TheHobbyLodge Battle Reports & Let’s plays
Recommendations: 321
About the Project
Quite simple this one, I am in this hobby to keep a connection with my kids as they grow and I thinking gaming will help do this because we just simply enjoying sitting down and playing a game together and I hope that continues throughout our lives. Here I am going to store my ongoing games and videos, improvements we make to the process and collect ideas of how to make it better.
Related Genre: Family
This Project is Active
I vant to suck your blood - Fury of Dracula by Wizkids
Been wanting to play this game for soooo long and finally, the 4th Edition has been released.
Now this is quite a slow-paced gaming in the beginning but I loved how it ramps very quickly all of sudden when the hunters are on Dracula’s trail
Old skool - HeroQuest by MB Games
Man I love HeroQuest and one day I will get my hands on the expansions but today we played through the first quest and will now be making a weekly visit to go through the quest book.
Some times you just get it wrong - Highlander by RiverHorse Games
So we got some quite negative feedback on this for misunderstanding the rule, one person if took it upon himself to drop a few choice words on the comments section (that person may need some professional help)
Anyway, this was for a much more close up game… I think we suffer most at the moment from mic quality.
Our First Attempt - Nemesis by Awaken Realms Part 1
Quite a complex game to start with but we enjoy it so much it seemed like a good one to film.. I will add more about how we currently doing this equipment etc