Temple of the Blood Soaked peak (Daughters of Khaine)
Recommendations: 22
About the Project
Hey all this is the entombed, been a while I think but I do have a project that I was hoping to get work on finally. My daughters of khaine have been my new army project since I finished my Sylvaneth army. unfortunately I also started to notice the stockpile of plastic grow quite tremendously in my house. So I have decided that I am going to attempt to finish painting the DoK army. This project will last until the end of the year, at least that is what i expect at the moment.
Related Game: Warhammer Age of Sigmar
Related Company: Games Workshop
Related Genre: Fantasy
This Project is Active
Update - Horses
I will be trying to update a little more frequently, so here is the progress I’ve made on the Doomfire Warlock Horses in the past couple days. The only thing I have left to do is the rider on each horse.
Big Update
Big update here, Since I last posted I’ve gotten a lot done. First, I’ve got the rest of the Melusai unit finished, Then you’ve got pictures of the Khinerai. These bases I still need to finish up with grass, but I wanted to get them posted on here first. Lastly, the unit I’m getting done now is the Doomfire Warlocks, and their sking looks a little blue atm, but in the end it will have a very pale, almost frozen skin tone, which I think should look great. Until next time!
Update- Test model snake girls.
So today I finally had some time to work on some of my army that I had primed. so with that i decided to do a test model. for this I wanted something that would not be to far from the rest of the army but still grant a bit of contrast. This is why I went with the Purple scales. this combined with the cobalt silvery color for the ridge made her stand out from the rest of the army.
With that though it does make me think that i should do a more detailed design once i get to the leader of the unit. Personally I also want to work on the skin tones as i continue on my trek through this army. =D
What needs to be done and Its execution.
So for this project it would be safe to say that i have at least another 60+ models to paint in the current force. Beyond this I have already done the center piece model, Morathi, and currently have mostly troops and two cauldrons left to paint. With that in mind I`m going to attempt to split the remainder of the painting between the two cauldron as my bench mark models so that in between them I get through the smaller units.