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Dungeon Tiles on the cheap

Dungeon Tiles on the cheap

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Project Blog by commodorerob Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 3

About the Project

I have been getting into DnD recently so I decided to look into making some tiles. I had a load of foam core kicking around and so thought this would be good. I thought about just scoring lines and painting it but decided this was not quite right. I then found a few MDF 25mm bases I had kicking around and thought they may here is my project, I am sure this is by no means original but hey it's what I have laying around.

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Tutoring 0
Skill 0
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Stone in a can

For quick results I went for Plastikote Stone in a canFor quick results I went for Plastikote Stone in a can
I think it looks alright :-) with a little dry brush and maybe the odd bit of flock to enhance. But otherwise an ok result that can be used as it is.I think it looks alright :-) with a little dry brush and maybe the odd bit of flock to enhance. But otherwise an ok result that can be used as it is.

Creating the Dungeon Tiles

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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First off I worked out the gap I needed with the tiles which was about 1mm First off I worked out the gap I needed with the tiles which was about 1mm

Cut the core

Next stage is to draw a line, and then cut with a sharp knife to the correct sizeNext stage is to draw a line, and then cut with a sharp knife to the correct size

Gluing the bases

I use PVA to stick on the basesI use PVA to stick on the bases
I start with gluing down the four corners first. Then fill in the sides then the middle on larger bases this enables me to get the spacing between the tiles correct.I start with gluing down the four corners first. Then fill in the sides then the middle on larger bases this enables me to get the spacing between the tiles correct.

Competed tile before painting

A 2x4 tileA 2x4 tile
A 4x4 tileA 4x4 tile

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