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Neves1789’s Wargaming Collection

Neves1789’s Wargaming Collection

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Project Blog by neves1789

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About the Project

This project portrays my wargame miniatures collection from over the past fifteen years. I've kept the genres together, so I'll start out with Fantasy then Sci-fi and then historical.

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SAGA - Carolingian Franks and Vikings

Tutoring 3
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Here are my two SAGA Dark Age armies, Carolingian Franks and Vikings. No real fancy painting on these guys, I knocked them out in speed tempo to get playing. I have some spare units that could still use some paint but I’ve mostly been playing SAGA Age of Magic.

Figures are all Gripping Beast, either plastic or metal. The vikings have some conversions for beserkers and a hearthguard unit to represent the cast from the Vikings tv show (this was done before any of the cool metal ones were released).

Ancients - Phyrric Army

Tutoring 1
Skill 6
Idea 5

These guys are the start of some Italian and Greek allies for my Carthaginian force. In time I’ll build them up to a full Phyrric army (I’ve got the models waiting 😀 )

Ancients - Celts and Celtiberians

Tutoring 2
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Time to continue on with my ancients. Here’s my collection of Celts and Celtiberians. Again these are a mix of manufacturers and painting quality. I took my time with the metal Celtiberians, but the plastic Warlord and Wargames Factory dudes are painted super speedy (don’t look too close 😉 ).

In the future the Celtiberians will be fleshed out a bit more with the Victrix range to form their own division.

Ancients - Carthaginians and Numidians

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 4
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So with almost all my fantasy and scifi mini’s posted, I thought it time to move on to my historicals. I’ll kick it off with my ancients collection, which is coincidently also my oldest. 😀

More than 10 years ago now, I read a number of books on the Punic wars and fell in love with the idea of wargaming it. The system that my gaming group chose was Hail Caesar! which meant painting tons of mini’s (but also grand sweeping battles 😀 ) This was before the lovely Victrix plastics so I turned to mostly metal mini’s from Crusader, A&A, Foundry, Curteys, Warlord,… to build my Carthaginian force.

The idea is still to build a division worth of troops (4 or 5 infantry with 2 skirmishers and a cav unit) for every nationality. With five nationalities (Carthaginian, Numidian, Iberian, Celts and Italian Allies) this means plenty of work since every unit is at least 24 dudesmen.

This project has been on hold for a while since my group only gets to play a big HC battle once a year and my current collection is already outnumbering them 😀

Besides this Carthaginian core force, I’ve also got a full division of Celts and Italian Allies already painted (pics to follow). There’s also a load of unpainted figures waiting for some paint… (Elephants, Carth cav, Phyrric pikemen,…)

The Northern Commonwealth - SAGA Age of Magic

Tutoring 2
Skill 5
Idea 5
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This part of my collection is for my self written fantasy world. One of the human armies is called the Northern Commonwealth and is fighting a relentless battle against the Undead. Original, I know 😀

I’ve got enough human stuff to fill a Kings of War army but it’s not all painted yet. With the release of SAGA Age of Magic, it was a great opportunity to get part of it painted and reay for gaming!

The infantry is painted with some Rus Princes iconography so they’ll also serve me in SAGA Dark Age.


Tutoring 1
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Here is my recently finished sloop and crew for Frostgrave Ghost Archipelago.

The Heritor is using a handkerchief to hide the fact that he’s suffering from Bloodburn 😮 The Warden on the other hand uses paint to invoke his magic 😀

10mm KoW Wood Elves

Tutoring 2
Skill 8
Idea 7

Last year my gaming club decided to delve into 10mm Kings of War (although we all have multiple 28mm armies for it…) My eye fell onto the Magister Militum Wood Elves. For this project I wanted to use some new products, specifically the then new contrast paints and some basing material from Greenstuff World. Pretty happy with how they turned out considering the time I spent on them.

Impy Fist Kill Team and Crimson Fists

Tutoring 3
Skill 7
Idea 6
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Recently I saw a tutorial on youtube to make a vibrant yellow with pink and yellow ink. It was the perfect excuse to get me some primaris marines (which I hasn’t tried until now) and get airbrushing.

The Crimsons Fists are a relic from the time when the original Planetstrike hit the shelves. I speedpainted my way through a bunch of snap fit marines and termies. Later I decied to go back in and add in some highlights and freehand the Crimson Fist onto their shoulderspads, because apparently I’m a masochist. These guys also a number of vehicles, but I haven’t gotten round to updating their paintscheme yet.

To quote one of my friends: "It's fisting time!"

Tutoring 2
Skill 6
Idea 6

Years ago I picked up a very worn second hand box of the old Space Marine game. It contained a mix of Imperial stuff and some Orks aswell. In more recent years I supplemented that with a pristine box of Epic 40.000 and some odds and ends.

