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Pafetikbazerka’s bad kitty and other Imperial nasties

Pafetikbazerka’s bad kitty and other Imperial nasties

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Project Blog by pafetikbazerka Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 226

About the Project

Just one of those 'have miniatures board game, must paint' kind of things. The base set plus a couple of expansions adds up to quite a few minis so my aim here is for relatively quick table top quality

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Another quick one to the table top

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 0
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Another quick one to the table top

over zenithed undercoat I’ve painetd all my dark areas a thin coat of citadel eshin grey and all the red areas a thin coat of mephiston red and added some basic highlights by lifting the mephiston with a little evil sunz scarlet.

I found the process of relying on washes a bit unsettling. I can take quite  few washes before things start looking like it should and though there isnt much brush time there is a lot of waiting for stuff to dry. I only used 3 washes , a black, a purple and a dark brown red and had to do wash wash moring , lunch, and night when I was home to do so.

Another quick one to the table top

Finishing touches include new base, some selective dry leadbelcher knocked back with a black wash and some selective gloss varnish in keeping with shiny Starwars feel.


More fodder

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Officaly table top ready for next few missions this weekend.

Could go on with a few minor details but sometimes its nice to have a reason to come back and revist.

Too cheap?

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Is it right to over piant a few Kinder Suprise starwars figures from 1997 as cheap stand ins for the even cheaper cardboard tokens suplied in the base Imperial Assault box?Is it right to over piant a few Kinder Suprise starwars figures from 1997 as cheap stand ins for the even cheaper cardboard tokens suplied in the base Imperial Assault box?


Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Finaly I got a chance to sit down with my son and one of his mates and start the base campaign weekend before last. The boys enjoyed it so much we got through the first 3 scenarios in one sitting. When I saw the next scenario required Han & Ig-88 I couldnt resist so grabbed some extra figures.Finaly I got a chance to sit down with my son and one of his mates and start the base campaign weekend before last. The boys enjoyed it so much we got through the first 3 scenarios in one sitting. When I saw the next scenario required Han & Ig-88 I couldnt resist so grabbed some extra figures.
Base coat and zenith: IG-88, Rebel saboteurs, General Weiss, Imperial Guard champ, HanBase coat and zenith: IG-88, Rebel saboteurs, General Weiss, Imperial Guard champ, Han

Core box done!

Tutoring 1
Skill 4
Idea 4
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So Australia is known for being hot in summer but the one that officaly ended today has been its hottest on record, and I’m still sitting expecting 35deg + days this weekend. Hence most painting attemps have ground to a halt as even with a wet pallet, paint dries on minis so fast its unworkable.

However the previous 2 weeks had provided some mild evenings so I got cracking on finishing my core box. I still have the ‘Hoth’ and ‘Jabbas’ box to go so this project is by no means finished but it will go on hold as I’ll probably move on to some Conan minis for a bit as soon as the curent heat wave has passed


Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Ready for the table topReady for the table top

No Colours anymore I want them to turn.....

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Honestly , finding black on black a bit challenging. Seems less forgiving,  like any inconsistencies in blending  stand out against the deepest blacks.   I’m going to try a few more passes tomorrow see if I can get my ‘table top’ standard and hope the matt finish settles him down a bit


Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 2
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I think I’ve heard it said before that there’s an issue with people rushing the towards the end of their projects as they see the end and want to get it done with. My rush is probably more to do with other projects (damn you Spacehulk!) but I still feel I’m meeting my table top standard and I feel my eyes have improved a bit.


Gaarkan and Gideon

Tutoring 1
Skill 4
Idea 3
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Hand painting badges. Practice makes for more practice.Hand painting badges. Practice makes for more practice.

I think some of the layering could be better but not so much better it will make a difference on the table.

Paint all the things!

Tutoring 1
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Paint all the things!

Not quite batch painting. Just focusing on Gideon and the wookie and spreading some love when I hit a colour on the pallet that looks useful.

Almost there.

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Home Stretch, all heroes preshaded while undercoatingHome Stretch, all heroes preshaded while undercoating

Bossk who?

