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The Horus Hersey – The Primarchs

The Horus Hersey – The Primarchs

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Project Blog by rickabod41

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About the Project

Well, after the enjoyment that has been my Chaos All Star Blood Bowl project, I needed something else to fill my time as I await more Blood Bowl Chaos players to be released or arrive. So with that in mind I decided to start collecting and painting another series of individual models. In this case the Horus Hersey Primarchs......

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What's in the Box pt 2???

Tutoring 2
Skill 5
Idea 7
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What's in the Box pt 2???

What's in the box???

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 9
What's in the box???
What's in the box???

Right, I have tried to get a bit fancy with Russ.


Cadian Fleshtone > Reikland Fleshshade > Cadian Flesh tone + Admin Grey + Ushabti Bone (mix) > Cadian Fleshtone + Ushabti Bone (mix).

Then Ushabti Bone + Khorne Red as a wash .

I saw a video of someone painting the new Ragnar Blackmane and I wanted to try and give Russ the same ruddy complexion.

However I think he is a bit too pink, so I am toying with thinning down some Reikland Fleshshade with medium and washing his face again.


So, I added some Reikland Fleshshade, and it’s taken away from a ruddy Norse like complexion to more of a sun baked California tone  – we will just have to live with that!

Began work on the armour as well:

The Fang > Nuln Oil Gloss >Russ Grey > Fenresian Grey

Got some Liberator Gold on there as well washed with Agrax Earthshade.


Did a bit more work on Russ, sticking him together proved a real pain – I couldn’t find any instructions anywhere, so I am not sure what order I was meant to glue his arms, cloak and backpack on.

Needless to say I had to do a bit of cutting to get everything to fit – not had that problem with any of the other Primarchs.


Zandri dust > Steel legion drab > rhinox hide > abaddon black.

Dry brushed with Ushabti Bone then washed with Agrax earthshade.

Weapons are still works in progress.


Started work on the base – wanted to give this a very clean marble like affect.

So we have based in with ceramite white > pallid wych flesh > then ran agrax earthshade in the cracks > tidied it up with PWF again.

The broken bits of the base I have used Rakarth Flesh > Agrax Earthsade > then dry brushed with termiatus stone.

Retributor Armour for the gold washed with Agrax and highlighted with Liberator Gold.


Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 7
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Decided to pick up this fellow as well.


Bugman’s Glow > Reikland Fleshshade > Cadian Flesh Tone (Dry brushed on)


Dawnstone > Nuln Oil > Administratium Grey


Retributor Armour > Agrax Earthshade > liberator gold

Oath Papers

Rakarth Flesh > Agrax Earthshade > palid wych flesh


Khorne Red > Nuln Oil


Karak Stone > Nuln Oil > Agrax Earthshade > Dry brushed with karak Stone > X88 used as a glaze on some areas

** UPDATE **

Lorgar Complete.

Surprisingly quick and fun to paint!



Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8
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Again, I have opted for his Daemon Prince W40K version for this one.

But I may get the Forgeworld Mortarion and Magnus at some point.

This guy proved surprisingly easy to build as well!


Started work on this fellow.

Death Guard Green > Agrax Earthshade

Balthasar Gold > Agrax Earthshade


Sycorax Bronze ^dry^ over the Balthasar gold

Xerus Purple on the hood and robe (Shade) Druchii Violet

Loin Cloth

Khorne Red (shade) Druchii Violet


Finally finished this, and it was a mammoth undertaking!

Some better Pictures..

Tutoring 5
Skill 8
Idea 8
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No that a few of these are finally finished, I have actually taken the time t try and take some better pictures!

So, here we have Sanguinius , Fulgrim, and the 40K Daemon Prince version of Magnus the Red.

It’s taken an age to finish Magnus, and I wasn’t sure which armour pieces to stick on as I think all of them make the model look really busy, so I have opted to just give him some futuristic looking 80’s style leg warmers.

Again, not a Primarch but....

Tutoring 9
Skill 10
Idea 11
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Everyone’s favourite Night Lord.

Jago Sevatarion “Sevatar” The Prince of Crows.

ignore the random mess in the background – hobby time is blending into Work from Home time!

Paint scheme mirrors that of Konrad Curze.

The main things I did here that differs from the ForgeWorld model were to give him a more pallid skin as is fitting a son of Nostramo, and the red gloves a sign that he was condemned to death at Curze’s hands for crimes committed by “traitors and fools”.


