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Draconis Does….. TerrainFest 2024

Draconis Does….. TerrainFest 2024

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River, Bridge and Ford

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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22nd December 2024

The end of the year approaches, but I have plenty still to go on this. The terrain so far is just for the core book scenarios. A lot will be usable for other books, to some extent though.

Anyway, I continued this by adding a second colour of flock to the terrain.

River, Bridge and Ford

Then I needed to work on the bridge. I drybrushed the bridge, painted the arch blocks in a different colour (added some washes to weather the bottom edges later).

Then I cut some cobblestone plasticard to size for the roadway, leaving it a touch longer so that I could trim it down. I drybrushed this with a variety of shades, and added a few patches of different washes. This was glued down onto the curved foamcard, and held in place while it set.

Once it was set, I glued it onto the river section, and added some pins with plastic heads to act as ‘stone’ balls on the ends of the bridge walls (painted grey later). Then it was a third flock colour laid down.

Finally I put down several coats of gloss varnish onto the river itself, added various pieces of clump foliage, and the finishing touch of a few flakes of the dried parsley scattered around.

For the ford section I wanted to give the appearance of foamy water hitting the rocks. So I mixed up some contact adhesive with some white paint, and applied that to the upstream edges.

River, Bridge and Ford
River, Bridge and Ford
River, Bridge and Ford
River, Bridge and Ford

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