Star Wars RPG Campaign Setting (2019 & 2020) – Reactivated for May the 4th 2022 – Re-opened 2024
Recommendations: 639
About the Project
Creating a sector of space for my Star Wars RPG Group, I didn't want it to be within the known planets of the Star Wars canon. This allows me to have some freedom with the sector in creating a living environment for my players.
Related Game: Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game d6
Related Company: West End Games
Related Genre: Science Fiction
Related Contest: Star Wars Hobby Weekend
This Project is Completed
The Correx Sector Gazetteer - Correx Nova (Complete)
Note: Images created with some pages templates and content from deviant art, Pinterest and an internet search then modified in Photoshop CC2020.
Correx Nova is a vast trade collective scattered across several space stations, ship berths, satellites and small moons in close orbit around the gas-giant of Varca. While Correx Prime may be the political heart of the Sector, Correx Nova is its commercial centre. The majority of goods that past into and out of the Sector pass through Correx Nova, and it is here that goods and cargo manifests are inspected, recorded and taxed before being transferred from local freighters or massive space barges that run the trade routes into the Galactic Core.
This requires a huge number of services, and the entire system is overseen by guild masters personally appointed by the nobility of each of the houses. Tariffs are collected, filling the coffers of the noble houses, but they, in turn, pay a sizable proportion to the Empire. Corruption, smuggling, bribery, tampering and theft are inevitable, and Princess Xedvan is the undisputed master of the darker aspects of the trade hub. Her base of operations is the luxurious place at the center of the trade sector on the largest station, and her power that on a whim she can shut down most operations within Correx Nova, and thus the Sector.
The shipyards are where her influence is weakest; here the mechanics and shipwrights are allied in powerful and belligerent trade unions that keep her at bay. The entire collection of myriad orbital bodies and stations are protected by an array of defensive systems. Those fools who attempt to raid Correx Nova rarely if ever get a second chance.
The Correx Sector Gazetteer - Aariat (Complete)
Note: Images created with some pages templates and content from deviant art, Pinterest and an internet search then modified in Photoshop CC2020.
Aariat is infamous as the most savage penal world for several Sectors. Even before the rise of the Empire, it was used as the dumping ground for the very worst of the galaxy’s convicts; most prisoners would rather be killed on the spot then sent there. The high rotation of its magnetic core has turned the planet into a violent dynamo, massive lightning storms strike the planet. Special automatic prison ships deliver prisoners to the surface. In recent years the Empire has been using the planet as a political prison.
The Correx Sector Gazetteer - Viani (Complete)
Note: Images created with some pages templates and content from deviant art, Pinterest and an internet search then modified in Photoshop CC2020.
Viani is a tide locked world, where one side of the planet always faces the sun leaving the sunward side a burnt-out husk and plunging the other into eternal darkness and freezing cold. But in the twilight rim between the two halves, an Imperial cult of the Viani thrives.
During the Clone Wars, the ruling nobles sided with the Separatists, producing numerous war droids and vehicles in their underground factories. Out of the rise of empire stories relating to Palpatine and his sacrifices during the Jedi Betrayal started to be whispered across the planet, the people started to believe the stories as holy texts, and his edicts and decrees as religious doctrine.
Viani’s factories have been rebuilt, and now serve the Emperor providing him with the weapons to maintain his vigil of peace over the galaxy. It is believed that the most loyal members of the Imperial Royal Guard are from Viani.
The Correx Sector Gazetteer - Draca (Complete)
Note: Images created with some pages templates and content from deviant art, Pinterest and an internet search then modified in Photoshop CC2020.
Draca is famed across the sector as the homeworld of the Dracan war machine, a brutally efficient militant society where death and honour a sacred. The tide-locked world is, in fact, a moon of a super-massive gas giant in the mid-outer portion of the Draca system, and while it receives little light from the red dwarf sun, the atmosphere and glowing auroras of the provides ample light. Combined with the active geothermal activity caused by its proximity to the gravitational field of the gas giant, Draca can support life in this cold corner of the galaxy. Normally a simple mining planet like Draca would never have developed much of a population at all, but several factors combined to give a significant population. The moon is crossed by winding mountain ranges that rise out of dense ‘oceans’ of semi-caustic poisonous gases, beneath which lie volcanic seams rich in mineral wealth.
