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Lidl Mystery Aisle


Found some boxes of decorative seed husks / pine cone boxes that inspired some terrain and model making ideas. The Lidl buy-it-now aisle has always been good for wargaming hobbying. These ideas have mostly been for Silver Bayonet but these […]

Manda’s (Amachan) LEGO


Due to my disabilities I can't paint or build miniatures with either my left or right hand, so I went searching and found a tabletop game called BrikWars that works with LEGO and LEGO is something I can still do. […]

A Quick Steel Rift


I was gifted a set of Steel Rift for Christmas from my son. He has come home for spring break and challenged(guilted) me into building them up and getting in a few games before he returns to school. Now mech […]

Lunar JAXA


Somewhere down the list, I have the Lunar faction I want to play, JAXA. The Japanese Aerospace eXploration Agency gets the best equipment of any of the teams on the moon, so looking forward to building more spacemen.

Exodite Craftworld Kill Team


This should be a good one when I get around to it. I've got these three pieces, and we're going to try to make a unit of Exodite Dire Avengers out of them. Should be fun and look wild.



I've had the Khorne Kill Team for a while, and started on the Flesh Hounds, but got distracted. Just three things to build and paint, and a bit more to finish up the hounds. There's a lot of 40K playing […]

Lunar Rovers


Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto! The rovers are super flexible and able to be added to any nation of Lunar. I have six to build and paint up, and looking forward to getting to them sooner or later. Probably the second […]

Warhammer Quest (1995) Rebuilt


One of my favorite games has been the old version of Warhammer Quest back from 1995. I still have my base set but I want to expand it to include the optional expanded bits from the Roleplay book it includes. […]

Journey into 3D Printing


Hi one and all This project is to document my first steps into the world of resin 3D printing. The wonderful other half bought me a surprise Anycubic Photon X 6k ,after looking over my shoulder one evening while I […]

Building The Tsugumori – Or Demonsub’s First Gunpla


A project to show and document my building of my first Japanese model kit of a mecha, usually known as a Gunpla kit. The kit in question is from the anime and manga Knights of Sidonia and is the Tsugumori, […]

Manda’s (Amachan) Tsumugi


In this project I am sculpting and painting the probe from Tsumugi from Knights of Sidonia.

Sci Fi Base


Buildings and internal furniture for a sci fi base for games like Stargrave, 5 Parsecs From Home and Alien RPG. Buildings are Sarissa and Antenocitis Workshop, with furniture etc from Dungeons and Lasers and 3D printed at home

STRONG BURGH (3D printable terrain)


3D printable STL files - Medieval Fantasy terrain - Tabletop wargaming and RPGs - PAY WHAT YOU WANT model inside!

Blood&Steel Game Table


I just have finished all my miniatures and Terrain for my Blood&Steel game table.

TerrainFest 2023


What happens when you have bad ideas and have been in the real ones.You have to start somewhere.

The Silver Bayonet…


A small project to get some models done to play a few games...

Star Wars: Legion Project by Deltex


Hi, fellow OnTableTop community members! First time Project poster here. I have a habit of buying into games and never actually finishing them, including Star Wars: Legion. The starter box had been sitting on my shelf for a number of […]

Great Cthulhu


Recently picked up the Great Cthulhu at UK Games Expo, Built and primed and ready to start painting.

SanchoPanza Rides Again – ReVamping Gangs of Rome


Step into the streets and alleyways of the ancient Roman Empire. Those streets have become rife with carnage and unrest in these uncertain times. Gangs of brutal Fighters are used as weapons to exert the will of their paymasters. These […]

One Week Juiced Jarheads


Building, painting, basing, and finishing a squad of buff soldiers from Wargames Atlantic, in a quick fashion to get on the table.

Tales of a hobby butterfly


Turns out i may be a hobby butterfly freshly hatched from my chrysalis of denial. This challenge started with the intention of completing a project i started many years ago when i purchased advanced space crusade. Turns out i am […]

Basing project from 1980s me.


