausept ochre followed by bubonic brown before the seraphim sepia wash.


The darker browns were painted mournefang brown and then highlighted skrag brown before the seraphim sepia wash.

Kingdom Death Leather Survivors

Tutoring 13
Skill 13
Idea 13
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These survivors were painted the same as before, except the leather is rhinox hide highlighted with baneblade brown before the seraphim sepia wash.


Hair colours were loren forest highlighted with straken greeniyanden darksun highlighted with flash gitz yellow or evil sunz scarlet highlighted with wild rider red. The fourth model had a leather hood.

Aeon Trespass: Engine Nymph

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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It was a nice change of pace to just focus on a single mini for a change. This also gave me the opportunity to try something different for a skin tone, as in the artwork this model seems to have a metallic skin colour.


The model was undercoated greyseer then zenithed with wraithbone.


The skin was basecoated with a 50:50 mix of rakarth flesh:runefang steel. It was then highlighted with a 50:50 mix of flayed one flesh:runefang steel, followed by a final highlight of 50:50 pallid wych flesh:runefang steel.


The leather clothing was basecoated mournefang brown, washed with druchii violet, then highlighted with skrag brown followed by tuskgor fur.


Her hair was painted tausept ochre, washed seraphim sepia, then highlighted bubonic brown.


The metal areas were either painted screaming bell, washed reikland fleshshade, then highlighted hashut copper followed by sycorax bronze, or were basecoated warplock bronze and then highlighted with brass scorpion followed by runelord brass.


The molten metal in the crucible was painted iyanden darksun, washed fuegan orange, then highlighted flash gitz yellow.


The base was painted with basilicanum grey contrast paint.


Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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This entry isn’t actually a model from my pile of shame, but it doesn’t make sense to create a whole new project just for this one model so I’m throwing it in here.


My gaming club’s latest painting competition has the limitation of only grey scale allowed. I suggested we allow a single colour for source lighting or to go for a Sin City style, and that was accepted.


The model is a 3D print from my Sparkmaker SLA printer. The STL file came from a Kickstarter by Bella Nacht Miniatures, and you can find the files for sale here:


There are a few lines visible on the print. I had just changed to a new resin when I printed the model and didn’t realise the exposure time needed increasing a little bit.


The model was undercoated mechanicus standard grey then zenithed with corax white.


The feathers, skin, and smoke were all painted using layers of 50:50 celestra grey:lahmian medium, 50:50 ulthuan grey:lahmian medium, and 50:50 white scar:lahmian medium. Without the option to use colours to distinguish the different parts of the model I had to attempt different textures instead. For the feathers I wet blended darker grey at the base of the feathers, through mid-tone grey in the middle and white at the tips. For the skin I tried smooth highlights and for the smoke I went with starker highlights.


To help add definition to the model, particularly with the feathers, the entire model got a wash of 50:50 nuln oil:lahmian medium.


The leather straps and blindfold were picked out with a 50:50 abaddon black:lahmian medium.


To make the star and mood really pop as light sources they each had about five coats of the white scar mix used earlier. They were then glazed with 50:50 lamenters yellow:lahmian medium. This yellow glaze was applied to the star and moon, plus all the areas I imagined light from them would fall. I then applied successive glazes (about five in total) with each one covering the star, moon, and a little less of the illuminated area. This was to provide a yellow gradient brightest at the centre of the location where the light hit, and faintest at the edges.

Kingdom Death Monster Lion Armour Survivors

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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Kingdom Death Monster Lion Armour Survivors

These survivors were painted in the same way as previous sets, except the clothing was painted zandri dust then drybrushed ushabti bone followed by screaming skull. The mains were painted skrag brown and highlighted deathclaw brown. This tied the colour scheme in with the one I used for the Lion model itself.

Kingdom Death Monster Antelope Armour Survivors

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Kingdom Death Monster Antelope Armour Survivors

Once again I painted this set to match the monster that their armour is tied to. In this case that meant painting the leather rhinox hide, highlighted by doombull brown followed by tuskgor fur.


The fur was painted mournefang brown and then highlighted skrag brown followed by deathclaw brown.


The bone and horns were painted baneblade brown and then highlighted rakarth flesh followed by flayed one flesh.


