Terrain Fest 2024: Desert Table
First battle report. OnePageRulls- Prime Brothers vs Alien Hives
Turn 1
Beginning of turn one, my prime brother’s stationed in the center building annihilated a unit of Support Grunts . The Alien Hives immediately returned fire with the Psycho Rex and killed one of my terminators(image gallery 1 photo 7), but the Psycho-Rex misscast and lost one of his magic dice and couldn’t cast for the rest of round one. My assault Marines killed the rest of the psycho Grunts (image gallery 1 photo 9) only to be charged by his Hive Lord. Killing one of my assault Marines. With an valiantattempt to stem the tide of alien invasion. My prime master attacked his Psycho-Rex. inflicting two wounds ( image gallery 2 photo 6). John’s Shooter-Grunts inflicted two wounds on my terminators thus ending turn one.
Turn 2
Turn to started with John’s infiltrators coming on the table, followed by my bikers, getting out of range of an assault but keeping them in range of their weapons, knocking out one and leaving a wound on another. The Gun-Grunts then attacked my Prime Master only to be routed. Next, one of my Prime Squads open up on John’s Shadow Leapers. killing one and leaving the other wounded. Next John’s Hive Lord #2 attacked my Prime squad. His hive lord completely whiffed.(image gallery 2 photo 7) Fighting Back my boys did two wounds. The hive lord #1 attacked and completely annihilated my assault marine thus ending that squad, utterly. After that, the Shadow Leaper loan model attacked my bike squad inflicting two wounds, and taking one in return, leaving him with only one left. He past his leadership test . Next My, now two man squad of heavy Pime Marines unleashed a slew of fire on the cycle Psycho-Rex. Causing another two wounds, leaving him with only two wounds left.
Turn 3
-turn three begins with the Five man Prime Brother squad opening on Hive Lord number one on top of the main building. In return. He takes out his vengeance on the squad on top of building one. Killing one of the prime brothers and seriously wounding another.
Prime squad number two opened fire on Hive Lord#1causing another wound leaving him with one wound left.
Next the Shadow Leaper attempts to eradicate my bike squad! Killing one biker and leaving a wound on another, only to be cut down in return. Thus ending him and his squad.
Next with the bikers activation, they opened up on Hive Lord#2 to no avail.
Next up the remaining Shooter Grunts attacked my Prime Brother squad in the third building. While inflicting only one wound, they were decimated by the counter attack, routed.
Next my heavy Prime Brothers advanced and opened fire on Hive Lord#1. (Image gallery 3 photo 9) Finally killing it. Thus winning the scenario because there’s no way that the remaining Hive Lord could take two objectives in the next turn as he is the only model left from the other Army. I’m sure I made some mistakes with the rules, but I’m just learning this so I hope you guys enjoy this report. I really love how the table turned out. I look forward to getting in more games with this scenery.. this years Terrain Fest Really got me motivated to make something cool. On a sidenote, the space marines that I used were 3-D printed. I really like those models. Pictures 2 and 3 from photo gallery #3 is a pic of the number of dead on either side. Prime Brothers were on fire tonight. The last picture of gallery #3 is of the last men standing on both sides. The demon was our proxy Hive Lord.
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