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Project Blog by soapdodger Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 1518

About the Project

My journey with painting Infinity models from the first to the latest and what I learn and feel about it all along the way.

This Project is Completed

My first infinity project Operation Ice Storm

Tutoring 5
Skill 13
Idea 9
No Comments

First project log on BOW 2.0 had to be my current project of painting infinity!

I will go through all that i have currently for infinity and keep this up to date with advancements!

I will make another blog to finish off the terrain side of things, that will take a little more time to put together as that’s more of a how to and why thing.

Sadly I cant take credit for the colour schemes I will use as they will be from the master himself Lord Giraldez.  So you can watch while I try to imitate this master as best I can and hopefully improve along the way.


I started looking at Infinity on Operation Ice Storm week on BOW a few years ago. I was so excited a got the game about a year after this. I looked and looked and looked at the tiny models and wished they were heroic scale. The fear built up and they sat for some time. Then I found out Angel Giraldez had a facebook page with step by steps (now missing 🙁 ).

I used these to paint my first infinity models.

Angel Giraldez's facebook page (Studio Giraldez) Great sourse for images of schemesAngel Giraldez's facebook page (Studio Giraldez) Great sourse for images of schemes

My first finished Infinity forces!

So that’s my start,

I don’t think it’s to bad but without this great set i don’t think I would have continued.

I played the initial mini campaign in the book about 20 times with lots of different people and still use this to get friends into the game.

More progress after a year.

Tutoring 5
Skill 12
Idea 10
No Comments

Been watching all the great stuff from spring cleaning and I started to look at all the nice bare metal models I have kicking around.

I have been playing more Infinity and I have played with bare metal models and felt the shame.

I have fallen out with Pano and decided to look back at my overall painting progress. I have Since added JSA and some individual models to my three forces all unpainted. Decided this bank holiday to start to paint infinity again.

I then remembered why I fell out with this. Greengate. So I set about fixing this by surprise just painting more. I also needed to clean off a layer of dust off of the models I done this with water and an airbrush. I went against the book and decided to just try and paint a similar green. This worked out great and got me painting infinity again.

I cant believe this has been a year strop. (though not as if I was not doing other stuff)

Front of the Marauder Front of the Marauder
Back of the MarauderBack of the Marauder
Front of Antipode Front of Antipode
Back of of Antipode Back of of Antipode
Front of MinutemanFront of Minuteman
Back of MinutemanBack of Minuteman
All of my Ariadna so far good start I hope to get the rest done within the week. All of my Ariadna so far good start I hope to get the rest done within the week.

So far a good start quite pleased overall.

I still need more practice painting infinity faces. Think I prefer the heroic proportions. Also the Antipode crest was crazy to paint.

Still so much fun painting infinity I cant believe I stopped just because of a shade of green.

More to come.

An Army pack bites the dust.

Tutoring 5
Skill 11
Idea 7
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So after a year and stalling I put brush to model again and put my terrain aside for a little longer.

I finished the rest of the models a bit longer than I expected as I was only doing an hour a night but it’s done.

Grunt 1 Grunt 1
Grunt 2Grunt 2
Grunt 3Grunt 3
The whole army packThe whole army pack

That’s thankfully not the end of my infinity painting adventures.

I have the beyond Icestorm box to do the JSA Army pack and an Ariadna Tag and a Pano Tag.

So much to do so little time. I am however going to split my time between painting so will take this off of hold.

I need to get better at painting the female faces. I make them so pig ugly and cant think of anyway to get better but paint more. This is bad as I think I am better at painting 28mm heroic faces overall and female in particular.

Oh well enough ranting.

More to come.

I cant stop painting send help!

Tutoring 7
Skill 13
Idea 8
No Comments

So I wanted to get back to finishing my landing pad. No luck, however I found a use for hangovers. I am usually not in a good position to do anything but pity my life choices and drink lots of water and pain killers but it seems I can also basecoat. I have been out twice and the day after woke up and base coated which drives me along into the fun part of painting.

I finished painting two models on the first run and managed to basecoat the rest of beyond ice storm on the second. This is now ready for brush painting the rest today.