One of the survivors is suffering from the King’s curse and their head has grown a Regal Helmet. This is painted bugman’s glow and then highlighted auric armour gold followed by liberator gold.

COGs only gifting chain

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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This is the model @horati0nosebl0wer sent me as part of the COGs only gifting chain (


The model arrived undercoated black with a white zenith.


I started by applying basecoats using contrast paints. Wyldwood  for the skin (I wanted the model to look like a wooden dryad), warp lightning for the dress, militarum green for the boots and vambraces, skeleton horde for the staff, darkoath flesh for the rocks on the base volupus pink for the head dress and basilicanum grey for the dagger.


I drybrushed the base and staff with tyrant skull, the greens with hellion green, the head dress with changeling pink and the dagger with necron compound.


The eyes were painted vomit brown, trying to give the appearance of amber. The skin was highlighted skrag brown followed by deathclaw brown.


The crystals on the base and staff were painted wraithbone and then with aethermatic blue.

Kingdom Death Lantern and Phoenix armour sets

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Kingdom Death Lantern and Phoenix armour sets
Kingdom Death Lantern and Phoenix armour sets

With these models painted all the models from the core game are now finished.


These were painted in the same way as my previous Kingdom Death Monster models. The only “new” schemes were to tie the phoenix armour into my phoenix model which I painted years ago when I got the game. The feathers are xereus purple highlighted with genestealer purple. The toes and fingers were painted pink horror and the smaller feathers were painted solar orange. Normally I’d use at least one colour to highlight but my other pink and orange paints had dried up.

Depths Nymph

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Another Aeon Trespass nymph painted up.


The skin was painted rakarth flesh then highlighted pallid wych fleshfollowed by flayed one flesh (yes I applied those last two paints in the wrong order).


The tentacles were painted the fang then highlighted with russ grey followed by fenrisian grey.


The hair was painted ulthuan grey, washed with drakenhof nightshade, then highlighted white scar.


The water was painted mordian blue then washed with drakenhof nightshade. It was then highlighted with ultramarines blue, followed by calgar blue then white scar.


The sea shells were painted jokaero orange, washed fuegan orange, then highlighted trollslayer orange.


Her rags were painted mournefang brown.


The diving helmet was painted screaming bell with highlights of hashut copper and sycorax bronze.

Forge Nymph

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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The skin was basecoated mournefang brown, washed agrax earthshade, then highlighted skrag brown followed by deathclaw brown.


The leather belts were painted rhinow hide, washed agrax eearthshade, then highlighted doombull brown then tuskgor fur.


The apron was painted zandri dust, washed agrax earthshade, then highlighted ushabti bone followed by screaming skull.


The anvil was painted leadbelcher, washed nuln oil, then highlighted ironbreaker followed by runefang steel.


I then wanted to try to show the glow from the forge using object source lighting. I’ve never done OSL using wet blending before so decided to give it a try. On the skin I mixed skrag brown with increasing amounts of trollslayer orange to introduce an orange glow. For the apron I mixed screaming skull with trollslayer orange, and for the anvil I used ironbreaker with trollslayer orange.


The base was simply painted with apothecary white and then trollslayer orange was used to add OSL to the floor.

Machina Nymph

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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I particularly enjoyed painting this Nymph model. I think it was the combination of the gnarled tree and unusual android colour scheme.


The upper body was painted pink horror then layered up with emperor’s children through to white scar in successive blends.


The legs were painted screamer pink then highlighted pink horror.


The hair and fabric around the knees was painted corvus black  then highlighted incubi darkness.


The feet and metal plates on the legs were painted celestra grey then highlighted ulthuan grey.


The ring was painted xv-88 then highlighted tausept ochre followed by bubonic brown.


The tree was painted darkoath flesh and then patches of plaguebearer flesh were applied in patches while the darkoath flesh was still wet to simulate patches of moss.

Midas Nymph

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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The midas nymph was my first real attempt at non-metallic metals. I started by painting her throne (?) apothecary white.


The nymph was then painted xv-88 and highlighted up through tausept ochre to bubonic brown. The final highlight was a mix of white scar and bubonic brown.


The base was then painted black templar.

Silica Nymph

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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The final nymph in my collection! Until I buy more…


The skin was painted rakarth flesh then highlighted pallid wych flesh.


The crystals were painted celestra grey, then edge highlighted ulthuan grey followed by white scar.


