Paintathon 2019
Recommendations: 196
About the Project
What's that supposed to be, a "paintathon"? The paintathon is a painting offensive. I want to use my free days and the evenings after work in October to get something done, getting paint on minis. My minimum goal is to paint 42 miniatures (following the km of a marathon) ready to play. The goal is deliberately set so low. This was started by Tom of in 2016 and happens annually. Join me! Let's see if I can make it this year.
Related Game: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game
Related Company: Mongoose Publishing
Related Genre: General
This Project is Completed
Getting some minis out
So of course there had to be Star Wars Legion minis. Did you really thing you’d get away without them? 😉
But of course those aren’t enough so I’m digging through my POS (pile of shame) and dough out an old Kickstarter… you may have heard of this before. 😉
Prepare the troops!
A bit of priming goes a long way… at least until the can runs out… DOH! But I managed to get the fist batch paint ready.
And now a minute of silence for the fallen brother. The last of my GW rattle cans from back in the days.
Day 1
Literally not a drop of paint painted, because with all the preparation I have forgotten the most important. A) the terrain has to be ready by November and B) space for painting had to be created.
So I spend the evening cleaning the workspace and especially the floor around me. Then paint tomorrow 😉
Day 2
I hat metallics! They take forever. I hope the difference is visible. And I need to go back to the glow effect on the generators, I totally screwed that :S
Here’s a picture, enjoy 😉
Day 5
Yes I skipped Day 3 & 4 because… reasons. One was because we have an annual fair with rides and snacks in town and I went with the family. The other one was the same but I went with some co-workers and we had a few beers.
But today I did stuff. First of I but wash over the 3D printed terrain but somehow I mixed up the mix so it looks spotty but it kinda works for the overall theme of the table.
Maybe I’ll revisit it sometime after the tournament.
And then I actually started on those minis that where meant for the paintathon. Some browns and blacks on the primed minis… next time I’ll prime grey again…
Day 6
I’m really tired and I really regret building the Legion models before painting. Next time I will switch back to my way of “part assembly”. This slows painting so much down… well can’t be helped now. So I only got 4 guys with some bone colour.
Day 7
And after the last 3 Shoretroopers had one coat of bleached bone every one of them got a second coat. They star to look like something.
Day 8
Well the last details went quicker than expected. So the shoretroopers are finished. (Sans matt varnish, that will be done with all other minis at the same time.)
Day 9
Next up: Rebel Veterans.
First the fiddly bits. Skin, boots and guns. The metallic paint always annoys me because it clogs the brush so fast. Tomorrow: belts, straps and other small, colourful details.
Day 10
Details… can you see the difference? If I hadn’t taken the pictures I would have said “feels like nothing done” but the pictures show… something done 😉
Day 11
Unmotivated, tired and my back hurt.
But I did paint the gloves… rest of the greens tomorrow.
Day 12
So much greeeeen…. and I’m not done with that colour yet…
Day 13
So after all that green… now for some green and brown spots, different washes for everything and black bases. Done.
Miniature count finished: 14
Day 14
You know what sucks? painting grey plastic grey…. I primed the minis black, did a white highlight and then painted the fur grey. After that a light dry brush but because the grey hadn’t dried enough it a mess.
So you hide your mess with a thinned wash.
And now I leave it to dry and try dry brushing again….
Day 15
Yes, I’m late with the updates but when I’m finished for the day I’m spend and go to bed directly 😉
Here’s more details on the leather parts (snakebite leather FTW), metal pieces and horns and claws.
Day 16
Colour blocking green, dark brown, black, orange and grey…. so much details.
Day 17
Tired as… as anyone can be and my back is killing me. So only washes and a black base. Next: varnish everything painted to far.
Day 18
All varnished and now for some glory shots including @lloyd bumshots 😉
Day 19
So today was a bit slow. I’ve played “Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle“with the wife and daughter a lot and then I needed to prime new minis to paint.
After that I finally got to do some painting while watching the weekender. Go me! 😉
Day 20
Adding a bit of Ultrasmurf blue and suddenly the judges look a lot mor respectable 😉