Wolf Lord Warzan and his Spring Clean
Recommendations: 206
About the Project
A project to log progress on Wolf Lord Warzan and his Great Company of Space Wolves. Starting from a painted unwanted army, progressing through a Spring Clean to achieve a nice (hopefully) tabletop force for OTT.
Related Game: Warhammer 40,000
Related Company: Games Workshop
Related Genre: Science Fiction
Related Contest: Spring Clean Hobby Challenge (Old)
This Project is Completed
In the beginnings ...
A bit of an intro here, this Space Wolves force was already at a pretty good level, painted and based, but I want to try and make the army uniform and perhaps do a little lightening up of the dark greys and ass a few shades with some finishing touches added.
The army is certainly pretty large, probably around the 3000 points mark, with a few addons needed to complete a squad or two, but it also has various marines that can be used as secondary pack leaders with different weapons attached than the ones in the pointed army list.
- Complete uniform army
- As best tabletop quality as I can
- Army list written
- A plan for one or two future addons
First unit...
The first units I wanted to start work on were two Grey Hunter packs, I needed to get a plan down so that I knew how my tidy up would would work. And perhaps how long it would take!
Stay tuned for a first look at one of the packs completed make over very shortly….
Initial infantry army list
So that I knew what marines went with what squads and to make sure the force would be “legal” as far as 8th edition goes I needed to make up an army list documenting squad numbers and wargear.
Primaris Wolf Lord Warzan – Power Fist and Plasma Pistol – 92pts
Ulrik the Slayer – 110pts
Cataphractii Terminator Lord – Combi Melta and Lightening Claw – 118pts
WolfGuard Battle Leader – Lightening Claw – 68Pts
Wolf Priest – Power Fist – 84pts
Grey Hunter Pack1 – 9 men, inc Power Fist – 129pts
Grey Hunter Pack2 – 10 men, inc Power Fist, PlasmaGun – 153pts
Grey Hunter Pack3 – 8 men, inc Power Fist – 116pts
Grey Hunter Pack4 – 8 men, inc Power Fist – 116pts
Blood Claw Pack – 14 men, inc Power Fist – 194pts
Intercessor Pack – 5 men, Bolt Rifles – 85pts
Great Company Ancient – 63pts
Cataphractii Terminators – 5 men – 206pts
Wolf Guard Pack – 10 men, inc 3 power fist, 4 combi melta, 2 power sword, 1 Frost Blade, 3 Storm Shields – 250pts
Wulfen Pack – 5 men, inc 1 Frost Claws, 4 Hammers, and Shields – 243pts
Fast Attack
Fenrisian Wolves – 15 wolves – 120pts
Thats all the complete infantry units, totalling 2147 points so far, but ofcourse there are still plenty of vehicles i need to list and add on here 🙂 Thats for another day!
First unit done...
Grey Hunter pack 1 are complete, transfers and varnish added and hopefully they are good to go!
Steps taken from the initial look;
- Light airbursh of Mechanicus Standard Grey from the top down
- Lighter airbrush of Dawnstone trying to pick the very top of the model out
- Gold, metals, and base colours re-filled in
- Black pack markings added, and black trim on base added
- Final highlighting in places
- Gloss added to pads needing transfer
- Decal added
- Matt varnish to finish
- Odd tuft added to the bases
Seems a lot of steps, and some take longer than others, and others are model dependant. Bottom line is the first unit seemed to go quick enough… The second unit is progressing nicely.
Wolves ...
This was a really nice looking unit of 15 Fenrisian wolves, the only thing i have done here was to tie their bases in with the first 2 packs I’ve been working on.
Thats a black rim and a tuft here and there!
Unit 2 progress
Hoping to have these nearing completion tonight, but need to fit in some PlayStation time ha! Hoping it doesnt suck me in and keep me away from this work for too long!
Next thing to do is add the washes and give it plenty of time to dry!
more progress on the project to follow tomorrow most probably!
Grey Hunter Pack 2
10 man unit of Grey hunters now completed…
Much the same as the first unit with what was done 🙂
That marks the end of the first batch of stuff. Pretty happy with progress, although I’ve seen I really only have 3 weeks left to complete the rest! Panic!!
Batch 2 ready for the off...
Batch 2 has been based on what paint was in my airbrush… I just kept going until the cup was empty.
I wanted to get some work on a couple of the more elite units done, as well as a couple of characters.