Ariadna Blackjack frontAriadna Blackjack front
Ariadna Blackjack backAriadna Blackjack back
Pano Neoterra Bolt Paramedic FrontPano Neoterra Bolt Paramedic Front
Pano Neoterra Bolt Paramedic BackPano Neoterra Bolt Paramedic Back
The hungover basecoated Beyond Icestorm (the rest)The hungover basecoated Beyond Icestorm (the rest)

This is where I am now I hope to get the rest of the Ice storm box done this weekend. I have also based all 11 of the JSA and undercoated all of my infinity models.

More to come hopefully today.

Better late than Never

Tutoring 6
Skill 13
Idea 7
No Comments

So I didn’t manage to finish yesterday… Things happened but today was a bank holiday so lucky I had a second Sunday.

only thing I love and hate about infinity models. I find myself, that the models I think I like the most I enjoy the least painting. Weird thing I cant explain.

I enjoyed the OSL on the sword and the snipers pose when painting, very odd as these are the models I liked the least.

I don’t know if this has been done before (I can say it has) I can’t say I have consciously seen. The OSL was done with a mix of matt varnish and red ink building it up with thin coats.

Apart from that more of the same.

Finished Beyond IcestomFinished Beyond Icestom
Swiss GuardSwiss Guard

I may have painted myself out for a bit which bodes well for terrain.

We will see, Glad I have more infinity painted.

More to come!

Getting back into it.

Tutoring 3
Skill 12
Idea 7

Played infinity last weekend. This got me wishing I could play some of my unpainted models. Started painting again after a 3 month break of almost no creativity. So happy at this even if this is a random selection of models.

Kuroshi RiderKuroshi Rider

Super happy to be back painting. Pleased with the results. I wanted to join the campaign last weekend but wasn’t to be as the rules and how mixed us up. Need to get more game in and painting in and possibly even some scenery.

More to come.

Getting further stuck into JSA

Tutoring 4
Skill 11
Idea 10
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So I have not stopped painting which is good because I have lots to paint. I have moved over to Aristeia so look out for that Project. Think I am a Corvus Belli Fan. But enough of that. Onto the JSA. Only painted one further model the Kuge Delegate, going to put it here in case I forget.

Kuge DelegateKuge Delegate

More to come as ever but it may be another couple of weeks before I am back here. I will be trying to finish the core set of Aristeia first. Hope you are all getting excited over Defiance which is also on my radar.

More JSA

Tutoring 5
Skill 11
Idea 11
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I had a little push with the defiance Kickstarter to paint more infinity models. I have had the JSA since they came out and they have been my undercoated shame for a while, so much so that I had to clean them before painting.

I usually start a set painting the models that interest me the most. Sadly this could lead to what normally happens that I lose steam half way through a set. I batch paint a little but not a lot. Mostly base colours then take each model as an individual.

I already painted the Kuroshi Rider and the Kuge Delegate which interested me a lot. So I took a step back and decided to do the base infantry Keisotsue Butai next before moving over to something more interesting.

Keisotsue Butai 1Keisotsue Butai 1
Keisotsue Butai 2Keisotsue Butai 2
Keisotsue Butai 3Keisotsue Butai 3

With the base infantry done, this means they would not be sitting out for another year unpainted. They are also quite enjoyable. I changed the way I painted and painted on a mostly white undercoat. this helped with not having to do 100 layers of white.

Also learned that a few shades of black then a white highlight sells back better than turning it into grey.

More to come as I got a bit done this week.

More exciting JSA

Tutoring 5
Skill 11
Idea 10
No Comments

With the basic (but still lovely) models done I moved onto the non fodder. This made me use a few new techniques (to me), more focus on edge highlighting and again more of the JSA colour scheme. Again the Masterclass books helped a lot.

Ryuken Unit - 9 1Ryuken Unit - 9 1
Ryuken Unit - 9 2Ryuken Unit - 9 2
Everything so far in this push. Everything so far in this push.

So that’s it so far. Still have three more days off so I hope to get the Daiyokai Dengekitai and Kaizoku Spec-ops done. Kaizoku Spec-ops in particular is a challenge as there are lots of White, Black and red together but in small parts. This model scares me (in fact both do). But I already started to paint it so it needs to be done. Hopefully another update this week.

Then I will only have two infinity models not painted. Next up after that will be the two Fat Yuan Yuan that I managed to pick up for a more than reasonable price.

More to come.

