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Mad Dogs with Guns Save Santa?

Mad Dogs with Guns Save Santa?

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Tutoring 0
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Idea 2
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Seeing their opportunity, the elves and Jack Frost move in to take Santa for themselves!

With a cry of “For the ELF!” an elf runs forward throwing an explosive snowball!

He completely whiffs and dies in an explosion of glitter from the cops.

But the treachery is doubled because now Jack Frost decides to grab Santa himself!  All the cops rush forward and began pumping him full of lead! But the treachery is doubled because now Jack Frost decides to grab Santa himself! All the cops rush forward and began pumping him full of lead!
Now the cops, gangsters and sole surviving elf gang up on Jack Frost!  Lt McClain is in the top right of this photo.  Meanwhile, a lone gangster concentrates fire on Santa …Now the cops, gangsters and sole surviving elf gang up on Jack Frost! Lt McClain is in the top right of this photo. Meanwhile, a lone gangster concentrates fire on Santa …
Vowing no one will have Santa, a single gangster takes aim and Santa explodes into a massive glitter bomb.  Vowing no one will have Santa, a single gangster takes aim and Santa explodes into a massive glitter bomb.

We’re all getting lumps of coal this year.

But next year …

Santa will be rocking a Tommy Gun.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!  May your holidays be filled with love, laughter and games!

The players. The guy in the red t-shirt is Mr. Thorpe and organized the game. The guy in the super cool hat is the author.  The players. The guy in the red t-shirt is Mr. Thorpe and organized the game. The guy in the super cool hat is the author.

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