First set of images is an example of what some models looked like before this stage…
The next set will be some of the models as they were dusted from a top down angle with the airbrush
I have begun doing some further work on the terminators and 2 characters and would love to get them completed by tomorrow night
I have most of the colours touched up again after the spraying. Have begun adding washes will look to have the transfers added tomorrow.. They aren’t far away, to be fair the terminators were one of the best looking units in the army before the spraying, hopefully this will just have helped lightening up the armour a bit
Not too much to report
I have been waiting on some transfers to arrive so that I can complete the terminators, so they have been added tonight with micro sol and set…
I have started on the 4 miscellaneous squad leaders as well as a couple of colours added to the fist pack of power armoured Wolf Guard.
A small addition, and in fitting with current studio basing methods …
With the banner making him quite top heavy, I thought some added weight would help keeping his feet on the ground.
I will be showing the finished terminators and progressing on the wolf guard squad tomorrow. I have a rough timeline I want to stick to so that I can get everything done by the deadline.
Wednesday progress
The Terminators and 2 characters have been matt sprayed and are complete…
Think these guys came out ok, not much done to them other than the airbrush and a clean up afterwards!
Same here, the basing was matched up and a few little extra details added in. Changed the hair colour a bit and called it finished!
This guy is one of my faves, the banner is awesome and I believe its off the ForgeWorld transfer sheet. I needed the be careful so that i didnt damage it! A few extra little details picked out here too.
I am going to continue to work more on the power armoured Wolf guard this week, and they should feature in the next update!
Sunday Update...
Wolf guard in power armour have been completed finally, thats 10 guys mostly with exotic weaponry!
For sure my favourite in this pack is the guy with the shield and sword (last picture)
I also finished off some of the spare pack leaders, and a lonely long fang with heavy bolter.
These guys are kind of spare and dont fit into any squads legally but its nice to have options!
Sunday work in progress
Today we have to finish off the Wulfen and the Wolf prest.
They arn’t too far from being done, need a little tidy up and the faces/hair done.
Also started working on the next Grey Hunter pack, really need to get a move on, not too long to go before the deadline, starting to feel the pressure!
Wulfen and Wolf priest
Finished these guys off last night, just had to varnish them this morning, they are very nice models, and I enjoyed them for sure, although its always difficult trying to work on top of someone else’s paint it seems at time!
Nearing completion is the next Wolf guard pack, the gloss is drying on the shoulder pads so that the transfers can be applied… Hopefully will complete that tonight!
Whats left!
Time to take stock and see whats left to get to work on!
A handful of tanks including;
- 1 Razorback
- 2 Old school Rhinos
- 1 Newer Rhino
- 1 Stormwolf
There is also 5 Intercessors with what looks to be a Primaris Wold Lord and the great old school metal Ulrik the Slayer model…
What more? (whats left part 2)
On the not done shelf is;
- 14 man Blood Claw Pack
- 8 man Grey Hunter Pack
- 2 Dreadnoughts
Looking forward to the dreadnoughts as i feel I’ve done a lot of troops so far, but I’m trying to leave the best to last!
There is a 2 man Thunderwolf unit as well as an Iron Priest on the Thunderwolf as well to be done, I believe that a Thunderwolf Cavalry unit requires at least 3 models for a complete squad but I’m sure, like the Long Fang, it can be added to at a later date!
Saturday morning update
Well I’m just about to pack up some stuff and head up to the OTT members suite for the day, but first I need to post the progress of this week.
Its been a busy one in work making up for being off on May Day, so probably not as much done as I would like!
First up is another Grey Hunter pack and Intercessor squad
Finally there is Primaris Wolf Lord Warzan himself anf two of the Great Company Dreadnoughts!
I took away the panel colouring on the original dreadnoughts as I am more of a solid colour fan for them, took a bit of finding the skull head dreadnoughts skull head! I was actually attached to one of the other weapon arms! Luckily it freed up easily and attached well enough. I was panicking for a time about trying to find a new one!
As things finished Saturday!
I dropped off a portion of the force off while visiting OTT. Helps me see whats left and motivates me seeing the progress in clearing my to do shelf!
Below some pics of what I left at the visitors Centre… It looks more than I though when all sat out together …
Motivated at this progress I started on the Storm Wolf as soon as I got home, it was just primed to begin and had the slight air brushing
AM update
So its Sunday morning, and I’ve continued on the Storm Wolf, and managed to get everything out that still needs to be done so that I can get the airbrush out for the final time!
And now to get to work!!
Getting there!
Lack of updates this week! Too much slaving away from me at work ha!
Here is whats been completed this week
The first 2 rhinos
Stormfang Gunship
This was good fun to do, I added some markings around the engine bays, and tried to add some heat markings to the engine exhausts too. Looks to have turned out alright.
Next up.. Grey Hunters!