Deathkorps Regimental Colour Schemes
For the Emperor!
Welcome to my new little Project! As I’m eagerly awaiting the release of the new Deathkorps models I was thinking about a colour scheme for the uniform.
I did a quick research and found an overview of selected Krieg regiments and their uniforms. Being the least decisive person when it comes to a colour scheme I grabbed a few models and tried to recreate all of them and see what I like best.
There are a lot of excellent painting tutorials for Krieg uniforms out there, so why all the hassle?
I’m mainly using non-Citadel Paints and therefore wanted to have a painting scheme for the paints I have, and also wanted to provide a colour scheme without Thunderhawk Blue and Russ Grey as those might be hard to find once the models are out ^^
Also there is no better way to get a feeling for a paint scheme than to try it out yourself.
I wanted to share my work with you as I’m sure a lot of Imperial Guard (Astra Mili…what?) fans are eager to paint the new models. I hope this painting guide will give you some inspiration and if you already have your own Colour scheme why not share it here? Lets make the grimdark battlefields a little more colourful together!
Now grab your shovel ähhhhh I mean brush and get to work – happy painting!
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