Brbla’s Skitarii Rangers
Recommendations: 72
About the Project
So I have been asked by my friend to paint some Skitarii Rangers for his army, as he is not patient enough to paint such small units :D I am a total newbie to the hobby (I painted just a few chibi miniatures from CMON's Masmorra so far), so I agreed, thinking it might be a good practice. He said not to worry about the quality of the painting, that he doesn't care if it's not very well painted, but I intend to do my best. There is total of 15 Rangers and 2 Enginseers that I will be painting. As I said, I am petty much a total newbie, so any advice and constructive criticism is more than welcome :)
Related Game: Warhammer 40,000
Related Company: Games Workshop
Related Genre: Science Fiction
This Project is Completed
Assembling... for the First Time!
Before I could get to the painting I decided to assemble 6 of the rangers, the reason being my friend got too frustrated with putting them together because of how small they are 😀 I had never done it so I was a bit worried, but I think it went well.
Baby Steps
Started putting on the base colours. I got the colours for the minis from my friend, but during the process I ended up using some of my own as I realised that I’d need more colours than I got from him.
I decided to do the dark grey (used Skavenblight Dinge) and metallic (used Boltgun Metal) bits first. Very soon after I started painting I began to ponder about how should I actually paint them. The only requirement I got from my friend was that they had red coats, other than that I could do whatever I wanted. I didn’t want to paint them all in the exact same way, because I like some variety, so I played with the painting a bit, most of the differences being in the wires.
I am planning on first putting on all of the base colours, then wash them and then do some highlighting.
Three Special Snowflakes
Three of the rangers were supposed to be different from the rest of the unit, so I painted their metallic bits in gold (used Auric Armour Gold). But I soon found out that the gold is a bit transparent, so I put a brown (Skrag Brown) layer first and painted the gold over it.
The time has come for painting the two big guys! I really wanted to do something special with them, so I chose to paint their metallic bits in both silver and gold.
All I See Is Red!
Thanks to Blizzard messing up the expansion launch again I finished painting the red coats on all 17 minis 😀 I will need to go over them again with the metallics and fix some fails that I inevitably made, but I am so glad that they are starting to look like something. However they’re still way off of being done 🙂
These past few days I have been working on some details like the wires and tubes etc. I wanted to make every one of the minis a bit unique and I thought using these details to differentiate them would be a good way to do it without breaking the overall colour scheme.
I used mainly white (White Scar) and blue (Calgar Blue). Now all there is left are the rifles and talismans (or what those things on their cloaks are) and I can bring on the wash! Should be fun.
Ready for Wash
I have finally finished all the details, fixed some oversteps and so all the 15 rangers and 2 enginseers are now ready for wash. I hope I won’t mess it up! I still haven’t really grasped how the wash works and behaves so I am quite anxious.
Washing Is Difficult
After finishing all the base colours I went on to put the wash on… which almost made me cry. It pooled quite a lot on the coats, created ugly mappings and stains.
I tried my best to fix them by using the base red and blending it as smoothly as I could while keeping some of the desired shadows. It was way more difficult than I imagined and at times I thought that it’s beyond salvageable… as some could attest to. But after a few hours of blood and tears I reached a point that I deemed… passable.
After fixing the coats I went over the minis again and picked a few details to highlight – mainly the wires and tubes. I also noticed the metallic bits drowned in the wash quite a lot so I just brought out bits here and there by lightly touching them with the base silver and gold.
And that’s this project done, because the bases are left for Brbla to finish 🙂 I hope these guys will bring him many victories 🙂