Horus Heresy – World Eaters Paintblog by Andre77
Recommendations: 141
About the Project
Well on our latest Nerd-Rage (nerd vacation) my gaming group decided we should go with the Horus Heresy. Everyone should look for a legion of their interest. And we looked that we have an even numbers of loyal and traitor legions. So i decided to go with my long time love interest: The World Eaters. Then we have Thousand Sons, Imperial Fists, Ravenguard, Iron Hands and Emporers Children. To motivate us and having a good time table we do this in a P500 challange. So everyone of us has to paint 500 Pts. in each 2 months so we have a 2000pts. army on our next Nerd-Rage.
Related Game: Warhammer: The Horus Heresy
Related Company: Games Workshop
Related Genre: Science Fiction
This Project is Active
First day finished
So after airbrushing the models of the first batch white, i started painting nuln oil in the gaps between the armour parts for the first squad, which will be the assault squad. Like a buddy once said in these phases it may look like quite ugly and messy. I also painted some part blue, but more to let me do something else and then i did some work on the jumppacks. I think my next report on the progress will follow on the weekend.
Whiter than white.
Well this is the first day of our challenge. And the first thing i want to do is paint white over my white coating. You may ask why? And i say say white coating is not white enough.
Same goes for the infantry. Maybe i didn’t have to here. You will see this later.
Second Entry: The start and first block
So i started with a Calth (thanks to my buddies) and Prospero Box and lot of bits from Forgeworld and other companies. My first 500 pts (exactly 605 pts.) paint block constists of:
Kharn the Bloody [190pts] Legacy of Blood [20pts]
Assault Squad, Legion , Compulsory [235pts]
9x Assault Space Marines, Legion [117pts] 2x Power Axe
Assault Sergeant, Legion [40pts] Artificer Armour [10pts], Hand Flamer [10pts], Melta Bombs [5pts], Power Fist [15pts]
Tactical Squad, Legion , Compulsory [180pts]
9x Tactical Space Marines, Legion [90pts]
Rhino Armoured Carrier, Legion [45pts] Heavy Flamer [10pts]
Tactical Sergeant, Legion [10pts] Combi-weapon [10pts]: Plasma gun
When i need time i will pull the rhino into the next slot.
So here all the miniatures white coated
Kharn is from Forge World, with a slight modification on the helmet. The victims will be painted from my buddies in their legion colours.
The Tactical Squad (Mark III) has helmets and shoulder pads from forgeworld. I added some sarrissas made from chainswords and combat knives and medium fire muzzles from anvil industry. I also like the ones from armorcast, but the shippings is way to much atm and my FLGs dont have then anymore in their inventory.
The Assault Squald (Mark III) has helmets and shoulder pads from forgeworld, jump packs from MaxMini. Some helmets from Kromlech. I added close combat arms from Kromlech to add Chain Axes and Bolt Pistols from Forge World. The power axes are from a Red Butcher set (will come later). Here i added some small fire muzzles too.
So this block starts in november. You will see more then. I will do step by step entries here. Hope you will like it.
First Entry: Love-Interest
As written the World Eaters were one of my love interests on the traitors side next to my Alpha Legion for 40K.
So i did some World Eaters as support for my Alpha Legion in 40K in the past, but i never could think about blue and green as a colour for World Eaters. For a painting contest i did this Chaos Space Marine:
This one should not be my last one. I did a Berserker Squad, an Raptor squad, an Chaos Lord on Juggernaut and an Chaos Rhino.
And almost forgot the arch-traitor Kharn: