Aeon Trespass Nymphys – Labyrinth, Solitude, and Night
Recommendations: 29
About the Project
Last week I received my three models from the Aeon Trespass Nymphs kickstarter. This project covers me building and painting the models. I really want to use them to practice my skin tones.
Related Genre: Fantasy
This Project is Completed
Model assembly
These models are from the Aeon Trespass Nymphs kickstarter:
The models were really well cast but by nature of being thin, scantily clad women some of the joints are incredibly delicate. There are also no instructions in the box and I couldn’t find any online. But after struggling for a while I remembered a backer update where they mentioned producing instructions – which you can find here: These instructions are on their website but if you go to their website you can’t find a way to navigate there without entering the URL directly.
The instructions help but aren’t perfect. You basically have to play spot the difference between the pictures. In the end I couldn’t figure out where the last piece of the Labyrinth nymph was supposed to go so I made a best guess.
A tiny amount of liquid greenstuff was required for each model to fill some gaps.
Overall it took me two evenings to build just three models.
All three models were given a Corax White spray undercoat. I then gave each one a wash to help me pick out the details for painting. The labyrinth nymph got a wash of 50:50 Lahmiam medium and Reikland fleshade. The solitude nymph was washed with 50:50 Lahmiam medium and Athonian camoshade. The night nymphwas washed with 50:50 Lahmium medium and Nuln oil.
Before painting the skin I watched the 3 colours up video on painting elf skin tones ( I’m not a fan of mixing paints and I only own Games Workshop paints so I didn’t plan on following the tutorial exactly. It was very useful to see how you can have a second paint brush on hand for blending though.
The labyrinth nymph and solitude nymph’s skin were painted Rakarth flesh, then a layer of flayed one flesh, with a final highlight of pallid wych flesh.
The night nymph’s skin was painted celestra grey, then a layer of ulthuan grey, with a final highlight of pallid wych flesh.
On all three models I didn’t paint over the wash in the deepest recesses to keep those areas shaded.
Throughout painting all three model’s skin I completely forgot to use a second brush for blending.
Extra skin details, ribbons and leaves
For the labyrinth nymph I painted the lines of the labyrinth pattern that covers her torso and head with a nuln oil wash. I also applied this wash to her eyes. Her ribbons were painted death world forest, washed with athonian camoshade and then given a highlight of elysian green and a final edge highlight of ogryn camo. Her hair was painted rhinox hide, highlighted with doombull brown and then given a final edge highlight of tuskgor fur. I used a wash of reikland fleshshade to pick out her mouth and nipples.
The solitude nymph’s leaves were painted castellan green, washed with athonian camoshade, highlighted loren forest and then given an edge highlight of straken green. A reikland fleshshade wash was used to pick out her mouth, eyes elbows, and the recesses between her fingers and near her groin.
The night nymph had a carroburg crimson wash on her mouth and nipples.
For all of these stages when I was applying washes to small areas like mouths or eyes I used tissue paper to pull most of the wash off the brush before applying the wash to the model so that I had greater control over the wash.
I would like to invite people to give feedback on the skin of the three models. With this project I want to really push myself on this. I’ve never put this much effort into layering and washing skin and I would like to know if people think it looks good or if more work is required.
Finished the labyrinth nymph?
The labyrinth nymph’s dagger had a leadbelcher base coat, nuln oil wash and highlights of ironbreaker and runefang steel.
Her base was painted mournefang brown, washed agrax earthshade and edge highlighted skrag brown. Deathclaw brown was used to carefully pick out the corners.
I’m hoping that the dark brown hair and base serve to frame the model as they contrast against her pale skin.
Finished the solitude nymph?
To finish the solitude nymph I painted the “dead” nymph at her feet silver in the same way as the labyrinth nymph’s dagger. I then painted the clothes bronze and the hair gold.
For the bronze areas I painted a screaming bell base, washed reikland fleshshade and then highlighted with hashut copper and sycorax bronze. For the gold hair I used a base colour of retributor armour, a reikland fleshshade wash and then highlights of auric armour gold and liberator gold.
I left the rest of the base as it was (i.e. white with a green wash) as I felt it still looked neat and it tied the base in to the green’s of the nymph’s leaves.
Finished the night nymph?
The night nymph’s hair just got a highlight of ulthuan grey. The white base coat and diluted black wash that it had already received served well enough for white hair in my opinion.
Her silks were painted naggaroth night, washed nuln oil and had a single highlight of xereus purple. I wanted the silks to remain very dark so as to contrast against the nymph’s skin.
Her necklace was painted silver in the same way as the other two nymphs.
I chose to paint the orb yellow as it is the opposite colour to purple on the colour wheel so it contrasts well with the silks. I started with a iyanden darksun base, washed with casandora yellow then gave it two coats of flash gitz yellow.
I tidied up the edges of the base with ulthuan grey, but I can’t decide if a black base would be better.