Enter the Blackstone Fortress
Recommendations: 122
About the Project
Got Blackstone fortress, this is me trying to paint it up learn how these projects work :) Maybe get some Battle reports on here too if i can get some good pictures.
Related Game: Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress
Related Genre: Science Fiction
This Project is Active
Almost there.... pt2
couldn’t fit it all in the last update so here’s part 2
Pious Vorne
Chaos Psykers
That means in now at 41 out of 44 minis finished! ALMOST THERE!!!!
Thanks for looking C & C welcome
Almost there.... pt1
Sooo….. long time no update. Real life has been too busy to get much hobby time in let along, get an update on here or to interact with any of the blogs on site unfortunately.
Here’s what I’ve been able to get finished on the blackstone fortress in the time I’ve had
Beastmen in Space
to be continued….
Reforged in black and gold!
Spikey Space Marines done, Holiday + lerg have killed my productivity recently but back on the hobby train and up to 36 out of 44 of the Blackstone Fortress minis.
UR-025 the “Imperial” Robot
UR-025 the “Imperial” Robot finished putting me up to an even 30/44 Finished.
I tried to get the armour as close to the official paint scheme as possible, got it close enough that I’m happy with it 🙂
Thanks for Looking C&C welcome as always.
Espern Loran Finished
Espern Lorcano Imperial Navigator
Before getting stuck into Six Nations Super Saturday. Another Mini finished, thats 29/44 now.
Traitor Guard Finished
Traitor guard done 🙂
Took a lot longer than i was expecting to get finished, Soo much black to highlight 🙁
The 14 guard are split into 2 squads Black squad and red squad. (guys with a red stripe on their helmets)
Makes it easier to spot them up into squads for games (theres 8 in the black squad as thats the most guard that will show up in an encounter)
Think the Grenade boys are my favourites tho i would like to know how to paint a whisky like colour better for their Molotov’s.
with these guys finished that means….
*that was the best version i could find of only the Chorus
28/44 done, I’m going to try holding off on buying Abby and Shadowspear until I’ve finished Blackstone fortress.
Thanks for looking
Tad the Mad
Taddeus the Purifier finished.
Took me a long time to realise he didn’t have a weird nose but his Pope hat had a nose guard. ☺️
Pretty happy with how he came out. Think the white cloth could be better though with a subtler shade.
2nd Explorer finished that’s 14/44 done.
Negavolt Cultists
Negavolt Cultists Finished.
Not my best work but I’m calling it done on them. Brings the count to 13/44 Completed
Dahyak Grekh Finished
Took a while but I’ve finally finished an Explorer
Grekh finished
Redid the face a couple of times but now I’m happy to call him done 🙂
Spindle Drones Done
Couldn’t post this last week so here they are in their spindleness.
Tempted to pick up more of these guys as their interesting in game.
(Wont be picking up any extra Ur-ghuls tho as they are terrifying in game)
Week 3
Week 3
Not painted a lot this week but i did get a golden button for last weeks progress (mostly for Janus 5 o’clock shadow 🙂 )
But here is the progress so far.
also got a cheeky game in (shouldn’t have really as i don’t think I’ve painted enough to reward myself with a game)
both me and the Girlfriend couldn’t get anything out of the dice so the Exploration was a bit of a slog.
Hopefully I can get more done this week but Resident Evil 2 has just shown up so i think ill be distracted. 🙂
Week 2
Hi all this is the second week of me painting up my Blackstone Fortress Minis.
Calling finished on the Ur-Ghuls
Heres the progress on the whole set. (sorry about the glare on the pictures)
Rally happy with the Face on Janus
Me and the girlfriend also got our second game in and first of the proper campaign (pictures were awful so there wont be ay here), we have gone with the rule that if you suffer a grievous wound you cant heal it in combat but can heal in the recovery phase. (there is a contradiction in the rules around this).
After this adventure both Amallyn and Janus found their Secret Agendas and no one died so good Quest 🙂