Pafetikbazerka’s bad kitty and other Imperial nasties
Recommendations: 226
About the Project
Just one of those 'have miniatures board game, must paint' kind of things. The base set plus a couple of expansions adds up to quite a few minis so my aim here is for relatively quick table top quality
Related Game: Star Wars: Imperial Assault
Related Company: Fantasy Flight Games
Related Genre: Science Fiction
This Project is Active
Kitties done
So a bit of back and forth with gentle dry-brushing and dilute washes of strong tone, picked out some details, and I think they are just about done. The bases I will leave till I have decided what I want to do. Imperial Assault strikes me as being one of those games that really benefits on the board with clear bases and I noticed a few listings about.
New Airbrush!
So I got myself a new Badger Krome airbrush to complement my old Badger Cresendo. It came with a fine and ultra fine needle so I just had to see how much detail I could start squeezing out of it. Its a big leap forward from the crescendo but using it to paint stripes was a probably bit ambitious so I knocked the stripes back to use a more traditional method.
Brushing the stripes certainly gave more control but they still felt too sharp , I was kind of fumbling my way through fur creation here so I knocked the painted stripes back again by about 50% then started gently dry brushing them in. The upside of this back and forth is it started giving me a hint of the fur effect I was after. Below you can see the dry brushed mini vs the 50% knocked back
Bad Kitty
So to date my painting efforts have included scaly dragons, a few armour encased warriors, human heroes, and decaying zombies. This being my first furry kitty I sought a little reference and some inspiration.
We're off!
So I figured a good place to start was with the Imperial pieces from the base set. Here they are, all primed with black plus a base coat colour sprayed on with only an after thought given to the undersides