Spring Cleaning Challenge: Imperial Guard (PROJECT COMPLETE!)
Recommendations: 67
About the Project
A while ago I started a custom 40K Imperial Guard Regiment. After a year on hiatus this seemed like the perfect opportunity.
Related Game: Warhammer 40,000
Related Company: Games Workshop
Related Genre: Science Fiction
Related Contest: Spring Clean Hobby Challenge (Old)
This Project is Completed
Work so Far
Some Characters
I Don't Want to Load up a Ton of Heroes and Rambo's in a Single Company but I Couldn't Help Myself Adding Just One.
Now the Next Guy is a Hero of the Entire Battalion.
The Company is Lead by Major Thomas Howard Neemack and Company Sergeant Major Donall MacHenry
Got to Have Some Tin on Your Chest
I Decided to Give my Officers Some Quick Medals. They'll be Touched Up Later Just a First Coat So Please Excuse the Roughness
Quick Medal Guide
There are Countless Medals in the Guard Especially in an Ever Changing Army like Galland.
These are Narrowed Down Into Four Major Categories.
Red – These Are Medals Issued While an Officer was a Platoon Commander or an Enlisted Man was a Private.
Blue – These Are Medals Issued While an Officer was a Company Commander or an Enlisted Man was a Veteran or NCO.
Yellow – These Are Medals Issued While an Officer or Enlisted Man was on Exceptional Detached Service. (Eg. An Infantryman Attached to a Tank Brigade or Tanks Supporting Infantry, These Medals are only Given by the “Parent” Commander who doesn’t normally want to share the Glory so anyone with one of these earned it big time).
Purple – These Are Medals Issued Only to Senior Officer or Aristocrats. No One Below the Rank of Colonel and Without Serious Influence will ever get one of these.
Diamonds – General Non Combat Awards, Good Behavior, Exceptional Skill on Parade, Marksmanship, ect.
Circles – For Feats of Exceptional Bravery Under Fire.
Triangles – For Extreme Bravery Under Fire.
Crosses – Given Only by a Marshall of Galland to Men he Personally Saw Commit Acts of Heroism. Seeing as a Marshall is Rarely Ever on the Front Lines If you get One of these You’re Either a Lacky or You Took Part in a Last Stand at the Main CP Which Means Oh so Much S**t Hit the Fan it Wiped out Your Entire Corps.
The “Order of the Tooth and Claw” of Galland are a Relic of the Pre-Heresy Days. They were the Original Warriors that defended Galland when it was first colonised.
Clad in a Primitive Powered Armour they fought the many Wild Beasts of Galland with Massive Armoured Gauntlets and Large Shields.
Through the Millennia these suits dwindled and fell into disrepair before being forgotten in the halls of the “Crusaders” who maintained their Order as an elite Big Game Hunting Club once all the Dangerous Beasts had been exterminated. Membership was not limited by any social or financial standings but approval was needed by a majority of current members before a new member is inducted and the new member must don a suit of the Powered Armour, Wield the Clawed Gauntlet and Carry the Shield of the Watcher, then slay one of the few mighty beasts that remain on Galland.
With Galland returning to the Imperial Fold after a 100 year Succession it was noticed that this Order existed and they were given an ultimatum, send men to fight for the Emperor or disband the order and hand all equipment over to some Bureaucrat. Ever since then the men of “The Order of the Tooth and Claw” have trudged their way through dozens of battlefields, lending their weight to assaults and plugging gaps in the line with their stalwart shields.
They operate as Mercenaries. They’re considered private citizens who are exempt from Military Conscription and many of their members are ex-military Veterans who could find no more work but did not want to re-enlist for obvious reasons.
They are often employed by Marshall’s as personal bodyguards or “Riot Control Squads”.
The Members of the Order originally fought with no helmets, showing their bravery in the face of the enemy but that changed two decades ago on Praximus V.
After Two Companies of Militarum Tempestus Scions were slaughtered to a man Fifty Brothers of the Order of the Tooth and Claw were sent to secure the site and repel the Tyranids that had killed the Scions.
The Mercenaries achived their goal and in the process found themselves in possession of two companies worth of Scions equipment. Their Contract states they can keep all weapons, equipment or objects taken from the enemy so long as they are deemed safe and proper by the correct authorities. Everything they don’t want can be sold back to the Imperial Guard at a nice markup.
The Order argued that the Scions equipment was technically in the possession of the enemy when the Order found it so they legally owned it. The Scions disagreed and soon a literal standoff took place between the Scions and the Order of the Broken Sword around the conquered position. Both sides poured in reinforcements and many men were wounded and a few killed in minor skirmishes.