Numerous mining stations work these seams, operated by acid-resistant mechanized labour and hardly souls in hazmat suits, and these stations provide the massive munitions factories on neighbouring Siccidde all the resources they need. Draca’s early history was marred by the eradication of the indigenous lifeforms that continually attacked the mining operations, and this bloody history was the origin for the militant society found on Draca today.
Draca’s fortress-cities are built on the mountain ranges, and here the various families still maintain diligent martial training. Its is not unusual for entire families to do nothing but serve in the military machine, and many families have a proud tradition of having served for generations, recognised as producing some of the most highly trained officers and troops. Draca has been known to lease out its legions during times of war, and readily send its troops to maintain battle competence across the galaxy. Draca is now controlled by House Vykarius who are very aligned with the philosophy of the Empire.
The Correx Sector Gazetteer - Barhok (Complete)
Note: Images created with some pages templates and content from deviant art, Pinterest and an internet search then modified in Photoshop CC2020.
Barhok is a blistering hot slave world where billions struggle beneath three blood-red suns to carry out the will of their masters. The slavers demand utmost loyalty and obedience. The Slaves are bound by the use of indigenous wildlife, small serpents, strange little flying drakes that glow a luminous gold and are soul bound to their slave. Neurotoxins from their fangs keep their prisoners obedient when necessary, though free thought and speech is sometimes permitted.
Those that step out of lie are simply bitten and robbed of will, those that develop immunity to the poisons are quickly executed. Under a hierarchical regime, the slave armies have built many wonders in the name of their masters, this includes great cities of spiralling towers that loom up out of the deserts. To what purpose these constructions are made has always remained obscured. Attempts to break this cycle of eternal slavery was lead by the Jedi of the Old Republic but failed – there were simply too many innocents in the slave armies that were arrayed against them. The Empire has yet to decide what must be done with them; at the moment they are of limited use to the Emperor. As a precaution, they have assigned an Imperial Governor to the world.
The Correx Sector Gazetteer - Calligrattica (Complete)
Note: Images created with some pages templates and content from deviant art, Pinterest and an internet search then modified in Photoshop CC2020.
Calligrattica is a dry, dusty world, perfect for the preservation of its vast collections of ancient tomes. Scholars first came here to study the astonishing Towers that hollowed out from the carapace of mountain-sized beetles that have been long dead on the surface of the planet eventually the researchers simply chose to stay, there are several different university-cities. The Calligrattican Council is currently overseen by Governor Shri-Lan Tafo, who despite pressure from off-world authorities, maintains an open-door policy to all students that wish to study here. Students with Imperial upbringings do not take kindly to their non-human fellows, and xenophobic attacks have marred the last few semesters, drawing unwanted attention from the Empire.
The Correx Sector Gazetteer - Gweyr Krom (Complete)
Note: Images created with some pages templates and content from deviant art, Pinterest and an internet search then modified in Photoshop CC2020.
Gweyr Krom is a purple crystalline world that serves as the corporate capital of the sector. All of the largest sector corporations maintain offices on the planet, in pristine cities nestled between shimmering spires and radiant peaks or along the shores of the sparkling deserts. Great chains of shard mountains cross the planet and pierce the sky, some reaching even into space; the wonder and cold beauty of this world are renowned. The transition from the Republic to Imperial rule was relatively smooth; the citizens value peace and security above all things, and Governor Jaira Rholar has done much to ensure this tranquillity is maintained, though at great cost to personal freedoms. Public outcry and dissent are virtually unheard of; the Empire considers Gweyre Krom to be a role model world for the sector and recruits heavily from youth seeking something more adventurous.
The Correx Sector Gazetteer - Ravenholt (Complete)
Note: Images created with some pages templates and content from deviant art, Pinterest and an internet search then modified in Photoshop CC2020.
Ravenholt is a verdant world named after the sentient black-winged birds that soar over its lush dark forests and lofty peaks. Waterfalls spill down great mountains to feed a broad network of cool lakes and rivers, and much of the world remained untouched under the stewardship of House Vaspasa. It was sparsely populated, with only a handful of cities concentrated on the northern continent where rustic arts and harmonious architecture blended with the great trees of the forests.
