The Bronzecast Ogrions & the Normalites of Vanillashire.
Making Sense Of Stormcast - 1st Ogrion Chariot Regiment is Ready.
Hi everyone.
My first Ogrion chariot regiment is ready. Chariot regiments should have 3 models on the base. I do have 3 chariots in fact – I bought them from Spain at 40% off during Black Friday, but they are just too big to fit.
Therefore I went with just two. So this will be a fixed chariot regiment. I will use the third chariot for my Warlord, Sergeant or Standard Bearer.
My second chariot regiment will be proxied by a Stormcast Vanguard-Palladors box set that I also bought at a good discount from Spain. I will base them separately so I can use them as a troop or regiment if I so choose to.
Next, I have to start the characters. I have six to paint up. So that might be my next post. Until then, stay safe and have fun.
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