Return to Middle Earth – Spring Clean 2022
Recommendations: 131
About the Project
With the release of Middle Earth Battle Strategy Game, I've decided to jump back into the system. I've always loved playing Lord of the Rings, and have always considered it to be the best rules set by Games Workshop. It also helps that the miniatures are nicely sculpted as well. I managed to purchase a job lot of a friend a few months back when there were wild rumours floating around regarding a possible new set of rules for the system. This project will cover all my painting efforts in building several armies along with heroes.
Related Game: Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game
Related Company: Games Workshop
Related Genre: Fantasy
Related Contest: Spring Clean Hobby Challenge (Old)
This Project is Active
Some finished Minis
Managed to get a few orcs finished, along with a couple more.
Spring Clean Challenge 2022
I started this project back in 2019 and then it got left by the wayside. So this year I plan to rejuvenate this project. The aim is to get as much painted as possible during the Spring Clean Challenge.
Below are some minis from my collection that I sporadically painted over the 18 months.
I have in my collection a number of metal and fine cast character models, along with a rather large amount plastic miniatures from various factions.
I also have some terrain pieces that I’ve built but as yet painted, and I’m looking to get those finished as well.
Some quick terrain pieces
I managed to finish another small piece of terrain this afternoon, though this time I decided to go with a lighter colour scheme. This one has been designed to be used in LotR and other games. I also made a small road sign objective marker.
Some finished minis
I’ve managed over xmas and this year to finally finish some miniatures.
Some finished terrain items
These are some of the finished terrain pieces built in preperation for future games of Middle-Earth Battles.
Modular Terrain
In order to make these I’m using a number of items.
PVA glue
Hot glue gun
Bird cage grit (Wilkinsons) approximately £1-2
Small stones, same as those used in an aquarium (Wilko)
Small Painting Canvases in a pack of 6 (The Works) £2-3
Black or Grey undercoat
Selection of terrain left overs from various companies.
Flock and tufts, these can be bought from a number of outlets including Army Painter and Games Workshop. Though I’d recommend checking out Ebay first.
Acrylic paint – selection of varying colours.
Some more WIPs
These are some of the heroes and infantry of the forces for good which are currently on my painting table.
Some more finished miniatures
I’ve been blasting through painting as much as possible and they’re up to a reasonable table top standard, but I’m not happy with the end result, so I’m going to take my time with the hero/villain characters.
I’ll only paint the units fast, as long as the heroes and leaders are painted to a much higher standard I’m OK with that.
The Sauron miniature I bought from a friend, and it came base colour painted, so all I needed to do was some touch ups in areas, add a wash for shading anf finish off with some high lights.
Harad Wip
I’ve started some Harad infantry, and I’ve decided to paint them in colours associated with the desert. I wanted a more camouflaged look and feel to them, the sort of colours they would wear if they were fighting in their homeland.
I’m working on a single unit to begin with then will add further units to this warband at a later stage.
Some finished miniatures
These are some finished miniatures to date.