This philosophy was reflected in the cities’ artisans and craftsmen, who were famed for their exquisite woodcarvings and independent head-strong manner. Of course, all this has changed since the demise of the Republic, since the rise of the empire the world is the focus for rampant industrialization; the old trade-in pharmaceuticals, rubber, wood and other natural products were superseded with vast opencut mines and refineries that draw precious trillenium ore from the earth.
An essential metal in the manufacture of starship components, the trillenium trade has swelled House Vaspasa coffers and they have not been idle; whole cities have risen out of the pristine forests and massive shipyards are currently under construction in several regions around the planet.
The Sector Army is based here, and while the majority of the Sector Fleet has been dispatched in the far reaches of the galaxy in the hunt for the rebellion, two Imperial-Class Star Destroyers now orbit the planet. What the indigenous forna think of these interlopers in their forests and skies no-one can be sure, though the few of the remaining woodsmen who remain are certain that the creatures have their own plans to rid their world of the accursed Vaspasa.
The Correx Sector Gazetteer - Siccidde (Complete)
Note: Images created with some pages templates and content from deviant art, Pinterest and an internet search then modified in Photoshop CC2020.
Siccidde is a scorching desert world crisscrossed by canyon systems that house numerous industrial cities. The weapon factories play an important part of the Sector’s manufacturing economy, with large research facilities and proving grounds; most of the labour is provided by convict workforces, mostly alien who are the victim of the Empire’s pro-human stance. Acts of sabotage and uprising are not uncommon, but the local planetary warden’s whos brutality is unmatched. The planet is controlled by Governor Liir Menaraev who enjoys the full support of the Empire’s bureaucracy and receive regular shipments of prison labour from across the galaxy.
The Correx Sector Gazetteer - Anjan (Complete)
Note: Images created with some pages templates and content from deviant art, Pinterest and an internet search then modified in Photoshop CC2020.
Anjan is a beautiful pleasure world where the sector’s elite come to play, bathing in the golden seas beneath lavender skies or dancing the night away in the light of the seven moons. Access to this shimmering paradise is heavily restricted, with all interstellar traffic directed to the orbital station that circles the equator; here all visitors must turn over any weapons as they board shuttle craft that then descends through the clouds to their palace of pleasure.
The planet offers all manner of idyllic pastimes, from relaxing on tropical sky-yachts, to nautodiving the vibrant reefs that colour the shallow seas, to aeroboarding from the troposphere, landing on a mountainside, and working the slopes before paragliding from glacial cliffs of the polar continent.
Naturally, with such an influx of the wealthy, security is paramount and the planetary defence force is as deadly as it is discreet. There are several small enclaves scattered across the planet where the rich may retire and live in peace. It is rumoured that to meet the needs of clientele on the planet that the corporation that runs hotels and estates are slavish in catering to all tastes, however sordid. Such speculation is of course dismissed as the envy of the masses.
The Correx Sector Gazetteer - Pembra (Complete)
Note: Images created with some pages templates and content from deviant art, Pinterest and an internet search then modified in Photoshop CC2020.
Pembra is an industrial world dedicated to the production of repulsorlift vehicles and famed for its pod racer designs. The planet is under the stewardship of House Poliseul and racing is a passion of Grand Duchess Dagmara Poliseul for the repulsor sport has seen the desert world rise from corporate ignominy to become one of the leading manufacturers for several sectors it is believed that the Grand Duchess has also taken part in the races.
The Grand Duchess encourages a healthy rivalry between the domed city-states that rise out of the barren lands; the sands are home to many racing circuits and to a man everyone on the planet follows every event on the yearly calendar. For many, the dream of becoming a racer is enough to maintain them through the long hours and fiendishly hot conditions; and while rare, some do achieve this dream, rising to become one of the brash and notoriously short-lived stars.
The Empire has commandeered some repulsorlift factories and conscripted entire workforces to produce military vehicles. With each year another factory is converted, and slowly but surely the number of racers dwindle in number. While the Grand Duchess can maintain a sensitive balance between keeping the Empire at bay and her people in a state of unease, political pundits wonder at how little it will take to upset this balance.
