Spring Clean Challenge; My box of forgotten projects
Recommendations: 88
About the Project
Here I will rake through my box of forgotten projects and paint some of them. I'll even try and find a use for them.
Related Genre: General
Related Contest: Spring Clean Hobby Challenge (Old)
This Project is Completed
First out of the box
Next out
I decided to do the mandrake first, since he was already primed. He’s now going to be used in Warhammer Quest as a dark elf assassin.
The base hasn’t dried yet but it’s getting there. My camera hasn’t picked up the highlight on his robes. They’re actually really dark purple.
Barrow Wights finished
My wights are ready to grace the battlefield.
The rusted metal was achieved using a coat of Typhus Corrosion over a layer of leadbelcher. I then drybrushed over it with Ryza Rust.
Staring the skaven
I’ve had another howk through the box and found some more Skaven. I also found some missing arms, which I reattached. I’ve cleaned them up a bit, because the guy I got them from didn’t bother his arse. And I’ve primed them, the guy I got them from just tried to paint on the bare plastic. And now I’m out of primer, there’s a trip to Halfords in my future. I did however make a base for them.
I say make, I mean textured a pre bought base, from Warbases. I mixed up a texture paint (filler, sand and paint) smeared it to the base. Let it dry and drybrushed it with Earth 72.062 from Vallejo game colour. I then stuck a few grass tufts from Tajima1 miniatures. I’m going for a blasted wasteland look.
Right time to get painting.
Skaven update
So that’s half the Skaven I found done. I’m waiting the last wash to dry before I pry the bases off. And then they can glued onto the multibase I showed yesterday.
Skaven next batch
So I’ve finished the next batch. They just need their bases removed. I also painted up this guy to go in the unit since I was missing a couple.
Clanrats complete
That’s my clanrats ready to join Ratkin army for Kings of War. I’ve tried to make it look like they’re being goaded into battle. Nothing says courage like an electric shock to the arse.
Let's fix this monstrosity
This guy needs some TLC. His head was sticking out. So I snapped it off, cleaned the peg out of there and glued it on. There was also I huge gap in his back that I filled with green stuff. At least this one is primed.
Rat ogre done
So I fixed up this dude. He looks miles better now. Or at least I think he does. Although he’s looking a bit lonely, I’m going to have a ratch and mind him some buddies.
Found him some buddies
I had a look through my Skaven case and found these. Now to repaint them to match the other one.
So I found this guy in the box. I think he’s from Heresy Miniatures. I’ve been toying the idea of doing a flesh eater courts army for a while (I’ve got loads of warhammer fantasy ghouls somewhere), and I needed a leader. I think he fits the bill. He’s going to be my abhorrent arch regent.
Rat Ogres
I’ve painted up some buddies for my rat ogre, or rather repainted them. They’ve been multibased for kings of war. There’s a bit of frosting around the feet of the middle one that I need to sort out, but other than that I’m calling them done.
Tomb Guard
I’very been working on these in between working on the other stuff. I’ve literally done them quick and dirty, they’re only for warhammer quest and I imagine will be annihilated pretty quickly. I’ve done the bases like mud. It gets dirty down those dungeons.
Vampire almost done
He’s coming on a bit. I need to varnish him and base him now.
Abhorrent Archregent finished... sort of
He’s done sort of. I need to finish the base, but I’ve not decided to what kind of foliage to put on it. I’m either going to go with the same blasted heath that I used on the Skaven, or a more traditional dead grass.
Ghouls the Rebasing
I decided my Abhorrent Archregent needed some subjects to rule over, so I had a dig in my Vampire Counts case and found a pile of ghouls. Time to whip the bases off. Where’s my razor saw?