Painting a Magi-Rashaar
Recommendations: 12
About the Project
I made a painting guide to paint a Mag-Rashaar from the new 2 player Carnevale box. This to give people ideas because there are not a lot of tutorials or guides for painting Carnevale miniatures. I will try to do this for all miniatures in the box.
Related Game: Carnevale
Related Company: TTCombat
Related Genre: Fantasy
This Project is Active
Details about the colors
Primer -> prime the figure white
Skin tone
- Basecoat in hexwraith flame (cp)
- Repaint the whole skin with nighthaunt gloom (cp)
- Highlight/layer in lothern blue (cp)
- Highlight in blue horror (cp)
- Extreme highlight (high points/face) mix 1:1 blue horror (cp) & math white (ap)
Capochun / scarf
- Basecoat deathworld forest (cp)
- Shade in athonian camoshade (cp)
- Highlight in elysian green (cp)
- Edge highlight in ogryn camo (cp)
Cloth & boots
- Basecoat in Incubic darkness (cp)
- Shade in athoninan camoshade (cp)
- Highlight in kabalite green (cp)
- Highlight in syfaite green (cp)
Brass armour & crown
- Basecoat in baltasar gold (cp)
- Shading in agrax earthshade
- Highlight in bright bronze (val)
- Edge highlight in greedy gold (ap)
- Basecoat in oak brown (ap)
- Shade in soft tone (ap)
- Layer in balor brown (cp)
- Highlight in zamesi desert (cp)
Shell on armour
- Basecoat in mummy robes (ap)
- Shading in red tone (ap)
- Highlight in emperor’s children (cp)
Carnevale ducats
- Basecoat in retribrutor armour (cp)
- Shade in flesh wash (ap)
- Highlight/layer in auric armour gold (cp)
- Highlight in libirator gold (cp)
- Basecoat in Screamer pink (cp)
- Shade in red tone (ap)
- Stipple in screamer pink (cp)
- Stipple in emperor’s children (cp)
- Stipple in mix emperor’s children (cp) 1:1 matt white (ap)
- Stipple in matt white (ap)
Laying out the base colors
After I primed the mini corax white, I move up the add the base colors.
- I start off with the hood/collar in deathworld forest. (citadel paints)
- The cloth and boots I did in incubic darkness (citadel paints)
- The armour will have a brass like color and its base is baltasar gold (citadel paints)
- For the pants I start off with a base off oak brown (army painter)
- On the armour are two shells that I did in mummy robes white (army painter)
- There also 3 carnevale Ducats (coins) on the mini. I choose to do them not in the same color as the armour but more gold-like. The base therefor is retributor armour (citadel paints)
I wait for the staff till I am sure about the colors. I wanted to look like coral. But I am not sure how to do that.