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Klorophil’s Infinity armies


Hello, Just a place for me to share my projects for Infinity. Enjoy!

Motor Mayhem: Skirmish Speedway


In the neon-lit streets of the sprawling megacity of Neon Nexus, racing isn't just a sport—it's a way of life, a ruthless competition that separates the powerful from the powerless. The year is 2147, and the world as we know […]

CITY-8 (3D printable)


3D printable STL files - Sci-fi / Cyberpunk terrain - LED lights & OpenLOCK systems.

El arte de elegir tonos de llamada apropiados para tu dispositivo móvil


El mundo moderno está lleno de dispositivos electrónicos que se han convertido en extensiones de nosotros mismos. Entre estos, el teléfono móvil ocupa un lugar destacado. Es más que un simple dispositivo de comunicación; es una herramienta multifacética que nos […]



Exploring CodeBlade, a new cyberpunk skirmish game from Neurocraft Studios.

Underhive Tunnels


I've had a set of walls from Death Ray Designs sitting incomplete since the beginning of 2023. I need to get these painted to help motivate me to finish my Necromunda gangs and play more games.

Basing project from 1980s me.


I have about 40 painted but un-based sci-fi miniatures from the mid to late 1980s. They're all Citadel, mainly from their Judge Dredd range, but there's a few limited editions too. At the time I didn't really have a clue […]

Infinity Japanese Secessionist Army


My first army for Inifnity was the Japanese Sectorial Army(JSA). This project covers my JSA collection.

Yaroslavs growing Union army


my growing Union army for the gunslinger campaign and beyond

Party like a grot


I won this model several months ago at a local charity event… I’ve built it right away which was a painful process due to the sprue design and fiddliness of small parts, but got shocked by the quality of this […]

Party like a grot


I won this model several months ago at a local charity event… I’ve built it right away which was a painful process due to the sprue design and fiddliness of small parts, but got shocked by the quality of this […]

Party like a grot


I won this model several months ago at a local charity event… I’ve built it right away which was a painful process due to the sprue design and fiddliness of small parts, but got shocked by the quality of this […]

Party like a grot


I won this model several months ago at a local charity event… I’ve built it right away which was a painful process due to the sprue design and fiddliness of small parts, but got shocked by the quality of this […]

Painting my Hydrophilia minis


Painting of my lovely minis for Hydrophilia. Starting with Nishimura corp.

Cyberpunk in Oils


This is a two-birds-one-stone project. I’ve been itching to paint a miniature entirely in oil paints for a while now. I have also been hoarding a load of cyberpunk miniatures, mostly from Human Interface, and having just played through the […]

Cyberpunk city mdf buildings


Having created a cool app-based game and successfully played a couple of rounds with family across the continent (well, me in the UK and my son-in-law in Italy) and having spend many many hours painting my cyberpunk/Unit9 minis, I figured […]

CyFi’s necromunda conversion paint and play


All my necromunda stuff. art and miniatures mostly but anything necromunda related that I do

App-based tabletop gaming


With meeting people face-to-face to play tabletop games becoming ever more difficult, I decided to look again at an idea that's been nagging away at the back of my brain for a few years now: play-over-the-net gaming.

Cyberpunk Advertising Signs


Nearly ten years ago, I hacked open a K838 digital photo frame and used the screen to create my own battery-powered pocket device. I turned it into a golf-score keeping gadget for my son-in-law (I don't play golf) and was […]

Spring Cleanning. Cyberpunk


A while ago I started painting building some scenery and backed the Human Interface Nakamura Tower kickstarter I painted Johnny Silverhand and base coated a couple of others. I had also built two and painted two buildings. That is as […]

Titan Forge Cyberpunk March Diorama


Every month, Titan Forge run a "Plastic Junkies" competition, to win a 3d resin printer. They invite patrons to create a diorama using their terrain pieces and choose the best one. Runners up prizes can win bottles of resin (to […]

Cyberpunk by Evilstu


Putting together a Cyberpunk gaming table, as I feel the genre does not get enough love. Will use the fantastic Knights of Dice terrain as the initial starting point. This will be intended for use with the game Afterlife by […]

Lupa15’s Khador


Khador is a faction I dabble with in Warmachine. This project documents my journey to paint the various miniatures I own for the faction.

Lupa15’s Privateer Press Special Edition Miniatures


Painting my Privateer Press busts, special edition miniatures and minicrate models and documenting the journey.



Time to finally get this painted up and to the table.

Jockjay project ‘free’ Aleph


I like infinity. But having a few finincial hiccups in the past few months made me purge quite a few models to keep the wolves from the door. My idea was to buy operation cold front, As the new aleph […]

Cyberpunk Diorama – Spring Cleaning Hobby Challenge. Completed


I did most of my spring cleaning last summer, but what is left I’ll try to use in this project. You’ll find details and idea outline can be found in first entry bellow. Thumbnail image is publicly availble at:

Boyz from the Dwarf enter Core Space


Getting ready for a solo campaign in Core Space with the Boyz from the Dwarf! Core Space twixt Red Dwarf is amazing!

Cyberpunk Costume Mashup


Greetings, ah Halloween. A time to get ghouly and involved in the macabre and the gruesomely grotesque, maybe? A propose a problem, with a solution. If I could I would go as a Werewolf, Judge Dredd, Rorschach, A Bladerunner (Or […]

Supported by (Turn Off)