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Collins does a Frostgrave board

Collins does a Frostgrave board

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Doing Icicles...

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Following the terrain tutor’s video gets results… instead of using silicone however I used ‘Clear Fix’ because I had that in the house already.

It is left overs from the stormtrooper water project in 2021. so yeah, it was dried out to heck, that meant I had to take a hacksaw to the tube to get at some uncured product. extreme measure but hey, I needed it and it would only end up in the bin otherwise.

take some product on the end of a spatula and dab it to the underside of things you want ice hanging from.take some product on the end of a spatula and dab it to the underside of things you want ice hanging from.
Doing Icicles...
Doing Icicles...
Doing Icicles...
Doing Icicles...
Doing Icicles...
Doing Icicles...
Doing Icicles...
Doing Icicles...

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