Finished the JSA

Tutoring 8
Skill 10
Idea 9
  1. Finally finished the JSA. Cant say I will be sorry and long to paint them again. I have now decided I hate painting white and black.

The main issue is painting over mistakes or stray brush marks on white. At some points there was no way to avoid this with my shaky hand and I had to fill in the blue on the Daiyokai Dengekitai then just build up the white again.

Difficulty is patience and not just loading white over a patch as this wouldn’t be very flat. Patience is required to build it back up in 10 layers or so, something I am now very short of. Also 10 layers was for blue it was much worse with red.

Also cleaning your brush with brush soap was required in-between colours or it either turned grey or pink.

The thing that gets me more is that if I was to be good at this I need to do it more. This means there is more pain in my future. Not exactly a happy ending for me.

Thankfully Kaizoku Spec-ops was not as hard to paint as I imagined.

Kaizoku Spec-opsKaizoku Spec-ops
Daiyokai DengekitaiDaiyokai Dengekitai
All doneAll done

So that’s the JSA completed. Quite happy with the result though I will not be rushing to paint more. Though in saying that The look of them is amazing, really captures the feel of the army.

Sadly I don’t think this will be 300 points so it will need expanded to be used properly.

I will do more single random figures I think though I do have Red Veil Beyond box to do and Yuan Yuan and just bought something else.

More to come!

Beyond Red Veil

Tutoring 5
Skill 12
Idea 8
No Comments

As I am patenitly waiting for Defiance and skint due to defiance I started on some models for a friend. He wanted to expand his army that I painted bellow and a good way to do that was to get the Beyond box.

I love Yu King models. This is not his main force that is Haqqislam. I love painting yellow / orange so started work on these first.

I was first underwhelmed by the pictures I seen of the Yu Jing models. the seemed quite dull, After painting them I no long have that opinion. These models were so much fun to paint. I also put some extra effort into the nmm on the Daofei. I think this paid off, will use this in the future though it takes longer than just doing the grey I normally do.

The Zhanying imperial agent was quite plain but also very fun. finishing up with the Guilang Skirmisher. He is perhaps the most underrated model in my opinion. Hard to make a sniper that’s moving.

Zhanying imperial agentZhanying imperial agent
Guilang SkirmisherGuilang Skirmisher
All togetherAll together

Half way there. Haqqislam next. Cant wait, though to be honest I want to paint more Yu Jing! Oh well, I am sure there will be more in the future.

More to come.

Beyond Red Veil Haqqislam

Tutoring 7
Skill 13
Idea 12
1 Comment

Happy new year! So I am slightly hung over and decided it would be a great thing to finish off the Haqqislam from Beyond Red Veil. Originally I was super excited for these three. After doing the Yu Jing it took the shine off of them. Had some issues with the brown like green on the Hassassin Fiday and Hassassin Ragik. Still unsure what colour this should be this was the closest I could get. I think I am lightening it with the wrong colours and should use yellow instead of sunny skin tone. I also think I could have done something else to try and make the visors pop.

Overall pleased with the outcome. The Tarik Mansuri is the stand out model from the bunch and fun to paint, but happy to move onto other models.

I also done the Maghariba Guard pilot as well though changed the colours on this one as it seemed quite dated. Don’t know what happened to her face though she became quite ugly fast. I still think I am incapable of painting an attractive female face, this needs work. I love her hair though. such a great hair sculpt.

Hassassin FidayHassassin Fiday
Hassassin RagikHassassin Ragik
Tarik MansuriTarik Mansuri
Maghariba Guard pilotMaghariba Guard pilot
Beyond Red Veil Haqqislam Beyond Red Veil Haqqislam
Beyond Red Veil completedBeyond Red Veil completed

Onward and upwards this year. I have loads of models to get painted. I think next up will be Fat Yuan Yuan. Cant wait to get paint on this model so full of character. I also have a defiance model and Aristeia set to get started on and begin a 4th Corvus Belli project. Turning into quite the fan boy (without the connotations) will see what happens but cant wait for the outcome.

More to come!

Fat Yuan Yuan the first.

Tutoring 6
Skill 10
Idea 8
No Comments

Got this model quite cheap from an online store that was closing down. Can’t belive I managed to get a limited model so far after it was released.

It came with two Fat Yuan Yuan’s one easting and some flying.