The Correx Sector Gazetteer - Axtin (Complete)
Note: Images created with some pages templates and content from deviant art, Pinterest and an internet search then modified in Photoshop CC2020.
Axtin is an arctic world; that is, the entire planet was covered in ice and snow and was therefore inhospitable to most species. Located beneath the frigid surface is what the locals have called and became known as the Crystal Cave. A collection of mazes constructed from crystals, it is said that the crystals contain the souls of people who once lived on the planet and that the glow when people are near. Also, beneath the frozen surface are geysers from the volcanic activity below. The geysers warm the bodies of underground water the geological formations were also present in the caves of the planet, formed over billions of years by accumulated mineral matter, deposited from hydrothermal fluids.
The Correx Sector Gazetteer - Vorzheva (Complete)
Note: Images created with some pages templates and content from deviant art, Pinterest and an internet search then modified in Photoshop CC2020.
Vorzheva is a sprawling urban moon locked in a perpetual eclipse, trapped in the shadow of its parent planet, warmed by geothermal power and lit by the blood gold hues of the Correx Nebula. At least, when the smog clears long enough for the stars to shine through. Otherwise, the ruddy haze of neon lights and the glow of death sticks is all that lights the way through the murk. Vorzheva wasn’t always this way, but a century ago the planet was staked against his vast gambling debts to the Hutts – and lost.
Since the takeover of the planet by the Hutts, Vorzheva has become a sordid backdoor into Sector and the prime source of vice and spice. The sprawling towers are filled to the brim with hapless peons, slowly choking and mutating in the foul chemical broth they call air. Gas masks are essential. Organised crime is rampant, corruption ever-present, and suffering to be found on every corner. In more recent years the planet has fallen under the control of the empire and its governor Jaryn Mantisa.
The Correx Sector Gazetteer - Khimai (Complete)
Note: Images created with some pages templates and content from deviant art, Pinterest and an internet search then modified in Photoshop CC2020.
Khimai is a cursed world in the continued flux of an Eternal War, a conflict that has continued since well before the dawn of the Old Republic. No one can recall the causes of the war; only that numerous sides fight because that is all that they have known and all that is left to them. The original inhabitants of the planet have long since been destoryed; interplanetary forces, mercenaries, soldiers of fortune and fools eager to prove themselves now make up the ranks of the fractured armies.
The climate once graced this world has since been blasted out of existence; now cold winds howl over muddy plains, through shattered fortresses, rattling the ruined armour that clings to fleshless corpses that cover the world.
None know just how deep are these fields of death, where new weapons from Siccidde are brought in and tested in the field, and foul chemistries are unleashed from the quagmires of Kaeltoo. It is said that the war is allowed to continue only so that the industries of these worlds may hone their wares before releasing them to the market; it is also said that any soldier who can prove he did his tour of duty on Khimai will command the utmost respect of subordinate and superior alike.
The Correx Sector Gazetteer - Kaeltoo (Complete)
Note: Images created with some pages templates and content from deviant art, Pinterest and an internet search then modified in Photoshop CC2020.
Kaeltoo is a poisonous world, with acid green skies and toxic bogs smeared across its surface that serves as the homeworld to a slithering amphibianoid people known as the Kael. Rising out of the quagmires are several heavily fortified and independent city-states that have spent hundreds of years recovering from a nuclear war that nearly wiped out all life on the planet. Large areas of radioactive swamps lie between the cities, and great, mutated creatures swim the black seas.
In the wake of their last great war, they vowed never again to raise arms against one another, but their vicious and cunning ways saw them take up ever more subtle means to strike at their enemies. Shadowy warfare is the norm, with the Alchemists ever striving to outdo one another with their poisons and antidotes.
A number of these chemical weapons are sold to unscrupulous warlords off-world, and they are happy to use the planet of Khimai as a proving ground for their poisons. Visitors find the place to be oppressively humid and sickly, but trips here can be profitable; there are several byproducts from the experiments, considered failures by the poison masters, but many of which have a wide variety of commercial purposes.
The Correx Sector Gazetteer - Vode An (Complete)
Note: Images created with some pages templates and content from deviant art, Pinterest and an internet search then modified in Photoshop CC2020.
