Horus Heresy – World Eaters Paintblog by Andre77
Recommendations: 141
About the Project
Well on our latest Nerd-Rage (nerd vacation) my gaming group decided we should go with the Horus Heresy. Everyone should look for a legion of their interest. And we looked that we have an even numbers of loyal and traitor legions. So i decided to go with my long time love interest: The World Eaters. Then we have Thousand Sons, Imperial Fists, Ravenguard, Iron Hands and Emporers Children. To motivate us and having a good time table we do this in a P500 challange. So everyone of us has to paint 500 Pts. in each 2 months so we have a 2000pts. army on our next Nerd-Rage.
Related Game: Warhammer: The Horus Heresy
Related Company: Games Workshop
Related Genre: Science Fiction
This Project is Active
World Eaters done. 2500 pts worth of blood spilling:
Last models to finish were the Destroyers:
And one veteran sergeant, chaplain and medicae primus Ghalan:
This was just on point. I finished the army on the last day before i would visit al local tournament. The horus heresy winteroffensive.
My project may be done, but i have some leftovers which i will finish in the next months to come. But i also love to paint some other models, because painting white is quite hard and time intensive. Till then paint on.
Winter is coming: Land Raider Phobos done:
Next Destroyers and Medicae Primus. Oh, and Consul done too.
Some days later: Tactical Support done:
Thought that it took much more time. But i finished 2 Tactical Support squads: 6x Plasma and 5x Melter, added a Veteran with Plasma
Next Phobos Land Raider.
Days are fading out: World Eaters Leviathan done:
Next Tactical Support
Uncounted days: 4th block Terrax Termite and Assault Squad done:
One week vacation, next Horus Heresy Event around the corner this motivated me:
More endless days: 3rd Block. Red Butchers done.
These needed again more time than planed. White is so fucking hard, the work flow is thick as honey.
Next should be the Land Raider Phobos, but the model is a pain in the butt. So deviated to the Termite.
Endless days: 2nd Block done. 2nd Tactical Squad done.
Finishing these took far more time than thought. I was not lazy. But for the summer i painted a chaos deamons/nurgle army: 60 plaguebearers, great unclean one, deamonprince of nurgle, 6 plaguedrones, plague hulk, furies of nurgle, firedeamons etc. as seen on the WAYPN. But now i am back on trackish.
Because in november there will be a Horus Heresy event nearby, which i will attend, i will put some work on the upcoming models, which include the red butcher, Phobos land Raider, leviathan dreadnought, more assault troops.
150th day: 3. Block 1st model: Mortis Contemptor
Still behind schedule. 2nd block of Tacticals still open. But i finished this 1st modell of the 3rd block. So this is progress.
Mortis Contemptor with 2 Kheres Assault Cannons and Havoc launcher:
127th day: 2. Block 1st set Rampager und Apothecary
Im totally behind the schedule. By march we should have finished the 2nd block, but i just finished this half of the block.
10 Rampager and 1 Apothecary with jumppacks:
I will try to get some ground, because my mates have already started the 3rd block.
88th day: 1. Block celebration and gaming
So we meet last sunday for our first block celebration and gaming. First some army on parade and then scenario 1 from the rulebook:
Traitors (Thousand Sons and World Eaters) vs. Loyalists (Imperial Fists and Iron Hands)
86th day: Rhino 1 done
Rhino done. Took longer than thought, but my buddies are not doing better progress. This sunday will see out first game with 1000 pts. from first and second block:
Will airbrush some white this evening and tomorrow will see some new work on the 2nd block. And i have a titan in the background.
63th day: First Block done, Tactical Squad done.
Will add a rhino on top of this block.
2nd Block will include 1 Apothecary, 10 more Tacticals and 10 Rampager with jumppacks. So more to come.
46th day: KHAAAAAARN!!!
Well finished Kharn some days ago. It is my 2nd Kharn. And I am sure it will not be my last one. Kharn can’t die (not forever):
Well he is not totally finished. Misses his victim on the base, which will painted from a buddy.
23th day: For the warmaster!!!
And the out of the sky it was done.
Did the blood, the flash muzzle, added highlights to the boltguns.
For the base i used out of the pot GW martian ironeart on a black underground. When dried and brocken up. I washed the bases with a red wash/shade. Then i used a dark red ochre pigment on the surface and a bit was applied to the feets of the power armour. At last i painted the edge of the base black too.
And done. Well not in total. Next comes Kharn as a small reward. Before we go to the next 10 marine.
21st day: End of the tunnel
After the battering i started working on the details.
Shoulderpads trims in gold. Washed with 1/2 softone, 1/2 strong tone + thinner. Then the golden edges and rivets lightly overworked.
The on the left side of the shouldpads i did the red maw and on the backsides i painted the grenades. I also did the metal parts of the hand weapons and applied a thinned oily black ink on them.
Then i did some decals. I later noticed i need white decals, but the FW World Eaters doesn’t deliver them, and the other ones not so many in quantity. And i didn’t wanted to invest so much in decals. So i searched in my decal box and some ones with storm symbols. I used a decal medium/softener to apply them on the rounded surfaces. Dried (needs half a day) i applied a matt varnish on the decals to fixate them and take the gloss from them:
Then i did the sergeants face. Used a bronzed flesh + kislev flesh mix. Lighted this up with white and applied a sepia wash on this. The teeths are metal, but that is hard to be seen. Eyes and cables to the head and scars for further details. Will apply later a thinned black ink on the metal parts of the head avoiding the flesh 😉
17th day: Battering the white.
So i wanted the white armours to look lightly battered. So my thought was, to first apply some boltgun metal with a sponge and a worn out brush. I lightly overdid on some parts . But i used this for another idea. Think about a apprentice getting some crap white colour to overwork the battered armours. Just giving one coat. For this i used well thinned white. In the end you can see the result just, when you get a closer look on the minis. That was, what i wanted. It almost is marmorized. More to come
16th day: White armour of 10 dudes done.
Next comes some weathering and battered look, before i do the black and metal parts.
9th day: The white armours kill me.
Painting white is a real pain. I changed my workflow to improve on the time needed for painting the white. Well it helped a little, but i still need 2 1/2hrs just for the white armour. I am still unsure if i do it right and if my approach is right. Did today the 4th Marines armour. I am pretty sure i will need one more week to finish those first 10.
Here the step by step pics (after the washing):
5th day: First powersuit almost done.
Fast forwarded one assault marine to see what may be the end result. Have to say, i am unsure if i can hold to this standard in total.
Finished the white, with painstackly working around the rivits and adding white dots on them. Added retributor armour gold and painted the weapons black. Thinking about use a ink/wash to the gold, maybe some highlights. Then i have to add metals to the weapons and inks those again. Before i add highlights on them too.
4th day finished: jumppacks and armor
Man have forgotten how much time it needs to paint 10 Marines in a row.
Almost finished the jumppacks. What did i do first? Well i started on the exhaust.
Yes, i painted it with averland sunset and added more white to the edge.
Then i used boltgun metal/lead belcher on the intake of the jumpack and the exhaust panels. I washed those with a thinned black ink (i like how it flows into the corners and still shines oily).
After this i painted the blue with caledor sky/enchated blue, i washed over this with thinned asurmen blue wash.
At last i painted the rivets in pure boltgun metal/leadbelcher.
Thinking about adding some black inks on them too, maybe not, because i dont want to ruin the blue. Maybe i will just do some highlighting on the corners with caledor sky + a little bit white.
Here is a total of the overall work + a bit prework on the armor to see if it works out like i want it.