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For the Watch!

For the Watch!

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Project Blog by dawfydd


About the Project

So one of the 40k projects I've had on the back-burner for a while now has been an army of The Imperiums thin black line of Xenos-hunters, the black-clad kill-teams of the Deathwatch. Now I've been building bits & pieces of this force since the 7th edition codex but A) never got around to painting any of it or B) gaming with it. With this Space Hulk Project Challenge though I figure it's a good opportunity to take a stab, and see if I can find a way to paint massed black armour that is quick and "pops" without coming out too-grey. And as this is a Space Hulk-themed challenge, I reckon a good place to start is with a squad of Terminators and their Watch-Captain. If I can get these 8 knocked fairly quickly we might see what else is in the queue that might be appropriate for missions inside a Space Hulk....

This Project is On Hold