Old-school 40k Ork village
Painting the third building
It took me quite a while to paint this one up (might be a bit too big!):
Here’s a good pic of the interior layout, showing two garage doors, the split-level and internal stairs / external ladder up (also the little door under the stairs where I imagine the Gretchin helpers live):
Roof and inside of the tower room, with stairs to tower roof. Storage tank is from the Necromunda Stronghold kit, with the legs cut down a little. The roof is actually bigger than the Renedra flooring, so I’ve joined several pieces together with plasticard struts:
Mekboys construct and maintain a vast array of Ork technology, so require a great variety of tools; be this a small hammer, large hammer, or larger hammer (note: wrench is for stirring squig-tea, but can be used as a hammer in a pinch):
The tower staircase left quite a large blank space on the walls which I thought would be good for some Orky billboards. I printed these using decal paper on my crummy inkjet – not great quality, but they do the job. Just make sure to spray with clearcoat before using, so the ink is sealed and wont wipe off!:
The ‘Bad Year’ tyre one is a reference to the classic metal Rogue Trader Warbuggy sculpt by Kev Adams, which has ‘Bad Year’ sculpted on the rear tyres ^__^
Best Ork buildings I have ever seen. Congrats.