Kev White does Matt Dixon – Female Fantasy Miniatures
Recommendations: 83
About the Project
Kev White does Matt Dixon - Female Fantasy Miniatures was a Kickstarter run by Hasslefree miniatures that ran in October 2016 and that delivered a couple of months ago. I'm working on a batch of five of the models. I'm aiming to work on my skin tones, but also to try and paint a translucent dress on the Katarina model and some interesting fur patterns on the Bambi and Winter Helen models.
Related Company: Hasslefree Miniatures
Related Genre: Fantasy
This Project is Completed
Getting started
Kev White does Matt Dixon – Female Fantasy Miniatures was a Kickstarter run by Hasslefree miniatures that ran in October 2016 and that delivered a couple of months ago. I’m working on a batch of five of the models. I’m aiming to work on my skin tones, but also to try and paint a translucent dress on the Katarina model and some interesting fur patterns on the Bambi and Winter Helen models.
In the picture below, from left to right: Katarina, Bambi, Mythic Helen, Winter Helen, Pin-Up Helen.
These models are all the metal versions. It was a bit fidely to assemble some of the joints as the female anatomy led to some very small joints. Overall the model quality was very good though and I had no trouble figuring out where the parts went.
I have begun with the skin tones. I base coated Rakarth Flesh and then washed with Reikland Fleshshade.
Other models painted previously
I should probably mention that I received more models in the Kickstarter but they have already been finished. I painted them up to represent Age of Sigmar battlemages. In the picture below we have:
Top left: Lady Nyvenne (not a Kickstarter model) as an Amthyst Wizard.
Top middle: Argia Tholos (not a Kickstarter model) as a Light Wizard.
Top right: Azura Halfblood (not a Kickstarter model) as an Amber Wizard.
Bottom left: Winter Erryn A’dell as a Grey Wizard.
Bottom middle: Matthias as a Gold Wizard.
Bottom right: Amalthea (not a Kickstarter model) as a Jade Wizard.
Skin and Katarina's translucent dress
I’ve painted all the skin tones (following from my previous base coat and wash steps) with a layer of flayed one flesh a layer of 50:50 flayed one flesh and pallid wych flesh and then a final highlight of pallid wych flesh. I painted these in rapid succession so that the paints would still be wet when the next layer was applied.
Katarina’s dress was painted with a celestra grey base coat, and it then had successive highlights of ulthuan grey and then white scar. Again I added the layers in rapid succession so the previous layer was still wet and the paints could blend in together a bit on the model.
To achieve the translucent effect I mixed white scar with flayed one flesh in a 50:50 ratio and painted it on to the dress where I imagine the dress is resting directly against the skin. I.e. the thighs, bum, and breasts. I then used a 75:25 mix of white scar to flayed one flesh around these areas to blend them in with the white dress.
As a final touch I applied two very small dots of reikland fleshshade to suggest where her [private] can be seen through her dress.
Wood and hair - part 1
Hopefully some better photos today that are in focus.
Painted the wood and hair today. I also re-blended the paints on Katarina’s bottom as I noticed the transition was too stark looking at yesterday’s photos.
Wood and hair - part 2
Split into two parts as doing this in one post always seems to fail. Too many pictures I suspect.
Leather, tiger skin, steel and silver
The tiger skin is based on the photo below. I started with a vomit brown base and then added ushabti bone fine lines followed by abaddon black fine lines. The tiger skin was finished off with a wash of fuegan orange.
The steel was done with a leadbelcher base, nuln oil wash followed by highlights of ironbreaker and then runefange steel. The silver of Katarina’s jewelery was done the same bu the nuln oil was was replaced with a glaze of guilliman blue.
Mythic and Winter Helen
Winter Helen’s fur was simply painted celestra grey and then washed with nuln oil. Her bracers and boots were painted abaddon black and then highlighted with skavenblight dirge. For the leopard skin I started with a Talarn sand base and then painted rhinox hide irregular circles. Looking at the reference picture I found the circles are often not complete but they do form in rows, so I tried to copy that as best as I could. I finished the leopard skin with a seraphim sepia wash.
Mythic Helen’s skirt was painted with a naggaroth night base, washed druchii violet and then given successive highlights of xereus purple and genestealer purple. This is because purple is one of the spot colours of my Order force. Her armour was painted screaming bell, washed reikrarth flesh, and then given successive highlights of hashut copper, sycorax bronze, and runefang steel. The shield was painted with micro set and an elder vehicle transfer was applied. The transfer was then sealed in place with more micro set.
The bases are the standard bases I use for Age of Sigmar Order models, which is where I imagine I will use these models if I ever game with them. The bases are painted zandri dust, then the skills are painted rakarth flesh, the metal areas as retributor armour, and then the whole base is given an agrax earthsade wash. When the wash is dry I drybrush the whole base with tyrant skull and then the metal areas are drybrushed golden griffon.
Finishing touches
To finish the models I painted the eyebrows with rhinox hide, trying to keep the lines as fine as possible. The eyes were painted with a 50:50 mix of white scar and lahmian medium. I then drew in the pupils with a 0.1 mm technical pen. The lips were painted with carroburg crimson, making sure as much of the wash had been drawn off the brush on some tissue paper before gently applying it to the mouth. Any mistakes on the faces were then covered up with flayed one flesh.