Imperial Fists seemed the way to go as yellow is nice and bright and works well on this scale 🙂

Dreadball Rotatek "Get your Drill on" Rockslides

Tutoring 3
Skill 8
Idea 8

A little Dreadball team I painted up for the “Belgian National Championship 2019”. (8 people participated of which 4 of our own club since we were organising it 😀 ) I managed to win best painted ^^

APC from Aliens and the team from Predator

Tutoring 1
Skill 7
Idea 7

Too bad that Prodos lost the license for AvP because they made some great mini’s. When they did their final sale, I picked up the APC since it’s just such a cool model. I speedpainted this using preshading and inks. The bright colour was a deliberate choice to match the vehicle with my marines (plus olive drab is so drab anyway 😀 )

I was also really happy when a couple of weeks ago Studio Miniatures was featured on the Weekender since I had only recently finished up my Predator crew. Amazing sculpts and very fun to paint, highly recommended!

Plague Marines v3!

Tutoring 1
Skill 6
Idea 6

So about a year ago, I managed to pick up a large collection of second hand Plague Marines for a megabattle we were planning in the club (although that sadly got cancelled). They were in various states of paint, primer, crappy conversions etc. I decided not to go with the v2 paint scheme as it would take me too long to get everything done. Luckily Contrast Paints had just released! 😀 A couple weeks of cutting corners and a bit of hard work saw the entire collection finished.

More recently I also finished up some Nurgle Daemons that will be dual purpose for 40k and AoS. These were matched in paint scheme with my other daemons for a bit more consistency.

All I’ve got left to paint for this large army is some more vehicles (which are waiting in storage… 😀 )

Plague Marines v2

Tutoring 2
Skill 7
Idea 7
1 Comment

It’s been a while since I updated! Feels like months but it’s almost a year (save time, don’t get a kid 😀 ).

Last year I picked up some of the new Plague Marines alongside some oldskool and very oldskool PM’s. I decided to give them a bit more colour than the old ones I have since I’ll never be able to recreate the exact painting scheme anyway. It’s all speedy paint and the bases still need tufts etc, so nothing too fancy but I had them on hand so it seemed like a good opportunity to update ye olde projekt!


Alien vs. Predator

Tutoring 1
Skill 5
Idea 6
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One of my side-projects that I speedpainted last week. I’ve always been a huge Predator fan so last year I finally picked up AvP second edition. The aliens were aibrushed chrome and then had a couple of blue, purple and black washes. The predator skin was done beige with a brown and then a gloss fleshtone wash. The most fun I had on this project were the bases. Some figures came without one, so I made some myself using greenstuff and a textured rolling pin.


Black Templars

Tutoring 1
Skill 5
Idea 5
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This army I got second hand from a friend who had already built it and put on block colours. I decided to keep the paint scheme (checkered beige and black) and just enhance it a with some washes, quick highlights and some spot colours. I also put the assault marines up so it looks like they’re flying. The basing is done in the same style as the rest of my 40k to tie in with eachother. A pretty quick refurbishing job (though I need to get them onto the table more often!).

Adeptus Mechanicus

Tutoring 1
Skill 6
Idea 5
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These Ad Mech models were painted about two years ago and helped me get a best painted award at a local tournament. They were the first real attempt at freehanding. I played it a safe and  tried to copy a number of Blanche drawings. The Knight itself is called ‘The Alliance’ and the drawings are to symbolize the alliance between Terra and Mars (hence the difference in colours). I felt that restricting my colour palate and giving everything an overall brown wash helped elevate the painting somewhat and not give it ‘crappy drawing’ feel. The model itself is largely magnetized and the claw is fully articulate. The basing has been done in the same fashion as the rest of my Imperial stuff to make everything match. Pretty satisfied with this collection overall. 🙂

Cadian 180th Stalking Tigers

Tutoring 1
Skill 4
Idea 3
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Those Chaos Marines were technically not my first 40K mini’s as I’ve had some plastic Cadians in my first year of collecting but they were painted terribly bad. After selling them off to a friend, they came back into my possession years later (about 3 years ago) with a load of others Cadians. I decided to make them fit in with my Catachans as a jungle themed force although these guys would be footsloggers as opposed to my fully mechanized Catachans. Ruleswise I play my Cadians as regulars and my Catachans as veterans, so mixing them on the table doens’t seem too far out of place (although I tend to avoid it). For the colourscheme I followed a pattern from the old IG codex.

To contrast the regulars I’ve added in some colourful characters, using Sister Repentia’s that I had laying around as priests and a FW DKK Quartermaster as my Commissar. I thought it fitting to make my company commander a shellshocked green officer in contrast to my grizzeled Catachan Powerfist-wielding ultimate badass commander 😀

Catachan Jungle Fighters

Tutoring 1
Skill 5
Idea 4
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These guys are about the same age as my chaos marines and resulted from an impulse buy after seeing the movies ‘Predator’ and ‘Platoon’ for the umpteenth time 😀 Still over the years I’ve added some vehicles and characters (and some much needed washes!) to bring them up to standard with the rest of my 40K.

Plague Marines; My first foray into 40K

Tutoring 1
Skill 4
Idea 4
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These guys are my first 40K army and have been upated and expanded throughout the 12 years I’ve had them. Their colourscheme is based on a White Dwarf tutorial, drybrushing up their armour from a dark brown to a light green and then painting the banding in a rusty metallic. I chose a greyish blue as a spot colour. Most of the shoulder pads have had some greenstuff work done to them, some of my first experiments with ‘scultping’.

Dwarves; a speedpainted army done in three days by a friend (the owner) and myself

Tutoring 1
Skill 6
Idea 5
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