Vode An is spoken in myths and stories and the planet is named after an ancient Mandalorian war chant Vode An, meaning “Brothers All” it is said to be a temperate world of broad plains and forests, made famous by the Siege of Vode An, where a force of thirteen Mandalorians from Death Watch took refuge during the purge of Mandalore and for one thousand days and nights fought against The First Legion till finally they were betrayed by one of their own within their ranks and everyman was killed thus ending the siege.
Upon leaving the planet The First was ordered to destroy the hyperspace beacon and wipe the navigation data to consign the planet to history.
It is said that some members of the remaining clans have taken the signet of a fanged beast to honour the members of the thirteen, it also mentioned in the history of the clan’s that one day the thirteen will return and seek vengeance upon the one who betrayed them.
It is sid that Vode An still houses the remnants of the Mandalorian fortress that the Thirteen used as their base and weapons and armour is still locked away in the vaults.
Kandosii sa ka’rta, Vode an.
Coruscanta a’den mhi, Vode an.
Bal kote, darasuum kote,
Jorso’ran kando a tome.
Sa kyr’am nau tracyn kad, Vode an.
Kandosii sa ka’rta, Vode an.
Coruscanta a’den mhi, Vode an.
Motir ca’tra nau tracinya.
Gra’tua cuun hett su dralshy’a.
Aruetyc talyc runi’la solus cet o’r.
Motir ca’tra nau tracinya.
Gra’tua cuun hett su dralshy’a.
Aruetyc talyc runi’la trattok’o.
Sa kyr’am nau tracyn kad, Vode an!
One indomitable heart, Brothers all.
We, the wrath of Coruscant, Brothers all.
And glory, eternal glory,
We shall bear its weight together.
Forged like the saber in the fires of death, Brothers all.
One indomitable heart, Brothers all.
We, the wrath of Coruscant, Brothers all.
Those who stand before us light the night sky in flame.
Our vengeance burns brighter still.
Every last traitorous soul shall kneel.
Those who stand before us light the night sky in flame.
Our vengeance burns brighter still.
Every last traitorous soul shall fall.
Forged like the saber in the fires of death, Brothers all!
The Correx Sector Gazetteer - Bramblewood (Complete)
Note: Images created with some pages templates and content from deviant art, Pinterest and an internet search then modified in Photoshop CC2020.
Bramblewood is a dangerous weed-choked world; overgrown by continent-spanning patches of massive and carnivorous tangle thorn. With razor-sharp barbs growing over one hundred meters in length along twisting branches tens or even hundreds of kilometres long, tangle thorn is possibly one of the largest photosynthetic lifeforms known in the galaxy.
The various subspecies are prized sources of patterned lumber and some have rare medicinal properties, but Bramblewood’s true fame stems from the annual pod-racing festival when the galaxy’s best pod racers dart down the winding passages of the Leafspear Labyrinth.
A deadly leg of the galactic pod racing circuit, the plants tear and impale many racers while probing bloodroots seek out the veins of any fool who forgets to shut their blast doors at night.
The Correx Sector Gazetteer - Fael (Complete)
Note: Images created with some pages templates and content from deviant art, Pinterest and an internet search then modified in Photoshop CC2020.
Fael is a giant world in every sense. While it is a rocky terrestrial planet it dwarfs most of its siblings and rivals gas giants for size, supporting lifeforms of truly immense proportions that roam the great plains and graze by countless lakes. That the creatures here are as large as they are is a testament to their incredible strength and bone structure. The heavy gravity has also protected the world from depredation; it is difficult for most offworlders to work in such taxing conditions, though there are several generations of indentured beast herders that have adapted to the gravity.
One other thing that Fael is known for its gladiator pits. It’s on Fael that nobles rub shoulders with the poor to watch slaves and prisoners fight for their lives. Gladiators whose bravery caught the nobles’ fancy were sometimes granted their freedom and showered with riches. The most famous of the Arena’s is called the Felvath Kurs Arena which is named after one of the most honoured of the famed pit-fighters, it includes a private boxes for the most noteable individuals in the sector, included in the stadium fights are battles between large, carnivorous beasts; such as rancors or krayt dragons.