The model was kind of a challenge to paint due to the mix of colours involved. Quite pleased with the outcome and it is a fun model. I will wait a little while before painting the other one due to it being so similar with only a head a backpack swap. I will also hopefully get a 3rd Yuan Yuan with defiance.

I also downloaded the special scenarios and this may inspire me to make some sceanery in the future as well as custom tokens.

Fat Yuan YuanFat Yuan Yuan

This project may take a little rest while I catch up on Aristeia and defiance but no doubt will be back.

More to come.

Fat Yuan Yuan the Second

Tutoring 7
Skill 14
Idea 13
1 Comment

I had been putting off painting this and instead painting other infinity models. This Project is still taking a little back seat. I only had one Infinity model left to paint. I left the most daunting model to last. The flames and reflections put me off. I didnt want to paint it. Now it’s done I am so pleased.

Yuan Yuan the SecondYuan Yuan the Second

I have ordered more models they are coming but will be more to do with my defiance project. I however have others on pre order for this Project. Will see when they turn up.

More to Come.

Morat Aggression Force

Tutoring 6
Skill 10
Idea 10
1 Comment

So I bought a few items while I was waiting for Kallstrom to arrive. Kallstrom has arrived now but I did get a chance to get a couple more general infinity parts done. One is the left overs from the Morat for the Defiance Project. I got this pack to take just one model for it but the rest of the models were quite enjoyable to paint.

Morat Aggression ForceMorat Aggression Force
Vanguard 1Vanguard 1
Vanguard 2Vanguard 2
Vanguard 3Vanguard 3

O-12 Alpha

Tutoring 6
Skill 10
Idea 10
1 Comment

So to flesh out the O-12 force I appear to have started through Wildfire/Defiance I thought I would get an Alpha. I love the sculpts but I loathe the two models on one massive base. It just dost sit well. If they were action poses I could have done a little diorama kind of thing but at ease meant for a bit of open space. This did give me the opportunity to  use a part of defiance basing that was a little more involved using green stuff world rollers for pipes I like how it turned out but hate the two models one base thing.



So that’s what I have done, I have a few more parts more for the defiance project then onto Kaldstrom. I cant wait but then I need to do Cold bases… I really want to get started but that’s next and cant push ahead to much. (already cleaned up all the models ready for designing bases and assembly.

On a plus note, as I have been getting Shasvastii and O-12 I almost have two complete Code One forces. So they will be usable in all 3 games. so I better get painting before lots of defiance models come.

More to come.

Wildfire Advanced pack

Tutoring 9
Skill 10
Idea 10
1 Comment

This was released a year ago yet you can still get it. Don’t know why I was compelled to buy apart from I think it was slightly cheaper to buy this then the two blisters. This wasn’t a purchase for a particular need or reason.

I loved the Team Sirius model though I didn’t like the rock so that had to go. Placed her on a Defiance base (to match the rest I have) on a cargo container and she looks like she is looking round a corner (while her bot does the fighting).

I didn’t like the Siriusbot, I thought it looked very clunky, however it was so fun to paint. I have seen people replace this model with alternatives as I don’t think it’s wildly liked.

The Shasvastii airborne infiltration group model was kind of plain and went together quite strange but it was quick to paint and looks good done.

Wildfire Advanced packWildfire Advanced pack
Team SiriusTeam Sirius
Shasvastii Airborne Infiltration Group CadmusShasvastii Airborne Infiltration Group Cadmus

Overall still a very fun pack to paint. I did try and paint eyebrows on a model for one of the first times as it didn’t look right without it, think it’s ok but I am more pleased it’s not just a comical misplaced “Hitler tash” above her eyes.

Beyond Wildfire O-12

Tutoring 9
Skill 11
Idea 11
No Comments

This is me on the road to Kadlstrom I have already based them and got them Zenithed and cant wait to get started and then to enable myself to buy more of the new releases and some repacks.

Super pleased I have pretty much got all 4 forces and most of the current releases for code one. I am heavily going into code one and Defiance when it arrives (on my other project but cross overs to this).  I want to learn infinity rules properly however not much support for this in Scotland.

I loved the mix of models in this one. Cuervo Goldstein a nice O-12 character unit with this coming through on the model. Betatrooper reminding me of Chappie, not on a double base and not just a copy of the one on the Alpha unit. Finally the Omega unit. Strong looking Heavy infantry model. Very good O-12 mix.