Too once again paraphrase John Rambo (although having recently just watched Rambo: Last Blood – I am not sure he is right anymore!) “Nothing is over”.

So, I have been looking at a few videos with regards painting lightning on my few HH Night Lord models and I also wasn’t entirely happy with Sevatar’s face, so I took some nail polish remover pads and wiped off his face, and added some lightning to him.


Rakarth Flesh (shade) Reikland Fleshshade – *highlight* Rakarth Flesh – *highlight* Pallid Wych Flesh. Also ran some Nuln oil into his eyes, mouth and scarring.


Lothern Blue – White Scar

Much happier with this now.

Alas Poor Konrad really doesn’t have the space anywhere to accommodate the lightning bolts, but it does make me want to buy some Marines and do them up as Night lords…..that could be another project in itself!

Again, not a Primarch but....
Again, not a Primarch but....

Next Steps

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 7
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Spent yesterday painting Fulgrim’s scenic base and cleaning Ferrus Manus before priming.

Lots of very small fiddly bits on this one – on a par with Fulgrim.

Going to have to try and find a guide for assembly for Ferrus.

Also as it’s my birthday this month Leman Russ has been ordered – should hopefully turn up tomorrow.

I may just skip Ferrus and get to work on Russ as I watched a video on the Youtube that did a nice job in showing how to glaze his weapons.



Tutoring 7
Skill 11
Idea 9
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3 of these are actually fully finished now!


2020 Update

Tutoring 7
Skill 11
Idea 8

So, been a bit quite this project, but coming soon in 2020….

Sanguinius and scenic base almost complete.

Fulgrim scenic base to go.

Then we begin work on the next two Primarchs – Ferrus Manus and Vulkan!

2020 Update


Tutoring 13
Skill 10
Idea 12
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So, I took a good look at the Fulgrim model (I only bought him at UK Games EXPO this year!), and I am somewhat overwhelmed by the amount of tiny little bits I need to glue to him!

I have been looking for some kind of assembly guide online but cannot seem to find one.

Any way – no pics as of yet – but I have been looking at what paints I am going to use.

So as is a habit now, here is the current thinking on how to paint Fulgrim.


Bugman’s glow – (shade) Reikland Flesh – Cadian Fleshtone – Kislev Flesh


Naggaorth Night (although I also bought Phoenician Purple so I may go with that once I have saw how it dries) (shade) Xerus Purple – Druchii Violet (shade) –Tidy up with Xerus Purple^Dry^ Genestealer Purple  

Gold Trim

Balthazhar Gold – *Highlight* Gehanna’s Gold – (shade) Agrax Earthshade – *Highlight* Liberator Gold – (shade) really thinned down Druchii Violet


Khorne Red (shade) Carrobourg Crimson – *highlight* Mephiston Red – *highlight* Evil Sunz Scarlet – *highlight* Wild Rider Red – (shade) only in the recesses Carrobourg Crimston – *highlight* Troll Slayer Orange (maybe)


Took a bit of a break from this for a few weeks – but I am happy to report Fulgrim has been cleaned and primed, so work will begin tomorrow (23/11) on this pics to follow.

Then we just have to decide which Primarch to buy next!


Spent 8.5 hrs painting this fella on Saturday – so please ignore the terrible pics they were taken at the end of a long day!

Almost finished….



Finally finished!


Tutoring 14
Skill 13
Idea 12
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Managed to get a bit more work done on Horus last night – he now has arms!

I shall get some pics up, and hopefully get him finished this weekend.

So naturally, my mind has turned to whose up next?

The answer being Sanguinius himself, I also have Fulgrim on the stocks but I haven’t even prepped his miniature yet.

So, as I normally do I started looking about to see if I could get any good painting guides, or see what sort of videos are out there for Sangy.

I typed my search into the world wide web, and the void spat back at me “not a lot”.

It’s almost like people haven’t really bothered with this mini, maybe due to the hefty price tag.

However what inspiration I have managed to glean has led me to pull together the rough painting guide for what I am going to work towards – some of it is still incomplete however – no idea what to do with his pelt.

So any advice on that greatly appreciated!

This is what I have so far….