The Higher Command did not even attempt to intervene for many reasons, they didn’t want to get involved, they didn’t want to piss off either side, they didn’t want to set a precedent and frankly the area they were in was a pretty crucial point to hold and the two sides putting the best fighters in the area was what Command wanted anyway.
After months of stalemate the scions made their move, they stormed the complex in an attempt to drive the Order away but things quickly escalated. The Order slaughtered the Scions though they took enormous losses themselves. The Order of the Tooth and Claw emerged victorious and claimed hundreds of Scion Corpses for their Order.
Ever since that Day Three things have happened:
1. The Order of the Tooth and Claw wear Scion Helmets and Berets into Combat.
2. The Order of the Tooth and Claw can NEVER be assigned to the same Planetary Task Force as Scions since the two will constantly try to kill each other, endangering missions if it means reclaiming one of their precious helmets or to rub it in to the Scions.
3. Brothers of the Order of the Broken Sword must submit 10% of their Number to the Inquisition for use as Retinue members. This was done to calm down the situation after Imperial Troops and Imperial Mercenaries basically slaughtered each other over hats. The Scions dare not defy the Inquisition and so relented and the Order got to keep their cool new gear and get a reputation boost as Inquisitorial Retinue members.
An Old Friend and Some Progress
Now in the painting Home Stretch. Six Coloured Highlights to do now, Blue for the Water Bottles and Pants, Golden for the Guns, White for the Slings, Light Skin for the Flesh, Silver for the Grenades and Pink for the Lace in that Order.
Should have them finished in a day or two.
While I was looking in by Pile O’ Stuff I found the very First 40K Mini I ever bought and that got me into the Game almost ten years ago.
He’s been stripped and He’ll be painted up like the other Commissar.
I just love the Mini. Everything about it is Grimdark and Guard.
He’s holding a Riding Crop on a Battlefield and his stance is so calm and upright he looks like he was standing still, hands behind his back then he saw some COWARDS so he quickly drew his pistol and is now going to take the shot, return the gun and go back to brooding with his hands behind his back.
A Priest and a Commissar
When I found the Commissar I also found an old GW Fantasy Warrior Priest and with a bit of work I turned him into a Priest of the Emperor Instead.
They are both blocked out with colours but they still need a fair bit of work.
Basing Almost Finished
Tomorrow I’ll give the bases a Trim and they’re ready for the tabletop.
Artillery Finished
The Rims still need to be done but I doubt I will have the time before the deadline.
The Crusaders Finished (Order of the Tooth and Claw)
From Start to Finish
Here’s some Pictures from what these were to what they became.
How they Fight
The Role of the Galland Guardsmen wasn’t really something I had in mind until the last few days. I wanted to create the fluff and minis and then fit them into a role rather than sacrificing Lore to fit a category.
Then I saw this….
So I have a group of Guardsmen that seem to be having trouble getting with the whole “Imperium of Mankind not just you guys doing your own thing” and super cool Sci-Fi Hovercraft…..
So what’s the worst, most dangerous thing the Imperial Guard need done by expendable troops again and again and again?
Not just water landings either.
Lake of Acid? No Problem you’re in a Hovercraft just don’t fall in.
River of Toxic Waste? Hold your Breath.
Enemy at the Top of Cliffs? Why do you think we gave you those ropes?
The Men of Galland have taken on a Reputation of Insane Heroism along with a good amount of skill in Opposed “Beach” Landings. Lacking any Craft of their own the Adeptus Mechanicus begrudgingly allow them to use their Hover Craft as long as it means the Mechanicus doesn’t have to waste it’s valuable soldiers taking the beach.
Suicidal beach Assaults also fit the fluff.
Don’t Entirely Trust Your Troops? Good Luck Running Away from a Beach Assault.
Rules Wise if they can’t be Deployed in the Transports then I’ll just take the Transports Separately (maybe with very minor Ad Mech Support if you need to take one unit per Transport) and say this is after the initial landings and now they’re securing the Beachhead.
Of Course after the Landings you then need to knock out the enemies AA and Bunkers so the Rest of the Guard can follow you in, this means the Men of Galland can play normal games of 40K.
Some Artwork
The Good Thing About Converting Minis from Real Life Soldiers is That There's Quite a Bit of Artwork Out There To Build Stories With
Some More Tanks!
Picked these up for Super Cheap and raided the Bitz Box.
Everything in Red comes from the 40K Shipping Containers Kit including the Stormbolters which was cool.
I’ll get some paint on them and see how they turn out.
What do you guys think are they acceptable proxies or should I change some things?