Lupa15’s Horus Heresy Thousand Sons
Recommendations: 149
About the Project
A faction that I picked up from a 2 player starter set type box. This project documents my journey to paint the various miniatures I own for the faction.
Related Game: Warhammer: The Horus Heresy
Related Company: Games Workshop
Related Genre: Science Fiction
This Project is Active
Finishing the terminator squad
I need to finish with highlighting these two terminators but I finished the base colors and washing those colors this weekend. So close to completing the whole squad!
Finishing half of a squad!
I focused on finishing this “half-squad” this weekend. I had finished basing the last two members last week but had to paint everything but the Mephiston Red base color.
Additionally I painted some ‘Ardcoat on all of the shoulder pads to prep the squad for the transfers prior to the arrival of my order of some Micro Sol and Micro Set solution.
Highlighting the Troops
I have learned that I focus better working with batches of 2-3 miniatures. While that means that most then man squads are done after four batches of painting I enjoy painting the troops more when focusing on no more than three at a time.
I recently finished highlighting these troops with Citadel Evil Sunz Scarlet and Citadel Fire Dragon Bright. I also focused on painting all of the greeves and guns with Citadel Abaddon Black.
Adding some city rubble to the bases
After noticing that the bases seemed just a little bare I wanted to add some city rubble to the bases but didn’t want to over do it. While normally add some random tufts of grass, that didn’t quite work in this case. To solve that I decided to spring for some Gale Force Nine Hobby Round Rocky Basing Grit (GFS023) and Gale Force Nine Hobby Scenics: Concrete Rubble Mix.
I broke off little pieces of the Concrete Rubble and added a few random pieces to the unfinished bases. I sprinkled on some of the Rocky Basing Grit near those pieces of concrete rubble. After painting them Citadel Zandri Dust I gave them an overall wash of Citadel Agrax Earthshade and overbrushed them with Citadel Karak Stone to bring the tan color back up but leaving the dark brown in the recesses. Finally I dry brushed them with Citadel Tyrant Skull.
Overall I am happy with the effect but I do want to add some random spots of Army Painter Razorwire to finish the effect.
Getting the basing done
I used Citadel’s texture paint Stirland Battlemire follwed by a drybrush of Skrag Brown and Tyrant Skull. Going to add some tufts of dry/yellowish grass once hobby stores open up again.
The cute bad guys
So funny story, I sent a picture of these guys to my family via text and my grandmother instantly replied with “They look cute!”. My response was “These are the bad guys!” Now to be fair they probably are unfairly treated after the actions of Magnus the Red…
Anyways these guys have the base colors completed and are just waiting for the wash and highlights.
Ahriman completed!
I am really happy how he turned out. It took me longer to get the details just right but the extra effort is worth it for these characters.
Heresy Era Ahriman Started
After completing the dead Space Wolf on his base I decided to continue working on Ahriman by completing his backpack, cloak, and start his staff.
Beware the Thousand Sons!
Using the Horus Heresy Burning of Prospero book released a while back ( I have been working on these Thousand Sons from the set. I purchased heads and shoulder pads from Forgeworld around the same time as I bought the set.