Bugman’s glow – (shade) Reikland Flesh – Eldar Flesh 


Uriel Yellow – (shade) Cassadora Yellow – Uriel Yellow


Retributor Armour – (shade) 50/50 Mix Agrax Earthshade / Reikland Flesh Shade – ^Dry^ Auric Armor Gold – ^Dry^ Liberator Gold – (shade) mix Reikland Flesh Shade / Lahmian Medium – ^Dry^ Necron Compound


Celestra Grey – (shade) Drakenhof Nightshade / Lahmian Medium – Ulthuan Grey – White Scar


Work is progressing well, still uncertain which weapon to give him, but in keeping with the original piece of artwork that seems to have inspired the pose, I think I am going sword.

Then I just have to work on the scenic base & ruinstorm Daemon that comes with it!

***UPDATE 2***

Decided upon the sword – pictures to follow tonight / tomorrow (23rd/11).

Now just have to move onto the scenic base!

The Warmaster

Tutoring 12
Skill 12
Idea 11
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Next up (in between work on Magnus) is Horus himself.

I have so far under coated him with Chaos Black and did some of the trim in Balthasar Gold.

However, I think I should maybe gone in with a lighter gold, as it looks quite dark now.

I had planned to wash it with Agrax Earthshade then go back in with Balthasar Gold, but I am not sure what gold to then highlight it with.

I was wondering anyone got any trips on where to go with it?


Almost finished Horus himself (Just a bit of tiding up to do here and there) and now working on his base.


UPDATE – I went with Balthasar Gold, Agrax earthshade wash, Retributor armour.

**Further Update** Horus now 95% complete.

Finished the base, still a few little minor touches to finish on Horus himself. Debating about painting in his eyes (I hate doing that at the best of times) But i feel like my unsteady hand will end up ruining the face!

Colour scheme so far:


Cadian Flesh – (shade) Reikland Flesh – “highlight” Cadian Flesh -*highlight* Kislev Flesh 


Abaddon Black – *highlight* Dark Reaper

Metal Trim

Balthasar gold – (shade) Reikland Flesh – Balthasar Gold *highlight* – Runelord Brass *highlight*

Wolf Pelt

Abaddon Black – ^Dry Brush^ Eshin Grey – ^Dry Brush^ Rakarth Flesh.

Leather Straps

Mournfang Brown – (shade) Agrax Earthshade / Reikland flesh – Gold Trim Retributor Armour


Abaddon Black – Baltashar Gold – (shade) Agrax Earthshade – *highlight* Retributor armour – (shade) Reikland flesh


For this I actually had some old tubes of acyrlic painting from when i used to work on canvas, and I used a flesh and a brown to try and get a rich almost terracotta colour, I shaded it all over with Reikland Flesh. Then dry brushed with terminatus stone, and praxeii white.

The underneath of it I shaded over again with Agrax earthshade to try and so the difference between the marble that was intact and the burnt and broken pieces.

There are lots of debris in amongst it, and I picked these out with leadbelcher, agrax earthshade and highlighted with iron breaker.

You can also see a couple of shoulder pads here and there, and I did these as the Emperors Children, The Death Guard and the Iron hands.

Overall I am delighted with how this has turned out, as I was really nervous about tackling this one.


The Warmaster

Abaddon - Not really a Primarch....

Tutoring 11
Skill 11
Idea 9
1 Comment

Now, this is a total cheat, neither is here a Forgeworld Mini or a Primarch.

But he is the Warmaster of Chaos, and a fantastic mini.

When I bought him the guy who served me in the shop commented he had been waiting for this miniature all his life – I looked at him suspected he was in his very early 20’s and replied “yes you probably have”.

Many years ago a friend of mine bought the original Abaddon by Jez Godwin and like a lot of people at the time, fell foul of Abaddon being largely disabled due to his arms never staying on.

Glad to report, that hasn’t happened with this guy yet!


Rakarth Flesh – (shade) Reikland Flesh – *highlight* Rakarth Flesh – (shade) Carroborg Crimson localised the eyes and mouth


Abaddon Black – *highlight* Eshin Grey – *highlight* Thunderhawk Blue

Armour Trim

Retributor Armour – *highlight* Liberator Gold – (shade) Reikland Flesh – (shade) Agraxearth shade – *highlight* Silver


Leadbelcher – (shade) Agrax EarthShade – (shade) Nuln Oil – *highlight* Silver


Rakarth Flesh – *highlight* Screaming Skull – (shade) Seraphim Sepia – (shade) Agrax EarthShade – *highlight* Pallid Wych Flesh

Abaddon - Not really a Primarch....
Abaddon - Not really a Primarch....

