Lupa15’s Legion of Everblight
Recommendations: 84
About the Project
Painting my Legion of Everblight and documenting the journey.
Related Game: Hordes
Related Company: Privateer Press
Related Genre: Steampunk
This Project is Active
A Productive Weekend!
Well this weekend was super productive and I was able to complete both Azrael and Fyanna the Lash!
I really like how the Blue Flame came out on the spear but the ice blade is a little lacking but I think that because of the photos. It looks better from afar but not really up close.
Revisiting the Ogrun Warspears
One of the units I have had since starting my collection of Everblight miniatures is the Ogrun Warspears. However they have been sitting in a partially painted state. So why not revisit them now?
After quite a bit of painting over the weekend I was able to complete everything but the metal bits. I am quite happy with how they are turning out as they are matching their leader quite closely.
The benefits of writing down your painting recipe.
Bigger Miniature = Way More Work
It took quite a long time but I finally was able to finish blocking the colors on the Archangel. The skin was based with Citadel Celestra Grey, the blue scales with Citadel Kantor Blue, the claws and spines with Citadel Eshin Grey.
One thing I learned while trying to block these colors is that wearing a glove on the hand that is holding the miniature eliminates accidentally rubbing off paint. I am not sure if it is the oils on my hand or something else but I kept rubbing of the Eshin Grey paint from the spines. As soon as the glove was used I had no longer had any problems.
To wash the miniature I used pure Citadel Nuln Oil on the blue and dark grey bits. However on the skin, I used a 50-50 mixture of Lahmian Medium with Nuln Oil. The Lahmian Medium helps keep the properties of the Nuln Oil as a wash while diluting it so that it doesn’t overwhelm the Celestra Grey.
Once the wash was completed I used another layer of Eshin Grey on the claws and Spines. Normally I don’t use another color on those bits but as this is the largest of the Everblight creatures I may revisit this as use one more highlight to help pick out the edges of the larger Eshin Grey bits such as on its back and wings.
One the left leg and arm I applied a lyaer of Kantor Blue to bring the color back up on the scales. But as a highlight I applied a 50-50 mixture of Kantor Blue and Alaitoc Blue. This is only really used on the larger bits and not on the tiny scales scattered across his body.
Revisiting the Archangel and Nephilim Soldier
After quite a bunch of other projects I finally revisited the Archangel and Nephilim Soldier. The Soldier just had some of the metal work completed and the skin color based. I spent the weekend finishing it and finishing the base of the Archangel.
Weekend Football and Everblight
A couple weeks ago I had an opportunity to undercoat my Everblight Archangel with the skin color of GW’s Celestra Grey. Since that time this guy has been sitting there waiting for paint while I finished working on my Protectorate of Menoth force for the tournament I was going to.
As a little reward for myself after painting so much tan and red I decided to jump into painting this during the NFL games this past weekend.
As a general strategy I am focusing on completing the base first followed by basecoating each aspect of his body since this will be getting a layer of Nuln Oil on most of the body. I certainly still have alot of work to do but I am enjoying this thoroughly!