Knights of the Round Table
Villainous Knights
Two villains to battle the Knights of the Round Table, Sir Marhault and Sir Turquine.
Sir Marhault was a champion of King Anguish of Ireland, and is often portrayed as a fierce and formidable opponent in battle. In some versions of the story, Marhalt is sent by King Anguish to challenge the King of Cornwall to a duel over a dispute regarding tribute. In other versions Marhalt is sent to avenge the death of his brother, who was killed by Tristan, the nephew of King Mark of Cornwall.
Sir Turquine was a Knight who hated the Knights of the Round Table. He would challenge them at a river crossing to battle, and then throw them into his prison when he won. Shields from the defeated where hung on a tree to defy Arthur. The Once and Future King numbers his captives at 64, before Lancelot finally overcomes Turquine after a 2 hour duel.
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