Mac vs The Despoiler
Recommendations: 46
About the Project
Mac "pulls a Justin" and starts the hobby weekend with half the work already done...
Related Game: Warhammer 40,000
Related Company: Games Workshop
Related Genre: Science Fiction
This Project is Active
Where did the weekend go?
And that is a fun hobby weekend almost gone.
Got it pretty much done. The paint sattined on me in some places, that should disappear once I spray it with good ol’ Krylon.
So... many... skulls
Leaving the gold parts for a bit to work on the face and skulls… so… many… skulls…
some of the skulls are still inside the helmet!
Round one
I like some things I did years ago, others not so much. I’ll keep the overall look and colour scheme, but my idea is to improve on it.
For one, I want to actually paint all the parts to completion, but also, I think I can make it “pop” more if I can push the contrast a bit and improve the definition on pretty much all the parts.
This evening I worked mostly on the left leg and shoulder pad, you can see the difference from where it started to where it is now.
The black armour isnt really black. It has a blue-tourquise mixed in, and instead of trying to make a flaweless blend, I’m intentionally making some texture by stippling.
Last time around, it was the gold that made me put the miniature aside. This time, I went for a mix of Iyanden Darksun (GW Foundation), black and white, with some glazes of Tank Brown (Vallejo). This gives a greenish look that works as gold and I find fits well the rest of the miniature.
Abbadon, the Despoiller
I wanted to do something for the 40k weekend but, while I do have more minis than I should, I dont really have a ton of 40k. I have a set of Space Hulk and maybe handfull of random other miniatures that I thought were cool and got for no other reason than that. I’m not a gamer, and most of my stuff is fantasy, mostly from Lord of the Rings.
None of the Space Hulk minis were prepared and I really didnt feel like going through all that red, and the few minis I have are deep under a mountain of other stuff that seemed too daunting to go through.
I did, however, found a miniature that I started probably more than five years ago, but lost interested and never finished it. The old Abbadon, the Despoiller.
So, I “pulled a Justin”…
As you can see, I’m not starting this miniature from scratch, but I feel I can improve on what I have done years ago and, well, actually get it done this time around. In the end, will almost be a complete repaint. Almost.
The miniature does not have the striking look of the newer version, but I find it cool on its own, and you can see that all its main elements remain on the new one, just revised to more modern times and technology. It also had the fancy pony tail, but I didn’t like the look and took it off, replacing it with some sort of psychic tubbing made with guitar strings. The heresy!
Its not the most ambicious project ever, but if I can complete it this time I will be very happy. Its always nice to get things done.