I have about 40 painted but un-based sci-fi miniatures from the mid to late 1980s. They're all Citadel, mainly from their Judge Dredd range, but there's a few limited editions too. At the time I didn't really have a clue […]



Verrotwood is a grimdark fantasy miniatures agnostic skirmish game. The game's core rules are designed to be simple to pick up and play. It uses a ten sided dice pool system that helps to speed up play by removing the […]

Glass men and other Frostgrave constructs


Inspired by the Fireheart expansion for frostgrave and my love of constructs I am trying to model all the constructs, from rules and the art.

Zebraoutrider is Reborn…


2022 was my annus horribilis with the passing of my father. He was 84 (so a good innings) but it was sudden and it fell to me to find him. He was my greatest supporter, critical friend, mentor and idol. […]

Life’s a Gaslands


Around 2017 I renewed a childhood interest in gaming and rpgs, I started with StarWars Edge of Empire and made some friends who had been playing games for years. I became an avid board gamer and went into it both […]

Operation Blackwind


I get started on Infinity's CodeOne, with the Operation Blackwind bundle from Corvus Belli

Achtung! Cthulhu in the Early Morning


I have been fascinated by the SOE for a long time and when I read about Grey for Now Games 02 Hundred Hours I knew I had to get this game, it arrived about a week ago. Having read the […]

Making my own miniatures for Starmada Fleet Ops


Not too long ago I purchased a copy of Starmada Fleet Ops by Majestic 12 Games. There are sample fleets in the book, and printable tokens to represent the ships, this is all well and good but I would rather […]

Making my own miniatures for Starmada Fleet Ops


Not too long ago I purchased a copy of Starmada Fleet Ops by Majestic 12 Games. There are sample fleets in the book, and printable tokens to represent the ships, this is all well and good but I would rather […]

Making my own miniatures for Starmada Fleet Ops


Not too long ago I purchased a copy of Starmada Fleet Ops by Majestic 12 Games. There are sample fleets in the book, and printable tokens to represent the ships, this is all well and good but I would rather […]

Making my own miniatures for Starmada Fleet Ops


Not too long ago I purchased a copy of Starmada Fleet Ops by Majestic 12 Games. There are sample fleets in the book, and printable tokens to represent the ships, this is all well and good but I would rather […]

Making my own miniatures for Starmada Fleet Ops


Not too long ago I purchased a copy of Starmada Fleet Ops by Majestic 12 Games. There are sample fleets in the book, and printable tokens to represent the ships, this is all well and good but I would rather […]

Old Mech, New Horizon (War)


Converting old Mech Warrior models for Horizon Wars

Warcry: Red Harvest – a self motivational project blog


This will be my first project log here, and I am hoping that it will be a good motivational tool for myself in order to make some positive progress. I’m a hobbyist in my late 40’s, having started with GW […]

Lupa15’s Flyhawk Bismark


I decided to try my hand at scale modeling and was inspired by Plasmo from Youtube to try out the Flyhawk Bismark kit 1:350 scale.

HMS Surprise for Black Seas


Building the HMS Surprise from the famous movie "Master and Commander" in 1/700 scale for the game Black Seas

Optimus Prime & Co.: A Newbies attempt at Gunpla


A few years back Justin showed off his Gunpla kit and made it sound like building one would be fun. I've never gotten in to Gundam and have too much other stuff to build so I've not looked in to […]

Manda’s (Amachan) RC Adventures


This project follows along my adventures of getting into the world of RC crawling.

Raise high the black flag, my children! No prisoners. No pity. I will shoot any man I see with pity in him


"In life, war. In death, peace. In life, shame. In death, atonement." — Final litany of the Litany of Sacrifice, recited by Krieg Korpsmen when entering battle

Edo Strider for Counterblast™


A detailed look at the production process of the Edo Strider. The workflow from concept to completion of the resin kit for the Counterblast Adventure Battle Game.

2022 Vs Ugleb’s Painting Pile


I decided to keep a track of what hobby I get done in 2022 Vs a considerable backlog of well intentioned projects...

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