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My Foam Journey 2.0

My Foam Journey 2.0

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Project Blog by dane001

Recommendations: 35

About the Project

Some of you will remember this from the forums but I've been making some significant headway recently with this project. First a little introduction for those who didn't see it. So, last year I started a journey, following BoWs own Lloyds journey in making their pirate themed table you can find in the backstage. I always fancied taking part in GW's Armies on parade and also making something a little tropical myself. I therefore combined both ideas and set out making the board.....

This Project is Completed

Wooden Dock

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
1 Comment

The next step was to add a dock going into the water.  I had lots of coffee stirrers left over from my sons project last year.  This meant I didn’t need to pick anything up, which is always a bonus.

A fairly simple process, the photos below pretty much tell you everything you need to know.  The main piece of advice I could give is to cut at differing lengths and offset each piece giving a more natural look.

Wooden Dock

I needed the first piece to have an inch high so I added some legs to the one side, the other would sit on the foam.

I made some smaller pieces too, this meant I could extend the dock into the water.  Keeping them separate also means I can use them in differing configurations.

Lastly I painted them, I gave the whole thing a coat of Scourched brown watering down at different consistencies to give a quick watered look to the wood.

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