The gold was painted xv-88 then highlighted with tausept ochre followed by bubonic brown.


The blue stripes on the clothes were calgar blue.


The face mask was painted russ grey then highlighted fenrisian grey followed by ulthuan grey.


The base was painted black templar.

Kingdom Death Monster Lonely Tree Expansion

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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The models were undercoated zandri dust (I undercoated all my Kingdom Death models this way to tie them all together).


The skin was painted bugmans glow, highlighted cadian fleshtone then kislev flesh.


The bark was painted apothecary white then drybrushed praxeti white.


The leaves were painted volpus pink then drybrushed changeling pink.


The fruit was painted aethermatic blue then drybrushed skink blue.


The leather straps were painted wyldwood, the jars darkoath flesh and the skulls skeleton horde.


The metal was painted leadbelcher.


Then the entirety of both models were washed with seraphim sepia.


The the light panels of the lanterns were painted white scar and the areas where light was falling was drybrushed praxeti white. Then the panes were washed casandora yellow and the glow areas glazed lamenters yellow.

Blue Belle: Ouroboros Miniatures

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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This is Blue Belle from Ouroboros Miniatures. I painted Red Belle earlier this years and really enjoyed doing a 75mm miniature, so I bought Blue Belle and Yellow Belle.


The wings came in a clear blue resin, so I left them off the model until the very end. The rest of the model was assembled and then undercoated with three different colours to achieve a zenith highlight. First I painted the concrete base with Mechanicum Standard Grey. Then I sprayed the rest of the model with Grey Seer. Finally I sprayed Wraith Bone from directly above the model.


The pale areas of the body suite were painted with a 6:1:4 mixture of apothecary white:talassar blue:contrast medium. I had hoped for a paler outcome, but the pigment in the talassar blue was too strong. I’m still happy with the outcome though.


The blue areas of the body suite were painted with a 1:1 mixture of the fang and lahmian medium. This was applied in two thin coats which gave me a very even coverage.


The remaining dark areas of the body suite were simply painted in corvus black.


The face was painted rakarth flesh, washed in the recesses with reikland fleshshade, then highlighted with flayed one flesh followed by pallid wych flesh. Her eyes were painted with pallid wych flesh and then the irises were painted in with teclis blue and the eye brows painted on with mournefang brown.


Most the hair was painted with terradon turquoise with a few streaks of volupus pink.


The concrete was painted with basilicanum grey and they drybrushed longbeard grey.


The solid areas of the wings were painted with two layers of wraithbone, then painted either apothecary white or tallasar blue. The orbs were painted pallid wych flesh.


Finally the wings were glued in place. Once I also paint Yellow Belle I will transfer the model on to a clear perspex base using gorilla glue two part epoxy resin.

Yellow Belle: Ouroboros Miniatures

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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This is Yellow Belle from Ouroboros Miniatures. I painted Red Belle earlier this years and really enjoyed doing a 75mm miniature, so I bought Blue Belle and Yellow Belle.


The wings came in a clear yellow resin, so I left them off the model until the very end. The rest of the model was assembled and then undercoated with three different colours to achieve a zenith highlight. First I painted the concrete base with Mechanicum Standard Grey. Then I sprayed the rest of the model with Grey Seer. Finally I sprayed Wraith Bone from directly above the model.


The pale areas of the body suite were painted with a 3:2 mixture of apothecary white:contrast medium.


The yellow areas of the body suite were painted with a 1:1 mixture of iyanden darksun and lahmian medium. This was applied in two thin coats which gave me a very even coverage.


The remaining dark areas of the body suite were simply painted in corvus black.


The face was painted rakarth flesh, washed in the recesses with reikland fleshshade, then highlighted with flayed one flesh followed by pallid wych flesh. Her eyes were painted with pallid wych flesh and then the irises were painted in with jokaero orange and the eye brows painted on with mournefang brown.


The hair was painted with two layers of darkoath flesh with highlights of jokaero orange and trollslayer orange highlights either side of her face.


The concrete was painted with basilicanum grey and they drybrushed longbeard grey.


The solid areas of the wings were painted with two layers of wraithbone, then painted either apothecary white or corvus black.


Finally the wings were glued in place. I will transfer the model on to a clear perspex base using gorilla glue two part epoxy resin later.

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