Cuervo GoldsteinCuervo Goldstein
Betatrooper Betatrooper
Omega unitOmega unit

So that’s me done painting O-12 for a while. They are fun but do take me slightly longer to paint. Though breaking this down to painting one colour at a time helps.  Black, Blue and Gold then light blue.

Weird thing happened while I was viewing these while painting was some of the details are missing off of the models. I am seeing this more and more looking closely at the official models some of the textures and details are either way softer or removed completely. For example Cuervo Goldstein’s calves they should have the blue hex webbing pattern on them. On my model they were completely smooth. I certainly didn’t thick coat them to obscure the detail or file it off. Nothing major and still love the quality but seeing this more and more from Corvus Belli.

Beyond Wildfire Shasvastii

Tutoring 9
Skill 11
Idea 11

The Shasvastii in this set were not as strong in my opinion as the O-12 Felt like more of the same from the Wildfire box with the exception of the Sheskiin which is a lovely model. I need to read more about the grey face, it’s intriguing and I don’t know why (doesn’t seem to fit any of the others). The Caliban  felt like another weapon option for the one in the box. I am not a fan of the Malignos  though I do like his helmet (lol).

In saying that they were easy to paint and came together on two sessions of 2 hours. I was thankful for this as painting O-12 and Shasvastii was getting a little dull and all I want to do is paint Kaldstrom.

Beyond WildfireBeyond Wildfire

Overall pleased with Beyond Wildfire, a good set and as I said very happy that this and Wildfire are the action packs for Code One. Sadly this means my wallet will take a beating as I get all 4 factions to get people to play. Means we can play two tables, I have permission (from the Mrs) to turn our spare bedroom / Studio workshop into a Gaming area for two tables (which I have a surprise for) studio and a sofabed.

More to come, Kaldstrom! Kaldstrom! Kaldstrom! p.s. if you know Anywhere I could get some ideas of how to paint frost or cold (not snow hate snow) let me know. So far I am at mixing light blue, White and matt varnish to spray over the bases and possibly using water effects on cracks beforehand.


Kaldstrom! Kaldstrom! Kaldstrom! Bases

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9
No Comments

So happy to get started on this. Still seems daunting but as I write this I am half way through and very much enjoying it. So you should see a few updates in quick succession.

Thought I would break my normal just showing what’s done with a kind of tutorial on how I do my bases sometime I look and I am inspired by things, this time it was direct from the included play mat. This is to just give you an idea of the process. I particularly like these ones as they fit on the map so you can play jigsaw with them when done.

Take a photo with a ruler or something to scale on it from a top down perspective with a minimum amount of glare. You can then import this into a 3D program I use Fusion 360.Take a photo with a ruler or something to scale on it from a top down perspective with a minimum amount of glare. You can then import this into a 3D program I use Fusion 360.
Scale the artwork, I used a 10mm line and 10mm ruler when they matched up it was to scale. I then traced the design and then made this 3d in the program.Scale the artwork, I used a 10mm line and 10mm ruler when they matched up it was to scale. I then traced the design and then made this 3d in the program.
Export the object you created as an STL.Export the object you created as an STL.
Slice in whatever you wish and 3D print. I have found in most cases printing with the rim facing the base is the best bet, I print vertically and use a Anycubic Photon slicer and printer. It takes more time but you can fit more on the base.Slice in whatever you wish and 3D print. I have found in most cases printing with the rim facing the base is the best bet, I print vertically and use a Anycubic Photon slicer and printer. It takes more time but you can fit more on the base.
I glue the base topper to the original base I then pin through this to mount the model and paint as you wish.I glue the base topper to the original base I then pin through this to mount the model and paint as you wish.

That’s the main part of the basing. I also chose to change the “rocks” that models stand on to something more in keeping with the bases. The more elaborate the angles though, the more you need to think of how the model would be in that pose. I ended up with a section of solar panels on one of my bases as this was on some of the scenery parts of the kit and fitted in.

That’s how I do it, and you can do it to if you wished. Warning though If you can be happy with a few base types do that. I cant I am addicted and every model from here on out will have a unique base. I do find this faster than making each base individual as I done before and I think they looked ok but not as good as this.

More to come.