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The Dynasty of Khem’haq

The Dynasty of Khem’haq

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Project Blog by warbossd Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 53

About the Project

This project is simply a collection of images for the units in my ever growing Necron army for Warhammer 40k. It is a custom dynasty I have called the Khem'haq. The colour scheme involves three main colours Games Workshops Enchanted Blue, Vallejo Model Colour Buff and Black. A variety of metalics and Games Workshop Scorpion Green for the glowy power cables complete the core colours for the models. Essentially I wanted to separate the models into 'creatures' and vehicles. To do this I reserved the blue colour to be used only 'creature' e.g. warriors, immortals canoptek beasts etc. Vehicles and C'tan won't use this colour to give visual separation. Basing is deliberately basic and neutral to a) be quick and b) to blend in with more of our club gaming mats. I do have some vivid red fish tank gravel I may add to the bases with some red brown flock to create a start contrast between ground and models, but currently this is work for the future.

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