Adeptus Titanicus Warhounds – Legio Audax
Recommendations: 104
About the Project
A summary of my meagre efforts to build and paint some Adeptus Titanicus Warhound Titans.
Related Game: Adeptus Titanicus
Related Company: Forge World
Related Genre: Science Fiction
This Project is Completed
The build and posing process
So as with all these Adeptus Titanicus Titans, I find building the base, first, is the best way to work out posing and the “story” for these Miniatures. For the case of the Warhounds, I came up with an idea that the Warhounds would be breaching a trench line, maybe about to spray hot promethium upon any resistance they came across.
Posing and positioning
Once the legs were built and positioned, I magnetized the waist and added the torso portion. This gave me an opportunity to work out the angle I wanted the Warhound to face.
Painting the substructure
When it came to painting the substructure, I followed the same scheme/recipe that I have been using for all my Titans, thus far; Antiqued Bronze.
To achuach this look I started out with a base primer coat of Stynylres Black. Then went through with Brass, Copper and Silver paints, from the Vallejo Model Color Paint range.
After that, I cut back in with Dahler Rowney Burnt Umber, Purple and Payne’s Grey inks. With a final accent highlight with Torquoise.
A straight silver edge highlight of forward and upper facing edges completed the work.
Painting the Armour Panels
So I mentioned I had a few of these Warhounds to paint. So up to this stage it was a case of rinse and repeat my steps. But the armour panels is we’re the individuality of the miniature needs to be developed.
Taking this into account, the first Carapace was painted the my standard cinder fade effect. This was achieved via successive fades of black, mahogany, opaque heavy red, bloody red, orange red, light orange, yellow and a final spritz of white. These were all from the Vallejo Model and Game Air ranges
Now white is a crappy colour to shoot, as often it will speckle, but int his case is not such a big problem as it causes a worn patina after weathering.
The second Warhound was halved Cinder fade and Black.
Getting some leg
To keep consistent with my other Legio Audax Titans I continued with my hazard striping scheme.
You can do this one of two ways. Do the black, then come back for the yellow, or go yellow and come back with black again. I opted for the second option, as it gave me a much smoother area for the yellow. Yellow can be a fickle beast.
Simply done over the black primer, I lay an initial coat of Yellow Ochre and let that dry hard overnight. Yellow is a very transparent colour and doesn’t cover black well. Yellow Ochre has a brown tone that actually covers quite well.
After drying over night I spray a Yellow fadefade highlight with Moon Yellow, all Vallejo paints. I let that sit and cure overnight, so masking won’t damage the yellow fades.
Black is then achieved, after masking stripes with Tamiya Masking Tape, with a base of black, then I start fades with Secret Weapon Black Tire, Rubber and a final highlight of Rubber Highlight paint.
Other Armour Panels
So outside of the Leg Greave and Carapace armour panels, there are a few more panels to paint. Thigh and Rear Torso. I opted for red for these areas.
Starting with Opaque Heavy Red and doing colour modulation fades with Bloody Red and final highlight of Orange Red.
So how do I get a nice head?
On every single miniature the face and/or head is the single focus of the model. And this is especially true in the case of the Warhound.
I attempted a few schemes, didn’t like them and stripped the miniature, starting over again. Finally, I settled for my hazard pattern angling the stripes to really draw focus to the Warhound’s head.
Assembling and sticking to the base.
Assembling and final placement of the first Warhounds.
Adding some of the weapons, pointing him in the right direction and all that is left now is water slide transfers, weathering and varnishing.
Time for a number two
So while all this was happening, I was also working on the second Warhound.
This fellow lagged during this period, because he ended up with the pieces I ended up stripping.
But as you can see, he’s not too far behind. Working on the head, currently.
Finishing up on the second Warhound
Assembling all the parts, now that I have finished painting them up. This is how the second Warhound turned out.
Side by side, Legio Audax Warhounds
A quick picture showing the Warhounds whilst I am tidying up some details.
Incineratio Undam and Ignis Fluctum - Wave of Incineration and Fire Wave - Legio Audax - Adeptus Titanicus Warhound Titans.
Waterslide transfer decals on. Weathering completed.
Incineratio Undam and Ignis Fluctum – Wave of Incineration and Fire Wave – Legio Audax – Adeptus Titanicus Warhound Titans.
#adeptustitanicus #paintingadeptustitanicus #paintingforgeworld #paintingwarhammer #titanicus #horusheresy #warhound #warhoundtitan