Spring Clean Challenge; My box of forgotten projects
Recommendations: 88
About the Project
Here I will rake through my box of forgotten projects and paint some of them. I'll even try and find a use for them.
Related Genre: General
Related Contest: Spring Clean Hobby Challenge (Old)
This Project is Completed
Gamesday 2009 Chaos Champion
I’ve had this guy for almost 10 years now, and he’s never left the blister. Actually the last time you saw him he was in the blister.
Now he’s ready to butcher some unsuspecting heroes in Warhammer Quest. Or be the pc chaos warrior and kill some monsters.
Black Numenoreans
Some more minis that have spent the better part of 10 years in a blister. Now they’re ready to join my Mordor army.
an old limited run elf
I found an old elf miniature on a shelf at my parents. It’s a limited edition gw mini from ages ago that belongs to my brother. He says I can have it so it’s fair game. First I need to get the paint off.
2nd Mandrake
Second mandrake done. He’s ready to start his new life as a dark elf assassin in Warhammer Quest.
Queek Headtaker
I finished this bad arsed individual yesterday. He’s ready to lead my Ratkin to war.
Gamezone vampire built
What a c**t that was to build. The horse only has one contact point with the base. I had to not only pin it to the base but also had to use greenstuff to hold it in place. But that wasn’t enough the horse’s leg was warping under it’s own weight. I fixed this by glueing a skull under a bit of cloth creating a second contact point. This made it a little more stable. Now I need to fill in the gaps.
Vampire finished.. sort of
This will be my final entry in this project, I just had to get this vampire finished. I’ve still no idea as to what foliage to put on the base. I just need to go over him again with matt varnish to cover the bits of gloss that I missed. So I’m calling him done for now.