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Sereqet, The Scorpion Arena Rex

Sereqet, The Scorpion Arena Rex

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Project Blog by d2painterth

Recommendations: 15

About the Project

Giant scorpions have long been revered by the desert tribes for their hardiness, and prized by the rich for their rarity and supposed medicinal value. Riding them in the open desert has become a rite of passage for the sandborn, and driving one to a city where a buyer awaits can mean a windfall for the tribe. While they can be trained, they can never be tamed -- the difference is seldom apparent to fools, and experience comes too late to guide them in the afterlife.

This Project is Completed


Tutoring 6
Skill 4
Idea 5
1 Comment


Prime & Magnet

I prime with flat black and magnet 1 mm magnet for the rider in the middle.


I researched the info to find many color theme for scorpion. Many people vote for the bluish one, but I decided to select the warm color. Finally, I decided the red claw to against the rider Zarah which will be the cool color tone.



– Black for the body

– Dark Brown for Claw, Teeth, Tail Tip, and Legs



– 1st Layer Dark Grey on most of Body

– 2nd Layer Light Grey on top where the source of Light hit


– Nuln Oil Gross on Body

– Nuln Oil Gross + Fulgan on Claw, Tail Tip, Teeth, and Legs

Highlight & Edge

– Light Greay on Tip, Edge, Thorns on Tail

– Light Brown on Tip, Edge, Thorn on Leg, Claw, Venom Tip, Teeth


I want to make the Venom Tip, Teeth, Claw to be more focal point, so I glaze with Red.


I just glue and sprinkle the sand on Top.


I weathering with Tamiya Weathering Master Sand and Light Sand on the top focus more on Legs.

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