Dìa de Muertos de Señora Olynder
Recommendations: 100
About the Project
3 Yrs of paint. First time in the battle This is first time I will join the competition. I want to join the Everchosen painting competition from Thailand Store. I wish I could be one of them to go to global competition. At least, I hope you will enjoy my project.
Related Game: Warhammer Age of Sigmar
Related Company: Games Workshop
Related Genre: Fantasy
This Project is Completed
I decided to go to the ompetition on 1st of July. The competition in Thailand deadline will be 27th.
First, I think I should make the criteria of choosing. I decided to have:
- AOS not 40K
- Not Stromcast
- Single Model
- Possible to Freehand
- Possible to NMM
- Possible to tell more story
I went to find the miniature in my stock. I first think of Neferata, but I cant find her. She might not be my soulmate.
Anyway, I met her my new love….Lady Olynder. I give her my soul spontaneously.
Draft Idea
I did quick research from Google to find a related design with Dead. Then, I remind the cartoon that I like “The Book of Life”. I love the concept of the after death in the cartoon. So, I decided to draft with Autodesk Sketchbook App in my Note8 phone.
It is very useful with the feature of Multiply Layer. My idea is the contrast color of Red and Green.
The Final Draft
With the heavy traffic jam in Bangkok, I took almost 2 hours in traffic. This is the opportunities to finish the final draft idea before painting.
Building the Love - Fragile Love
With the model, she had a very small point with the 2 ghost and small base. It is very fragile to assemble her.
Paint Diary Day 1 - Spring Painting
With her small base, It is very difficult to paint her. She always shook. It made the color dot splash to painted part. I like the result and I think I have to push it more contrast.
Rose are Red
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
Sugar is Sweet
Death is Inevitable
Base 3D Print Idea
I try to find the base design match with her, but I can’t find finished product one. So I research and find one in https://www.cgtrader.com/clayguy Thank you for him for support with special discount.
Fail Fail Fail 3D Printing
I send the file to my friend to print FDM. It turned out bad and look like it collapse.
First time I used my own DLP printer. It turned good, but not enough resin in tray. I found it was not enough resin after sleep for 5 Hours. My resin is out of stock.
Beside, The size is over 60 mm with not allow for Everchosen Category. The process is very complicated and full of toxic from Resin. I have to wear the glove and mask. The resin make your skin rash and it smell very bad. Moreover, it is very messy with Resin.
I am considering to use the 3D print shop.
Argggg... Wrong Plan
I asked GW about the rule. The answer turns my plan of using 3D printer down. It makes me headache of finding the new substitution.
If you know any person in Thailand who has this, please contact me.
Finding Base
- After I got the reply email about T&C from GW, I researched to find the substitute one. But It is not availble in Thailand. It made 2 weeks in shipment that is over the Competition period. So, I decide to find the available option from the shop. I found the Shadespire one then I custom it.
I normally use the Alteco epoxy for sculpting small thing, because it is cheaper than sculping clay brand and easy to find in Thailand.
But, Alteco is not stay in shape as I want. So, I got tamiya from the shop near by my office. The result seem ok for me