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Painting a  Magi-Rashaar

Painting a Magi-Rashaar

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Project Blog by frederique555

Recommendations: 12

About the Project

I made a painting guide to paint a Mag-Rashaar from the new 2 player Carnevale box. This to give people ideas because there are not a lot of tutorials or guides for painting Carnevale miniatures. I will try to do this for all miniatures in the box.

This Project is Active

Finished mini

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Finished mini
Finished mini
Finished mini
Finished mini

Details about the colors

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Primer -> prime the figure white

Skin tone

  1. Basecoat in hexwraith flame (cp)
  2. Repaint the whole skin with nighthaunt gloom (cp)
  3. Highlight/layer in lothern blue (cp)
  4. Highlight in blue horror (cp)
  5. Extreme highlight (high points/face) mix 1:1 blue horror (cp) & math white (ap)

Capochun / scarf

  1. Basecoat deathworld forest (cp)
  2. Shade in athonian camoshade (cp)
  3. Highlight in elysian green (cp)
  4. Edge highlight in ogryn camo (cp)

Cloth & boots

  1. Basecoat in Incubic darkness (cp)
  2. Shade in athoninan camoshade (cp)
  3. Highlight in kabalite green (cp)
  4. Highlight in syfaite green (cp)

Brass armour & crown

  1. Basecoat in baltasar gold (cp)
  2. Shading in agrax earthshade
  3. Highlight in bright bronze (val)
  4. Edge highlight in greedy gold (ap)


  1. Basecoat in oak brown (ap)
  2. Shade in soft tone (ap)
  3. Layer in balor brown (cp)
  4. Highlight in zamesi desert (cp)

Shell on armour

  1. Basecoat in mummy robes (ap)
  2. Shading in red tone (ap)
  3. Highlight in emperor’s children (cp)

Carnevale ducats

  1. Basecoat in retribrutor armour (cp)
  2. Shade in flesh wash (ap)
  3. Highlight/layer in auric armour gold (cp)
  4. Highlight in libirator gold (cp)


  1. Basecoat in Screamer pink (cp)
  2. Shade in red tone (ap)
  3. Stipple in screamer pink (cp)
  4. Stipple in emperor’s children (cp)
  5. Stipple in mix emperor’s children (cp) 1:1 matt white (ap)
  6. Stipple in matt white (ap)

Laying out the base colors

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Laying out the base colors

After I primed the mini corax white, I move up the add the base colors.

  1. I start off with the hood/collar in deathworld forest. (citadel paints)
  2. The cloth and boots I did in incubic darkness (citadel paints)
  3. The armour will have a brass like color and its base is baltasar gold (citadel paints)
  4. For the pants I start off with a base off oak brown (army painter)
  5. On the armour are two shells that I did in mummy robes white (army painter)
  6. There also 3 carnevale Ducats (coins) on the mini. I  choose to do them not in the same color as the armour but more gold-like. The base therefor is retributor armour (citadel paints)

I wait for the staff till I am sure about the colors. I wanted to look like coral. But I am not sure how to do that.

Laying out the base colors
Laying out the base colors

Work in progress

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Work in progress
Work in progress
Work in progress

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