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Terrain Fest 2024: Desert Table

Terrain Fest 2024: Desert Table

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Phase 6-Mod Podge/safety coat.

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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And now with the Mod Podge safety coat. The first picture is of everything non-coated. As you could see, I included pictures that showed various stages of covering with the Mod Podge. Don’t be afraid to get it on there in a nice coat. It doesn’t dry white, it dries clear. And even if you have some little white sections that look like they’re gonna stay white when it dries completely, they will become clear. It has a matte finish, but I’m still going to give it a matte  spray to give it that extra dry coat look. It won’t protect it completely but it will definitely help with the wear and tear of taking the scenery out and putting it back after a game. After time, foam scenery tends to chip and scratch. I also inncluded a picture of the bottom of the large pieces that I put a Mod Podge coat on, so it will adhere really good to the masonite that I’m gonna put on the bottom of that. This will also help to protect the edges of the hills. That will be the last stage of this project. Putting that masonite and sand and just a general brown spray paint coat on the sand and then Mod Podge on that too. I really wanna get this project completed in the timeframe for terrain fest 2024. I’m really close and I’m gonna get this thing done!. Once again, if you’re using mod podge, don’t hesitate to get a nice thick coat on there because it will dry clear and it will protect your scenery. OK y’all happy gaming until my next post.

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