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Warhammer Fantasy Revisited

Warhammer Fantasy Revisited

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Project Blog by evilstu Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 1240

About the Project

Using old miniatures from storage to recreate some classic and alternate themed armies for Warhammer Fantasy.

This Project is Completed


Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4

Painted all the base edges today and glued down grass tufts on the characters, cavalry and front ranks of the unit. So that’s 1,000 minis completed in 2019. Well, 1,032 according to my spreadsheet, and just some snow flock and a grass tuft to paint on the below Slaanesh champion (Mr. 1,033) to have everything finished for this project. Then I’ll line everyone up and take some pics to round things out here.

Rest of the day was finishing the paint job on the Slaanesh champion (Below Left) and picking out the gold jewelery on the Daemon champion (Below Right).

Base edge colours so I don't forget later...Base edge colours so I don't forget later...

Army Painter Method: 1 - Pile Of Shame: 0

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 5
No Comments

And, we’re done for 2019. 1,033 miniatures, and 12 forces, painted to a tabletop level in one year. A huge and sincere thank you to everyone who has encouraged me along the way, via various means. This was genuinely fun (despite my incessant grumbling about basing…) and it was a nice way to de-stress and unwind as I was progressing.

I’ll probably close off this project as it is becoming slightly unwieldy, and open a new one for my fantasy work in 2020. I am, however, keen to get stuck into some historicals and cyberpunk, so there should be a reduced focus on just spamming out small forces …

And yes, all square bases here (except for the round ones of course…) 😉

Army Painter Method: 1 - Pile Of Shame: 0
Army Painter Method: 1 - Pile Of Shame: 0
Army Painter Method: 1 - Pile Of Shame: 0
Army Painter Method: 1 - Pile Of Shame: 0
Army Painter Method: 1 - Pile Of Shame: 0
Army Painter Method: 1 - Pile Of Shame: 0
Khorne Force - 2 blocks of 5 knights, 3 blocks of foot, 2 chariots, some characters and a few miscellaneous models to bulk out existing forces.Khorne Force - 2 blocks of 5 knights, 3 blocks of foot, 2 chariots, some characters and a few miscellaneous models to bulk out existing forces.
Tzeentch Force - 2 blocks of knights, 2 blocks of foot and 2 characters. Have another block of chosen foot and lots of daemons to add to this force down the line...Tzeentch Force - 2 blocks of knights, 2 blocks of foot and 2 characters. Have another block of chosen foot and lots of daemons to add to this force down the line...
Nurgle Force. 2 Blocks of knights, a chariot and 5 blocks of foot. The foot units with great weapons were from Avatars of War and were slightly more challenging to assemble. Once I had worked out it was easier to do one part on all the minis (ie legs on to bases for each, then torsos on to legs on each once they had dried etc) rather than actioning one at a time they went together much easier. They were great fun tio paint though and nicely complement their GW counterparts.Nurgle Force. 2 Blocks of knights, a chariot and 5 blocks of foot. The foot units with great weapons were from Avatars of War and were slightly more challenging to assemble. Once I had worked out it was easier to do one part on all the minis (ie legs on to bases for each, then torsos on to legs on each once they had dried etc) rather than actioning one at a time they went together much easier. They were great fun tio paint though and nicely complement their GW counterparts.
Slaanesh Force - 2 blocks of foot, a block of daemons and a couple of characters. I have not been able to get a photograph of the daemons where the skin has not appeared washed out but have attached some additional attempts below. It appears a lot warmer in real life...Slaanesh Force - 2 blocks of foot, a block of daemons and a couple of characters. I have not been able to get a photograph of the daemons where the skin has not appeared washed out but have attached some additional attempts below. It appears a lot warmer in real life...
Army Painter Method: 1 - Pile Of Shame: 0

