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40k inquisitor kill team

40k inquisitor kill team

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Project Blog by jimbob86

Recommendations: 35

About the Project

So this is my first project and what better way to start than by building an inquisitors kill team. I have loved the image of and inquisitor and his retinue since I read my first black library books, The Jaq Draco trilogy and later the Eisenhorn trilogy. I don’t have any rules in mind yet for this kill team, I’ll come up with them later. Right now I just want to make something I think is cool.

This Project is Active

First 4 members mostly finished

Tutoring 0
Skill 1
Idea 0
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First 4 members of my inquisitors warband/kill team mostly finished, just need to touch up a couple of areas and work out what I’m going to do with the bases but won’t do that till I’ve finished the whole team.

First 4 members mostly finished
Inquisitor Yamamoto of the Ordo XenosInquisitor Yamamoto of the Ordo Xenos
Captain Garus Kesthor, Rogue Trader and owner of the cruiser The Crassus Domina.Captain Garus Kesthor, Rogue Trader and owner of the cruiser The Crassus Domina.
Robodoberman, Garus’ dogRobodoberman, Garus’ dog
Bender the OgrynBender the Ogryn

Getting started on the inquisitor

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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I’ve been thinking a lot about the colours to use when I come to painting my minis and to try and tie all the figures together all will feature red somewhere on the model.

The inquisitor I picture as quite a proud and vain man not wanting to get his hands dirty unless he has to. To help with this image I want to make his armour a metallic red, I’ve never really tried this before so I’m kind of making it up as I go along.

The method I’ve used is to paint the armour gold and highlight as I would normally and then keep applying a red glaze until I get the red I want. I wanted to use gold as the base coat to give the red a warm feeling.

The paints I am going to use are Retributor armour, Auric armour gold and liberator gold.

Once this stage is complete it’s time to add the red, I’ve chosen to use pure red from the army painter range. When using a glaze there’s no real set ratio of water to paint that I’m aware of but Ad I was in unknown territory I wanted to keep the paint very thin and apply the colour slowly.

I am liking the way these models are starting to look and for a first attempt I think the red is a success. I am not convinced it was worth the effort to add all the layers of gold though.

Whilst supposed to be making a brew I did this...

Tutoring 0
Skill 2
Idea 3
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So I was supposed to be having a night off modeling but when I went to the kitchen my minis were looking at me and I couldn’t help doing a little bit more on them.


The two Titan crew I didn’t really do much to except give one a rifle got them primed and ready for painting. Not sure which way to go with these but I feel like painting them red in an ode to Star Trek away teams.


The ‘squat’ received the most attention, I just wasn’t happy with the gun but the admech came to the rescue again and what emerged was a kind of plasma blunderbuss thing (actually that sounds quite terrifying and awesome at the same time and altogether squattish). Anyway he’s primed and ready for painting


*edit – I have no idea why the pictures are upside down, Clearly some grots are having fun in my phone. I’ll try uploading again when i’ve had some sleep.

Creating my sniper

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 3
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I love the dynamic pose of the wayfinder model and my original idea was to have him sighting down the barrel about to take a shot. Instead though I have decided to go a different route and have him holding his rifle upright.


To to get this look I have turned to the admech sprue once again to find suitable weapons and arms and one of my space marine scouts has “lent” his scope.

The first step is to make the model a little less fantasy. The first things to go are the arrows from the quiver, I figure the quiver will actually make a good sword scabbard if I can find a suitable grip (yes I love swords and put them on every model I can).


next with the combo of a craft knife and file I removed the wood elf armour from the thighs, I don’t mind it on the rest of the body but the thighs were just too prominent.

Creating my sniper

A quick dry fit later and I am really happy with the pose, all it takes is a bit of filing on the arms to get the right fit and greenstuff to smooth out joints.

I’m really happy with how the pose of the model, I get nervous when it comes to making the first cut but I’m glad I did, can’t wait to see this one painted

Some quick conversions to get started

Tutoring 1
Skill 4
Idea 4
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First up is the inquisitor, a quick addition of a sword snipped from a Lotr high elf swordsman and I’m calling this one done.

The thunderer I was stumped on how to 40k this model without too much carving of the metal, the admech back pack definitely helps but I’m not completely happy with this model yet.

Raiding the bits box

Tutoring 0
Skill 3
Idea 5
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The first job is to raid the bits box (aka the graveyard of abandoned projects) to find suitable models.


First out is this forge world titan crew. I bought these guys originally because I thought they would make a great inquisitor and bodyguard, as you can see I only got round to painting the princeps when I originally painted the model he was holing a samurai sword, I’m sure i will be able to find an alternative.

Next up is Kal Jerrico. I’ve had this model for years, its one of my favourites GW ever produced this seems like the perfect opportunity to paint it up.

Many years ago we ran an inquisitor campaign at my local GW using 40K scale models (my high school model budget wouldn’t stretch to the brilliant inquisitor figures unfortunately). Anyway these were my 2 characters. Shaft originally had a shotgun in his free hand which was “carved” from a lasgun, I’m glad I’ve lost it because it was terrible a quick check through my bits box should reveal a suitable weapon.


The Ash wannabe ogryn is one of my favourite conversions, its not really been looked after though so his mechanical arm is missing an armour plate. If I can’t find a suitable piece i’ll have to sculpt something out of green stuff.

Those of you who are familiar with the Inquisition war will know that Jaq Draco works with a captain of the Imperial Fists, this gave me an idea for a space marine to be seconded to an inquisitor and I just happen to have a model to represent him which I’ve never actually had the opportunity to play with.


one of Jaq’s companions is a squat called Grimm, I love Squats and although I don’t own any I do have a Dwarf Thunderer (and only 1?? i don’t even remember buying it) a quick visit to the Ad Mech sprue should give me some parts to 40K it.

Mechanical dog... why not Mechanical dog... why not

The final model for my Kill team is an old wood elf waywatcher, I love how dynamic this model is and think I could convert it into a great Sniper.

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