Gorram's Grand Army Project
Night Goblins Part 7
None of my family know anything about wargaming and would, should the dark day ever come, be horrified at how much money has been spent on it over the years. As a result, I don’t get hobby gifts… which means I justify buying myself them instead. That’s how that works, right?
I was ordering something direct from GW in December so took the chance to grab one of the online only models for my goblins, the Doom Diver. A fantastically fun model to paint using the same paints as previous parts. I wasn’t happy with the wings, they seemed too plain. Once I finished basing the models though, it doesn’t look as bad as it did. I may still go back in the future to change them but I need a bit of distance to really figure out my feelings.
For the base size , I didn’t really know what I’d run this as in Kings of War. War engines usually base on a 50x50mm but this would have to fall under the exceptional base size rules (use whatever size is needed to get the model fully on a base) as it is too long for 50mm. The crew would all just be flavour rather than essential so I kept them on separate bases.
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