Final Post Part 2 - Army Painter Strikes Back

Tutoring 0
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Another attempt at photographing the hue of the skin tones...Another attempt at photographing the hue of the skin tones...
Bretonnian force - A block of knights, a character, 2 archers and 2 blocks of foot from Fireforge converted with GW command sprue bits.Bretonnian force - A block of knights, a character, 2 archers and 2 blocks of foot from Fireforge converted with GW command sprue bits.
High Elf Sea Patrol / Nagarythe High Elf Force - 2 blocks of Sea Guard, a block of marines kitbashed form the plastic 8th ed Shadow Warriors parts on to standard elven torsos, three blocks of Shadow warriors and a couple of characters. I still need to add my Sea Dragon to this force and some bolt throwers, maybe some more Shadow warriors too, as unless your opponent is actively and repeatedly smacking you in the head with a hardback copy of the main rules book you clearly don't have enough of them on the table...High Elf Sea Patrol / Nagarythe High Elf Force - 2 blocks of Sea Guard, a block of marines kitbashed form the plastic 8th ed Shadow Warriors parts on to standard elven torsos, three blocks of Shadow warriors and a couple of characters. I still need to add my Sea Dragon to this force and some bolt throwers, maybe some more Shadow warriors too, as unless your opponent is actively and repeatedly smacking you in the head with a hardback copy of the main rules book you clearly don't have enough of them on the table...
Pirates of Sartosa - Not an official playable faction but is included in the AMAZING 9th Edition WHFB fan project. 2 blocks of foot, 2 of deck gunners, a unit of grog lubbers, a unit of swashbucklers,a unit of powder monkeys and the mandatory caster/standard bearer/leader character pack... Minis were a mix of the Frostgrave Ghost Archipelago plastics and Warlord 30 years war infantry.Pirates of Sartosa - Not an official playable faction but is included in the AMAZING 9th Edition WHFB fan project. 2 blocks of foot, 2 of deck gunners, a unit of grog lubbers, a unit of swashbucklers,a unit of powder monkeys and the mandatory caster/standard bearer/leader character pack... Minis were a mix of the Frostgrave Ghost Archipelago plastics and Warlord 30 years war infantry.
Cult of Ulric - This one is a bolt-on faction for the Army of middenheim but is still useable as pictured as a valid stand-alone force. 3 blocks of Knights of the White Wolf, 2 blocks of Hunting Dogs and a character in each of the knight units. Hounds were from Warlord and the hound Masters are Fireforge.Cult of Ulric - This one is a bolt-on faction for the Army of middenheim but is still useable as pictured as a valid stand-alone force. 3 blocks of Knights of the White Wolf, 2 blocks of Hunting Dogs and a character in each of the knight units. Hounds were from Warlord and the hound Masters are Fireforge.
Dogs of War - 2 cavalry squadrons from Fireforge, and the remainder, being 2 blocks of foot, 2 crossbow and 2 handgun units, were from the Perry Miniatures 'Mercenaries' box. Also a commander, paymaster and wizard. The nice thing about this is if I drop the characters I have a nice mercenary force to drop in to a War of the Roses period historical game. Dogs of War - 2 cavalry squadrons from Fireforge, and the remainder, being 2 blocks of foot, 2 crossbow and 2 handgun units, were from the Perry Miniatures 'Mercenaries' box. Also a commander, paymaster and wizard. The nice thing about this is if I drop the characters I have a nice mercenary force to drop in to a War of the Roses period historical game.
Empire Army of Middenheim - 3 blocks of foot, 3 blocks of missile weapons, a unit of skirmishing archers, a warmachine battery and an unreasonable number of characters...Empire Army of Middenheim - 3 blocks of foot, 3 blocks of missile weapons, a unit of skirmishing archers, a warmachine battery and an unreasonable number of characters...
Goblins! As you can see I'm all about the Grimbrite aesthetic of the Old World...Pretty sure I have that right and have not gotten confused along the way... 3 blocks of foot, a unit of cavalry, a spear chukka and some characters and fanatics. Still need to add in a doom diver, perhaps more Wolf Riders when the Oathmark ikit drops, and a Mawpup launcher from Mantic because it is just too hilarious not to...Goblins! As you can see I'm all about the Grimbrite aesthetic of the Old World...Pretty sure I have that right and have not gotten confused along the way... 3 blocks of foot, a unit of cavalry, a spear chukka and some characters and fanatics. Still need to add in a doom diver, perhaps more Wolf Riders when the Oathmark ikit drops, and a Mawpup launcher from Mantic because it is just too hilarious not to...
Orcs -a mix of mantic and GW. A block of boar riders, 4 chariots, 5 units of foot, 3 units of archers and a couple of characters.Orcs -a mix of mantic and GW. A block of boar riders, 4 chariots, 5 units of foot, 3 units of archers and a couple of characters.

Ok, I’m starting to feel a bit twitchy so I’m going to wander off and see if I can find something to paint for a bit… 😉

Closing the 2019 Project, Opening 2020

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 5
1 Comment

In the interests of not having this project growing to the size where it requires it’s own Wikipedia entry, I’m going to close it off for 2019 and open a new project for 2020. New project will be general fantasy so may include non-WHFB elements, although as WHFB is what I’m mostly playing expect that that will still be strongly represented.

Additionally, I’ll be focusing more on historicals this year to try and up my painting skills a little, so there might be less time for speedpainting fantasy forces. ie, probably no more ‘army a month’ nonsense from me 😉

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Thanks again for following along with this thread!

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 0
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