2024 Painting Log
Baboons with grenades and lizards with laser rifles
Most of my hobby time has been taken up with finishing two last-minute Terrainfest projects, but I did manage to knock out these two Star Schlock units. Both of them are sets of five models with some repeated sculpts, so I wanted to try to add a little variety by not painting them all exactly the same.
I knew I wanted at least a few of the Babooms to be mandrills, which turned out to be quite a bit easier than expected thanks in part to a recently discovered tutorial on the very subject of painting baboons and mandrills (thanks @avernos).
For the Sleazoids, I thought about doing the unforms in different colors but instead decided on different shades of green for the heads and hands. I think it makes for enough visual variation while still making them look like a cohesive unit.
2024 models painted so far: 260, for 8 different games
(edit 12-29-2024: the original photos I had uploaded were a little too purple for my liking, so I’ve adjusted and replaced them.)
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