Tutoring 1
Skill 5
Idea 4
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So it turns out weekends are good for few things. 1 of those is painting minis while listening to the Weekender Chat show.

Trandoshan Hunters done with a series of glazes, a little drybrush, and some intervening washes.

And while I had the paint out I made a subtle tweak to distinguish elite from not so eliteAnd while I had the paint out I made a subtle tweak to distinguish elite from not so elite

Stay on Target!

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 4
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Been struggling to find much time lately but chippin’ away, even if its only half an hour a day, it does help things progress. With E-web engineers complete there now only the Trandoshan Hunters and the Heroes to complete the starter box.

Stay on Target!

So what are ya doin for bases?

Tutoring 1
Skill 5
Idea 7
So what are ya doin for bases?

Not much time for painting this weekend, had to take take the kids to the local -con. But my 1.5mm bases arrived from Litko. Unfortunately I couldn’t ship their glue overseas so I’m trying the 2 most likely from my local store. I’l give a day before strength testing but I’m already happy with my choice to go clear.

The Viper droids are chattering

Tutoring 1
Skill 7
Idea 5

Simple metallic 3/4 dry brush, wash and a few details. I think these things could paint themselves.

Edit: BTW I’ve been quite conscious of effect of matt v semi gloss, v gloss on this project. The original 3 movies use gloss and lighting for remarkable statements and I’ve endeavoured to maintain that flavour. These droids actually have several layers of gloss on the lenses instead of the typical highlight. I’m certainly ok with painted reflections and highlights but subject matter wanted something different.

Imperial Guard

Tutoring 4
Skill 6
Idea 4
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Thought I would try my hand at under shading these. So after a dark wash I brushed on some citadel Wild Rider Red. And though I didn’t quite get the contrast or tonal variation I was hoping for it did kind of work with airbrushing the citadel Evil Sunz Scarlet over.

Imperial Guard

When I say Jump!

Tutoring 1
Skill 5
Idea 3
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When I say Jump!

Imperial Officers

Tutoring 5
Skill 3
Idea 5
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Imperial Officers

One thing that I always picture when I think of Imperial Officers is that line created by the double breasted tunic running down the right side so I took a sharp wood carving knife and carefully scraped in little step to accentuate where the tunic comes across.

I’ll probably adjust the ranking bars on the left breast as well to give a little more presonality. 1 of them will be a higher ranking officer in grey with red and blue bars , the other 2 officers will be in black with a single blue bar.

Polish that kit!

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 1
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So I added some shading with blue wash then a few more passes with a ceramic white glaze and I’m ok with the look from a gaming distance but I think I over did the matt base in my glaze and probably didn’t thin my layers quite enough. The finish looks a little rough when say, zoomed in for photos etc.

Maybe a gloss base for my glazes would have been easier in long run, but I figure I can still gloss them and decide from there. Another clear coat or two will only protect them from here.

As for the squad colour I decide to give them coloured cogs on their shoulders which is enough to identify if I lose track but doesn’t detract from the uniformity that is the Stormtrooper en-masse.

If only it were that simple

Tutoring 4
Skill 3
Idea 5
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So I’m looking at stromtrooper reference material and seeing 2 stand out issues.

  1. Stomtroopers are clean and shiny which I’m thinking is ok if it was just 1 or 2 minis coz I can spend some real time blending shading and actually making them look interesting but I have a few to paint and nee to get through them quickly.
  2. It seems more or less standard to indicate some sort of squad colour either via bases or as coloured shoulders or banding but I’ve already ordered clear bases and feel the other options detract from how a ‘typical’ storm trooper should appear
My initial white over black leaving some grey undersides.My initial white over black leaving some grey undersides.
If only it were that simple

So I decide I need a balance between clean with a little definition and throw down a black wash first to bring up the detail then go in with a off-white ‘almost’ dry brush. This is where many of the the mouldings imperfections started appearing. But not really having the time I just dealt with them as I went along.

If only it were that simple

At some point I felt I had overdone the dry brushing so gave them a quick spray of gloss followed by a dilute wash before I started glazing on ceramic white

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