Yavasa’s Warmachine
Recommendations: 493
About the Project
A journey through my 4 years in Warmachine Cygnar army painting, but other stuff too. Needless to add, an ongoing journey. I suggest reading from the oldest entry. Enjoy!
Related Game: Warmachine
Related Company: Privateer Press
Related Genre: Steampunk
This Project is Active
Arcane Tempest Gun Mages Work in Progress
Hello again,
work on Cygnar forces continues. Today I want to show you a picture of Gun Mages that I am currently painting and the blue colour recipe:
Undercoat: Vallejo black primer
Basecoat: I used Formula P3 Cygnar Base but you can use Citadel’s Macragee Blue. Simply use the brush or airbrush the colour on the miniature as I did.
Shades: I airbrush Drakenhof Nightshade.
Highlights: I basically airbrushed Formula P3 Cygnar Highlight on places that I think would catch some light. Than I added Citadel White Scar into the mix to highlight the highlighted areas even more but leaving a hopefully smooth transition. You can go even one step further and add more White Scar to the mix but I did not do it since these are simple table top level painted minis.
Yellow uniform elements have been so far painted using Averland Sunset.
Until next time 🙂
Lieutenant Bastian Falk
My first African skin paint job. His pose just screams “Say hello to my little friend!”
Black 13th
Special ops… sort of. If you like to find out more about them read Caine’s Hellslingers.
Stryker’s personal jack. He really has some anger management issues this one. Probably that’s why he charges for free, if something hits him he gives back and he can countercharge within 6″ One side note, he is a terrible build.
Major Prime Victoria Haley
Please welcome Haley3. The present one, the young one and the granny one. Best combined with trencher cloud wall.
Trencher Combat Engineers
I have painted these guys in the Caspian Jailbirds paint scheme. All in all the trenchers somewhat originated from jails.
2nd Firefly
My second Firefly kit. You can check out the first one and compare the painting.
Artificer General Nemo & Storm Chaser Finch
Nemo3 not so long ago the biggest nightmare of Cygnar’s enemies due to his feat. Balanced a bit now and still dangerous especially when paired with two Stormstriders.
Storm Lances 2nd Unit
Compare the colours to the ones on the first unit. I find them more crisp 🙂
Savio Montero Acosta
He is the greatest sicario in the game 🙂 wink wink
A 120mm based battle engine that can really cause some electrical damage. Pair it with Nemo3 and you are all set up. Really a pleasure to paint.
Major Katherine Laddermore
Kathy is a dragoon meaning that first you have to take her down from the horse and later kill while she’s on foot. She boosts attack rolls of your Storm Lances.
Cygnar Chargers
So, one of the first figures for Warmachine that I have painted if you remember was the plastic Charger from the Mk II Cygnar starter. Here are some classic metal sculpts of the same jack.
Second Stormclad
Remember the Reliant/Stormclad kit? Here’s the old Stormclad metal miniature. The shift in the blue colour is really visible here.
Major Beth Maddox
The Mark III Warmachine Cygnar Starter caster. I hated painting her. That’s all to say about this one.
Lieutenant Allison Jakes
I like the girl. She can speed up you jacks. It’s the solo version, before turning into a warcaster.
My firs Collosal Hurricane/Stormwall
It has been a challenge to point this big boy. I built him using magnets so that you can either field him as a Hurricane or a Stormwall. Picture of the Hurricane version.
Lord Commander Stryker
Stryker2 is probably the most hard hitting caster killer in the game.
Commander Adept Nemo
Nemo1 scuplt has so much character in it I find it to be one of the best Cygnar miniatures produced by PP.