Magnus the Red - WIP

Tutoring 11
Skill 10
Idea 10
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Once again, another cheat here, this is Magnus the Red in his Daemon Primarch form.


Currently going a bit slow this one, took a while to build him for a start, and I have stalled a little bit time I decide which pieces of armour to glue on.

Point of interest, at the moment the breast plate seems to just stay on him, so I might not bother gluing that on and just leave it in place.

Once Magnus is complete, I still have Fulgrim, Horus, and the limited edition Sanginius to start work on, and that’s before I buy any of the others!

UPDATE – Few more shots of where we have gotten to with Magnus, not sure about which armour to fix to him, i have painted his breastplate, but glued the eye on his belt, so the breast plate doesn’t really fit properly now!

So far we have done:


Chaos Black spray


Screamer Pink – ^Dry^ Wazdakka Red – (shade) Carroburg Crimson – ^Dry^ Wazdakka Red – (shade) Druchii Violet (Hand & Feet) – *highlight* Pink Horror – (shade) Druchii Violet (Hand & Feet) – *highlight* Emperor’s Children


leadbelcher – (shade) Nuln Oil


Rakarth Flesh – (Shade) Reikland Fleshshade


More work on Magnus (finally) ignore the clutter behind him and the not so great picture!

I will take some better ones shortly.

Magnus the Red - WIP

So, as I have been adding the recent pics of Ferrus Manus to this project, I noticed I never actually uploaded a finished Magnus the Red picture.

Here he is complete with his disco leg warmers almost to big to fit into the frame!


Konrad Curze - The Night Haunter

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9
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My personal favourite of all the Primarch’s, and having just recently finished reading the book I am glad to present the almost finished man himself.

For the face we opted for:

Rakarth Flesh – (shadeDrakenhof Nightshade – Rakarth Flesh – (shadeDruchii Violet (eyes and mouth) 

The armour we did:

Kantor Blue – (shadeDrakenhof Nightshade – *highlight* Kantor Blue – *highlight* (Altdorf Guard Blue) – *highlight* Hoeth Blue 

Metal Trim:

Gehanna’s gold – (shade) Agrax Earthshade – *highlight* Liberator Gold

The Flesh loin cloth & Exterior Cloak:

Cadian Fleshtone – (shade) Agrax Earthsahde – *highlight* Kislev Flesh – (shade) Carrobourg Crimson & Bloodletter Glaze

Claws & Metal

Leadbelcher – (shade) Agraxearth Shade – (shade) Nuln Oil – *highlight* Storm Host Silver 

Interior Cloak:

Mephiston Red – (shade) Nuln Oil – *highlight* Wild Rider Red

Iconography on Boots

Ushabti Bone – (shade) Nuln Oil – *highlight* Screaming Skull

Robute Gulliman

Tutoring 8
Skill 10
Idea 10
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Bit of a cheat this one, but as I don’t particularly like the Forge World mini (he looks quite boring apart from the base) I opted for the recently released Warhammer 40K model.


The Big Blue guy Robute Gulliman.

Robute Gulliman
Robute Gulliman

It’s literally been years since i started this (and with GW seemingly intent on re-releasing all of the Primarchs again, it maybe years until I am finished).

Anway, I started work on Corvus Corax and as I was doing so, I looked at RG, and thought I have actually improved a lot since I started this, is there anyway I can make Robute look better.

So I did.

Got out Calgar blue and thinned it down a lot to highlight up his armour.

Got a bit screaming skull and brightened up his purity seals, and had another pass at his face.

Robute Gulliman


Tutoring 10
Skill 10
Idea 9
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Not the first Primarch I actually bought, but from an investment point of view (at around £60 a go) I thought he would be potentially the easiest to start with.

As he wears all Gold armour (I Jokingly said this to a guy in a Warhammer shop and he got a bit annoyed at me stating “He doesn’t wear Gold! he wears Bronze!!”) Any way here he is pre- daemon prince form.

Balthasar Gold – (shade) Reikland Flesh Shade – Brass Scorpion – Runelord Brass – *highlight* silver


Bugman’s glow – (shade) Reikland Flesh – Cadian Flesh tone – Kislev Flesh


Free handed in using Mephiston Red


Dryad Bark – (shade) Agrax Earthshade – ^Dry^ Gorthor Brown – ^Dry^ Rakarth Flesh

Inside – Rakarth Flesh – (shade) Agrax Earthshade – *highlight* Rakarth Flesh


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